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GaWx (Larry) Appreciation Day

El Kabong

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After reading through yet another treasure trove of data from GaWx, I thought it might be worth recognizing how fortunate the Southeast forum is to have our very own walking weather sage!  The historical data Larry shares provides us with such rich context and adds tremendous value to the ongoing weather discussions, especially during the winter months.  Perhaps some of the other regional forums have their own "Larry," but I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who has compiled the same amount of weather data as GaWx.


In addition, any newcomers to the SE forum would be wise to pay careful attention to any threads that Larry starts pertaining to potential winter storms.  I don't know the exact number he has called in advance over the past several years, but the most recent one was a thread he started on Jan 22, 2014 for the winter storm that hit the southeast six days later.  There have been others as well.  Larry would never claim to bat .1000, but my ears perk up whenever GaWx starts honking!  If the anticipated El Nino pans out, perhaps you'll get to honk more than normal this winter. :snowing:


So, thanks Larry for all that you do and for your invaluable contributions to our forum! :clap:

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After reading through yet another treasure trove of data from GaWx, I thought it might be worth recognizing how fortunate the Southeast forum is to have our very own walking weather sage!  The historical data Larry shares provides us with such rich context and adds tremendous value to the ongoing weather discussions, especially during the winter months.  Perhaps some of the other regional forums have their own "Larry," but I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who has compiled the same amount of weather data as GaWx.


In addition, any newcomers to the SE forum would be wise to pay careful attention to any threads that Larry starts pertaining to potential winter storms.  I don't know the exact number he has called in advance over the past several years, but the most recent one was a thread he started on Jan 22, 2014 for the winter storm that hit the southeast six days later.  There have been others as well.  Larry would never claim to bat .1000, but my ears perk up whenever GaWx starts honking!  If the anticipated El Nino pans out, perhaps you'll get to honk more than normal this winter. :snowing:


So, thanks Larry for all that you do and for your invaluable contributions to our forum! :clap:


Good post, El Kabong.  It's good to offer thanks (especially publicly) whenever it is due.  And Larry most assuredly goes above and beyond here as he continually supplies a treasure trove of weather lore.


I do think Larry would claim to bat better than .1000 (1/10), though.  He might aspire to bat 1.000 (10/10), but that's the unattainable value.  :nerdsmiley:;)

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Good post, El Kabong.  It's good to offer thanks (especially publicly) whenever it is due.  And Larry most assuredly goes above and beyond here as he continually supplies a treasure trove of weather lore.


I do think Larry would claim to bat better than .1000 (1/10), though.  He might aspire to bat 1.000 (10/10), but that's the unattainable value.  :nerdsmiley:;)

I might've known someone with a name like calculus1 would catch my decimal error!  It certainly should've read 1.000...and even though that is unattainable, he definitely should claim far better than the 1/10 I gave him credit for!  I would bet that his batting average would be somewhere between .600 and .700 on his long range calls for winter weather.  He is especially good at calling out storms for the far southern and coastal areas who rarely get winter storm threats.  Since he's based in Savannah, I know he pays close attention to any frozen precip threats that might affect the coast.  I'm located in central GA (about 30 mi. south of Macon, GA) and typically on the outside looking in when it comes to winter weather.  But, if the models pick up on a "southern slider" after some cold air has filtered in, I've learned to listen to Larry!  

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I might've known someone with a name like calculus1 would catch my decimal error!  It certainly should've read 1.000...and even though that is unattainable, he definitely should claim far better than the 1/10 I gave him credit for!  I would bet that his batting average would be somewhere between .600 and .700 on his long range calls for winter weather.  He is especially good at calling out storms for the far southern and coastal areas who rarely get winter storm threats.  Since he's based in Savannah, I know he pays close attention to any frozen precip threats that might affect the coast.  I'm located in central GA (about 30 mi. south of Macon, GA) and typically on the outside looking in when it comes to winter weather.  But, if the models pick up on a "southern slider" after some cold air has filtered in, I've learned to listen to Larry!  


Just doing my job, El Kabong:  dispensing math knowledge one post at a time.  ;)  :nerdsmiley: 


Seriously, Larry does do a fantastic job, and I like your new batting averages you threw out there.  60% is definitely Hall of Fame worthy.

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 OMG, wow, thank you El Kabong for starting this thread. Also, thank you mack, rosie, Wxkid, wx n of atl, GAStorm, calc, Hvward, fraz, CR, Met1985, machete, Bob, snowstorm, and Big Frosty as well as to anyone else who may reply later (in case I miss you) as well as to the regular SE forum posters in general (they can't all respond and neither do I expect that) who make these discussions possible. You're most welcome! I wish there were a turning red smilie as I couldn't find it lol.

 Even though I post a good bit and enjoy generating discussions regarding things about which I get passionate, the interesting thing is that I'm actually pretty introverted. The beauty of the internet is that one can generate discussions and still remain pretty much anonymous if he/she wants, which is good for someone like myself. Regardless, I know that Tony's very long overdue moles may be looking for me any day now and are expecting me to be their chaperone. So, the introverted me won't be able to hide from those wild party animals. :( On second thought I guess I could hide, but I'd be breaking my promise to Tony to make sure they don't get into big trouble.

 Speaking of the Euro, would you all join me in signing a petition to get Congress to approve of a three hour "fall back" time change so that the Euro would be completed before midnight? I'll even sacrifice my evening walks or I'll just walk after dark! ;)

 Thanks again, folks! Now, let's get a warm Oct, an actual El Nino, and a cool to cold winter! If we get those three things and the winter sucks wintry precipwise for most in the N/C AL, N/C GA, NW SC, and W/C NC, I'd then expect my credibility/popularity to drop like a rock lol.

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Just doing my job, El Kabong:  dispensing math knowledge one post at a time.  ;)  :nerdsmiley:


Seriously, Larry does do a fantastic job, and I like your new batting averages you threw out there.  60% is definitely Hall of Fame worthy.

No problem...we need good accountability here in the SE Forum, especially since we're dealing with numbers, percentages, etc. quite a bit!  :thumbsup:


You're right, Larry has rightfully earned a place in the forecasting Hall of Fame.  I hope his batting average goes up some more this winter!

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 OMG, wow, thank you El Kabong for starting this thread. Also, thank you mack, rosie, Wxkid, wx n of atl, GAStorm, calc, Hvward, fraz, CR, Met1985, machete, Bob, snowstorm, and Big Frosty as well as to anyone else who may reply later (in case I miss you) as well as to the SE forumites in general (they can't all respond and neither do I expect that) who make these discussions possible. You're most welcome! I wish there were a turning red smilie as I couldn't find it lol.

 Even though I post a good bit and enjoy generating discussions regarding things about which I get passionate, the interesting thing is that I'm actually pretty introverted. The beauty of the internet is that one can generate discussions and still remain pretty much anonymous if he/she wants, which is good for someone like myself. Regardless, I know that Tony's very long overdue moles may be looking for me any day now and are expecting me to be their chaperone. So, the introverted me won't be able to hide from those wild party animals. :( On second thought I guess I could hide, but I'd be breaking my promise to Tony to make sure they don't get into big trouble.

 Speaking of the Euro, would you all join me in signing a petition to get Congress to approve of a three hour "fall back" time change so that the Euro would be completed before midnight? I'll even sacrifice my evening walks or I'll just walk after dark! ;)

 Thanks again, folks! Now, let's get a warm Oct, an actual El Nino, and a cool to cold winter! If we get those three things and the winter sucks wintry precipwise, I'd then expect my credibility/popularity to drop like a rock lol.


Larry, you're very welcome!  You've earned every positive comment posted thus far (and hopefully, more will be coming!)  Anytime there's a winter storm threat, there are a handful of posters in our forum whose comments deserve special attention...and you're certainly in that group.  When "storm mode" hits the SE forum, the cream definitely rises to the top and it's wise to sort the wheat from the chaff.  Since this is Appreciation Day for you, I won't specifically name the other mets and non-mets whose knowledge and opinions I lean on, but you have most certainly earned a seat at that table.


And, since you brought Tony into the discussion, I have to say that for pure entertainment and laughs, nothing beats a post from dsaur.  He's one of the few posters whose comments you can read and know who it is without looking at their screen name.  Nobody says it quite like Tony!  I think a collection of "Tony-isms" would make for a very good read!  I'm hoping his moles will be on storm alert several times this winter and that even a trip to Savannah won't be far enough to escape the clutches of a forum-wide winter storm!

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 Thanks very much Falls, Pluff, metal, and iso! I have a feeling that my forecasting success rate is about to take a plunge. ;) Actually, I don't think I've done much forecasting of late other than in the main BB's tropical contest and some ENSO related stuff. Also, yes, indeed, I agree that dsaur/Tony is hilarious and belongs in the wx hobbyist  comedian HOF.

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ditto.  Larry is the man.  I have learned much about weather as well as how to conduct oneself on the internets, by watching Larry.  And I'm not good with details but I remember several times recently Larry saying look out for the cold/snow/ice when many other outlets were saying winters over, and we cashed in. 

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