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August 2014 temperature forecast contest

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The countdown continues ...


__ after n days __ DCA __ NYC __ BOS ____ ORD __ ATL __ IAH ____ DEN __ PHX __ SEA


_____ 18 ______ --1.5 __ --1.6 __ --1.7 ___ --1.7 __ --1.6 __ --0.6 ___ --1.1 __ --1.2 __ +4.0

_____ 19 ______ --1.3 __ --1.6 __ --1.9 ___ --1.3 __ --1.6 __ --0.6 ___ --1.0 __ --1.7 __ +4.0

_____ 20 ______ --1.2 __ --1.4 __ --2.1 ___ --1.1 __ --1.4 __ --0.5 ___ --0.9 __ --1.9 __ +3.7

_____ 21 ______ --1.0 __ --1.4 __ --2.2 ___ --0.9 __ --1.3 __ --0.4 ___ --0.8 __ --2.5 __ +3.3

_____ 22 ______ --0.9 __ --1.5 __ --2.3 ___ --0.5 __ --1.0 __ --0.3 ___ --1.1 __ --2.8 __ +3.1

_____ 23 ______ --1.0 __ --1.5 __ --2.4 ___ --0.3 __ --0.8 __ --0.2 ___ --1.2 __ --3.0 __ +3.2

_____ 24 ______ --1.1 __ --1.5 __ --2.4 ____ 0.0 __ --0.6 __ --0.1 ___ --1.3 __ --2.9 __ +3.0

_____ 25 ______ --1.1 __ --1.4 __ --2.2 ___ +0.3 __ --0.7 __ +0.1 ___ --1.5 __ --2.9 __ +3.2

_____ 26 ______ --1.0 __ --1.1 __ --2.0 ___ +0.6 __ --0.8 __ +0.2 ___ --1.6 __ --2.9 __ +3.4

_____ 27 ______ --0.9 __ --1.1 __ --1.6 ___ +0.7 __ --0.8 __ +0.1 ___ --1.7 __ --2.8 __ +3.5

_____ 28 ______ --0.8 __ --0.8 __ --1.4 ___ +0.8 __ --0.7 __ +0.1 ___ --1.9 __ --2.6 __ +3.4

_____ 29 ______ --0.9 __ --0.9 __ --1.6 ___ +0.9 __ --0.6 __ +0.1 ___ --1.9 __ --2.4 __ +3.4

_____ 30 ______ --0.8 __ --0.9 __ --1.6 ___ +1.1 __ --0.5 __ +0.1 ___ --1.9 __ --2.2 __ +3.1


_____ 31 ______ --0.4 __ --0.7 __ --1.3 ___ +1.3 __ --0.4 ___ 0.0 ____ --1.9 __ --2.0 __ +3.0

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Final Scoring for August 2014


See previous post for monthly anomalies.


FORECASTER _____________ DCA _ NYC _ BOS __ CL ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH __ EX ____  TOTALS



SD ______________________ 98 __ 94 __ 94 ___ 286 ___ 50__ 98 __ 92 ___ 240 ____ 526


Normal ___________________92 __ 86 __ 74 ___ 252 ___ 74___ 92__100___ 266 ____ 518


Roger Smith _______________98 __ 96 __ 88 ___ 282 ___ 48 __ 88 __ 98 ___ 234 ____ 516

Tom _____________________92 __ 92 __ 96 ___ 280 ___ 44 __ 96 __ 92 ___ 232 ____ 512

OHweather ________________96 __ 94 __ 84 ___ 274 ___ 54 __ 90 __ 90 ___ 234 ____ 508


Consensus ________________100 __94 __ 80 ___ 274 ___ 44 __98 __ 90 ___ 232 ____ 506


Tenman Johnson ___________ 90 __ 84 __ 80 ___ 254 ___ 44 __98 __ 90 ___ 232 ____ 486

wxdude64 ________________100__ 96 __ 74 ___ 270 ___ 30 __ 86 __ 92 ___ 208 ____ 478

donsutherland.1 ____________88 __ 78 __ 64 ___ 230 ___ 62 __ 86 __ 90 ___ 238 ____ 468

cpick79 ___________________92 __ 94 __ 84 ___ 270 ___ 50 __ 82 __ 90 ___ 222 _ 492
___________ (-5%) ________ 87 __ 89 __ 80 ___ 256 ___ 48 __ 78 __ 86 ___ 212 ____ 468

goobagooba _______________92 __ 82 __ 68 ___ 242 ___ 58 __ 84 __ 80 ___ 222 ____ 464

hudsonvalley21 ____________ 86 __ 78 __ 62 ___ 226 ___ 56 __ 88 __ 92 ___ 236 ____ 462

Midlo Snow Maker __________82 __ 92 __ 80 ___ 254 ___ 34 __ 92 __ 82 ___ 208 ____ 462
Isotherm _________________ 86 __ 74 __ 56 ___ 216 ___ 64 __ 92 __ 84 ___ 240 ____ 456

RodneyS _________________ 72 __100__ 94 ___ 266 ___ 00 __ 94 __ 88 ___ 182 ____ 448

Uncle W __________________80 __ 74 __ 84 ___ 238 ___ 42 __ 78 __ 90 ___ 210 ____ 448

wxallannj _________________56 __ 56 __ 56 ___ 168 ___ 96__ 72 __ 90 ___ 258 ____ 426
SACRUS __________________72 __ 58 __ 38 ___ 168 ___ 70 __ 76 __100___ 246 ____ 414

Mallow ___________________80 __ 86 __ 84 ___ 250 ___ 16 __ 72 __ 78 ___ 166 ____ 416

blazess556 ________________72 __ 74 __ 78 ___ 224 ___ 08 __ 84 __ 90 ___ 182 ____ 406

bkviking __________________78 __ 68 __ 68 ___ 214 ___ 18 __ 70 __ 82 ___ 170 ____ 384

metalicwx366 ______________68 __ 64 __ 54 ___ 186 ___ 58 __ 70 __ 68 ___ 196 ____ 382

stebo ____________________ 66 __ 68 __ 66 ___ 200 ___ 00 __ 80 __ 86 ___ 166 ____ 366

Damage in Tolland __________62 __ 70 __ 52 ___ 184 ___ 40 __ 68 __ 82 ___ 190 _ 374
_____________ (-10%) _____ 56 __ 63 __ 47 ___ 166 ___ 36 __ 61 __ 74 ___ 171 ____ 337

ksammut _________________ 50 __ 52 __ 60 ___ 162 ___ 06 __ 68 __ 78 ___ 152 ____ 314



Provisional Scoring for Western Contest


FORECASTER _____________ DEN _ PHX _ SEA ____ TOTAL



RodneyS __________________92 __ 90 __ 72 ____ 254

donsutherland.1 ____________92 __ 76 __ 72 ____ 240

Isotherm __________________96 __ 66 __ 78 ____ 240
Midlo Snow Maker _________100 __ 36 __ 78 ____ 214

ksammut _________________ 82 __ 76 __ 46 ____ 204

goobagooba _______________90 __ 56 __ 40 ____ 186
Roger Smith _______________62 __ 38 __ 84 ____ 184

bkviking __________________ 46 __ 50 __ 72 ____ 168


Consensus ________________ 50 __ 46 __ 72 ____ 168

Normal ___________________ 62 __ 60 __ 40 ____ 162


hudsonvalley21 ____________ 50 __ 58 __ 52 ____ 160
stebo ____________________ 38 __ 44 __ 78 ____ 160

blazess556 ________________36 __ 42 __ 80 ____ 158
SACRUS __________________ 32 __ 46 __ 80 ____ 158

Mallow ___________________ 74 __ 06 __ 76 ____ 156

metalicwx366 ______________46 __ 36 __ 72 ____ 154
Tom _____________________ 56 __ 38 __ 56 ____ 150
cpick79 ___________________32 __ 50 __ 76 _ 158
__________ (-5%) __________30 __ 48 __ 72 ____ 150
wxallannj _________________ 66 __ 50 __ 30 ____ 146
wxdude64 ________________ 48 __ 38 __ 60 ____ 146
SD _______________________24 __ 34 __ 74 ____ 132
Damage in Tolland __________22 __ 22 __ 66 _ 110
____________ (-10%) ______ 20 __ 20 __ 59 ____ 099
OHweather ________________38 __ 20 __ 30 ____ 088



Annual scoring totals are found in two separate posts below.



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I think you'll find this interesting, it has been a year of extremes but quite often cold ones which we are just not that used to seeing, and we have quite a list of months at the nine stations where no forecast was as extreme as reality, or else one or perhaps two were. Ironically, after we became conditioned to go negative for ORD, the reverse situation has developed this past month and we ended up with the one higher forecast finishing first.


Before I get into that, the basic analysis of our group scoring is that we have improved on normal (no anomaly) by about 0.4 F deg a month, with the top scores for each station over all months averaging more like 0.8 to 1.3 F deg a month improvement.


Here's a complete list of the times (updated with SEP 2014, three more) where


(.A.) the anomaly was greater than or equal to any forecast (in the same sign direction, anyway) or

(.B.) where there was one forecast greater, and if so, whether that one was closest or not.

 ... Names are somewhat abbreviated, hope you can recognize the culprits. Late penalties could influence results of actual high score as opposed to closest forecast, but after revision of the larger penalties March to May, that was no longer the case.


MONTH ______ STATION ______ ANOMALY ______ EXTREME FORECAST same sign ___ actual closest forecast__ type


Sep ____________ATL __________ +2.3 ____________ +2.2 goobagooba _____________ <-- this ________A

Sep ___________ DEN __________ +1.3 _____________ +1.3 blazess556 _____________ <-- this ________A

Sep ___________ SEA ___________ +3.5 ____________ +1.8 donsutherland.1 _________ <-- this ________A

Aug ____________ORD _________ +1.3 _____________ +1.1 wxallannj _______________ <-- this ________A

Aug ____________PHX _________ --2.0 _____________ -1.5 RodneyS _________________ <-- this ________A

Aug ___________ SEA __________ +3.0 _____________ +3.8 Roger ___________________ <-- this ________B

July ___________ DCA _________ --0.4 _____________ --0.5 Tenman _________________ <-- this ________B

July ___________ NYC _________ --0.4 _____________ --0.5 Tenman _________________ <-- this ________B

July ___________ ORD _________ --3.6 _____________ -2.5 RodneyS _________________ <-- this ________A

July ___________ ATL __________ --2.3 ____________ --0.6 Hudson __________________ <-- this ________A

July ___________ SEA __________ +3.5 ____________ +2.7 RodneyS _________________ <-- this ________A

June __________ ORD __________ +2.0 ____________ +1.6 Roger ___________________ <-- this ________A

May __________ DCA ___________ +2.5 ____________ +2.1 metallic__________________ <-- this ________A

May __________ NYC ___________ +1.6 ____________ +1.4 blazes ___________________ <--this ________A

May __________ ORD ___________+1.3 ____________ +2.5 Roger ___________________ Midlo (+0.5) ____B

May __________ IAH ___________ --2.8 ____________ --2.1 ksammut ________________ <-- this ________ A

May __________SEA ___________ --3.1 ____________ --2.7 Damage _________________<-- this  ________ A

Mar __________ DCA ___________ --3.9 ____________ --4.0 Tenman _________________ <-- this ________B

Mar __________ NYC ___________ --4.8 ____________ --4.2 ksammut ________________ <-- this ________A

Mar __________ BOS ___________ --4.8 ____________ --5.2 ksammut ________________ <-- this ________B

Mar __________ ATL ___________ --1.8 ____________ --4.0 Tenman _________________ --1.7 OHwx _____B

Mar __________ IAH ___________ --3.9 ____________ --4.0 Tenman _________________<--this _________B

Mar __________ PHX ___________ --3.8 ___________ --3.7 swflow ___________________ <-- this _______ A

Mar __________ SEA ___________ --2.0 ___________ --4.8 swflow ___________________ --2.0 cpick79 ___ B

Feb ___________ NYC __________ --3.7 ___________ --2.2 Midlo ____________________ <-- this ________A 

Feb ___________ BOS __________  --2.7 ___________ --2.1 gooba^2 ________________ <-- this ________A

Feb ___________ ORD _________ --10.4 ___________ --5.0 gooba^2 ________________ <--this _________A

Feb ___________ IAH ___________ --1.7 ___________ --2.8 midlo ___________________ --1.6 uncleW ____B

Feb ___________ DEN ___________ --4.3 ___________ --3.4 Mallow _________________ <-- this ________ A

Feb ___________ PHX ___________ +4.7 ___________ +4.0 csheridan _______________ <--this _________A

Jan ___________ DCA ___________ --3.8 ___________ --3.9 metallic ________________ --3.8 Roger _____ B

Jan ___________ NYC ___________ --4.0 ___________ --4.1 metallic ________________ --4.0 Roger _____ B

Jan ___________ ORD ___________ --8.2 ___________ --8.6 Roger _________________ <-- this _________B

Jan ___________ ATL ___________ --6.3 ___________ --5.2 Roger _________________ <-- this _________ A

Jan ___________ IAH ___________ --3.6 ___________ --3.2 Roger _________________ <-- this __________A

Jan ___________ PHX ___________ +3.5 ___________ +3.0 gooba^2 _______________ <--this _________ A

Jan ___________ SEA ___________ +2.3 ___________ +2.4 Roger _____________ tied with Tom (+2.2) __ B


Two cases where second most extreme forecast of only two cases was closest:


May __________ PHX ___________ +2.4 ____________ +2.6 Mallow ______________ +2.5 SD ________ B-2

Mar __________ ORD ___________ --6.2 ____________ --7.2 swflow ____________  --6.4 Roger _______ B-2


Summing up, 39 cases in all (out of 81 in the first nine months). 23 were of "A" type and 14 plus the additional 2 were of "B" type. Of those, the most extreme forecast won the month in 33 of 39 cases (all of the As and 10/16 of the Bs) and there was one tie among the winning B cases, otherwise six went to the second most extreme forecast which was seldom far from the actual with one exception (see ORD for May).


This seems quite anomalous compared to previous years when these results might happen once or twice a season.


(edit -- September cases added to table)


Table leaders for these "extreme forecasts" (the two B-2 cases are counted as a B win plus a B loss, no B loss high score) ... the forecaster record counts all types of wins vs the one type of loss (which basically amounts to going too extreme against the entire field). Note that "A" wins are automatic, forecaster not as extreme as actual anomaly.


* share a win under "B" win and "B loss high score"


FORECASTER _________ "A" (win) ______ "B" (win) ___ "B" (loss) ____ "B" loss, high scores


Roger Smith (9-1)*______ 3 ________________ 4 _________ 1 __________ 2

goobagooba (4-0) _______4 ________________ 0 _________ 0

Tenman Johnson (4-1) ___0 ________________ 4 _________ 1

RodneyS (3-0) _________ 3 ________________ 0 _________ 0

MidloSnowMaker (3-0) ___2 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

ksammut (3-0) _________ 2 ________________ 1 _________ 0

blazess556 (2-0) ________2 ________________ 0 _________ 0

donsutherland.1 (1-0)____ 1 ________________ 0 _________ 0

Damage in Tolland (1-0) _ 1 ________________ 0 _________ 0

wxallannj (1-0) _________1 ________________ 0 _________ 0

hudsonvalley21 (1-0) ____1 ________________ 0 _________ 0

SD (1-0) ______________ 0 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

OHweather (1-0) _______ 0 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

UncleW (1-0) __________ 0 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

cpick79 (1-0 ) __________0 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

Tom (1-0)*____________ 0 ________________ 0 _________ 0 __________ 1

csheridan12 (1-0) ______ 1 ________________ 0 _________ 0

Mallow (1-1) ___________1 ________________ 0 _________ 1

swflow (1-2) ___________1 ________________ 0 _________ 2

metalicwx366 (1-2) _____ 1 ________________ 0 _________ 2

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(note -- best viewed at 100% not higher, prevents line overflow)


<<< ---------------- Updated Annual Scoring Report Jan-Aug 2014 ---------------- >>>



FORECASTER ________ DCA__NYC__BOS___CL ____ORD__ATL__IAH__EX____TOT____high scores


__Annual anomalies __ --1.0 _ --1.7 _ --1.2 __ ,, ___ --3.1_ --1.2_ --1.9 __ ,, _________DC..NY.BO.OR.AT.IA...CL..EX...MO



Roger Smith _________ 616 _ 604 _ 550__1770 ___542 _610_ 589___1741___ 3511 ___111 313 __ 0 _ 2 _JAN,JUN

donsutherland.1 ______ 612 _ 618_682__1912 ___452 _ 562 _ 562___1576___ 3488 ___011 011 __ 1 _ 1 __APR

OHweather __________627 _ 603 _ 646__1876 ___414 _ 597 _ 456___1467___ 3343 ___100 020 __ 0 _ 0

Mallow ______________586 _ 580 _ 640__1806 ___428 _ 565 _ 522___1515___ 3321 ___011 100 __ 0 _ 0


Consensus ___________ 588 _ 594 _ 646__1828 ___384 _ 572 _ 520___1476 __ 3304 ___100 020 __ 0 _ 0


Isotherm ____________ 586 _ 576 _ 594__1756 ___419 _ 556 _ 534___1509___ 3265 ___010 000 __ 0 _ 0

Midlo Snow Maker _____586 _ 600 _ 648__1834 ___398 _ 494 _ 488___1380___ 3214 ___010 121 __ 0 _ 1

blazess556 ___________561 _ 595 _ 639__1795 ___359 _ 524 _ 534___1417___ 3212 ___011 010 __ 1 _ 0

Goobagooba _________ 548 _ 584 _ 616__1748 ___415 _ 494 _ 504___1413___ 3161 ___002 100 __ 1 _ 0

hudsonvalley21 _______559 _ 565 _ 608__1732 ___337 _ 347 _ 526___1410___ 3142 ___000 010 __ 0 _ 0

Tom ________________547 _ 551 _ 575__1673 ___458 _ 547 _ 429___1434___ 3107 ___001 000___ 0 _ 0 __

Tenman Johnson ______566 _ 534 _ 556__1656 ___363 _ 503 _ 536___1402___ 3058 ___210 011 __ 3 _ 1 __MAR

cpick79______________485 _ 490 _ 579__1554 ___378 _ 573 _ 474___1425___ 2979 ___000 002 __ 0 _ 1 __JUL

bkviking _____________571 _ 532 _ 601__1704 ___310 _ 555 _ 394___1259___ 2963 ___000 000 __ 0 _ 0 __MAY

stebo _______________526 _ 472 _ 596__1594 ___301 _ 520 _ 546___1367___ 2961 ___200 001 __ 0 _ 0

Uncle W _____________444 _ 472 _ 594__1510 ___334 _ 516 _ 594___1444___ 2954 ___001 002 __ 0 _ 0


Normal ______________ 506 _ 462 _ 550__1518 ___328 _ 554 _ 544___1426___ 2944 ___001 103 __ 1 _ 2 __


metallicwx366 ________601 _ 503 _ 485__1589 ___457 _ 486 _ 406___1349___ 2938 ___100 000 __ 0 _ 0

wxdude64 ___________ 522 _ 536 _ 592__1650 ___279 _ 400 _ 572___1251___ 2901 ___100 001 __ 0 _ 0

Damage in Tolland_____560 _ 551 _ 589__1700 ___374 _ 477 _ 334___1185___ 2885 ___100 010 __ 1 _ 0

ksammut ____________488 _ 518 _ 584__1590 ___284 _ 402 _ 562___1248___ 2838 ___011 001 __ 1 _ 1 __ FEB

RodneyS _____________416 _ 466 _ 544__1426 ___299 _ 404 _ 572___1275___ 2701 ___010 101 __ 0 _ 0

SD__________________429 _ 431 _ 521__1381 ___271 _ 505 _ 424___1200___ 2581 ___000 010 __ 1 _ 0 __AUG

Chicago Storm*****____ 186 _ 153 _ 148__ 487 ___117 _ 134 __ 97___ 348 ____ 835

weatherdude @_________66 __120 _ 150__ 336 ___ 115 __96 _ 126___ 337 ____ 673 ____000 010 __ 0 _ 0

H20Town_Wx @ ______ 125 __102 _ 144___371 ___ 83 __ 90 __ 60___ 233 ____ 604 ____001 000 __ 0 _ 0

mikehobbyst @* ________84 __ 92 __ 78___ 254 ___ 64 __ 68 __ 80___ 212 ____ 466

wxallannj @*___________55 __ 56 __ 56___ 168 ___ 96 __ 72 __ 90 ___258 ____ 426___000 100 __ 0 _ 1
SACRUS @* ___________ 72 __ 58 __ 38___ 168 ___ 70 __ 76__ 100___246 ____ 414___000 001 __ 0 _ 0

Quincy @*_____________54 __ 66 __ 42___ 162 ____38 __ 82 __ 92___212 ____ 374

TropicalAnalystwx13 @*__88 __ 44 __ 76___ 208 ____26 __ 76 __ 60___162 ____ 370

swflow @ *____________74 __ 66 __ 82___ 222 ____ 90 __ 36 __ 00___126 ____ 348

CSheridan12 @*________ 46 __ 04 __ 00___ 50 _____12 __ 86 __ 44___144 ____ 192




@ missed six months

* missed one month

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Updated Four Seasons Award , winter, spring and summer  (2013-)2014


Donsutherland.1 ______________________ 7 __ 10 ___ 1 ___ -- __________18

Roger Smith _________________________ 1 ___ 6 ___10 ___ -- __________ 17

Goobagooba ________________________ 10 ___ 0 ___ 5 ___ -- __________ 15

Mallow ______________________________2 ___ 5 ___ 4 ___ -- __________ 11

Isotherm ____________________________ 0 ___ 7 ___3 ___ -- ___________10


Consensus __________________________ 1 ___ 3 ___ 5 ___ -- ___________  9


blazess556 __________________________ 5 ___ 2 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 7

Midlo Snow Maker ____________________ 4 ___ 3 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 7

SD _________________________________ 0 ___ 0 ___ 7 ___ -- ___________ 7

hudsonvalley21 _______________________1 ___ 0 ___ 6 ___ -- ___________ 7


Normal______________________________ 0 ___ 0 ___ 7 ___ -- ___________ 7


Damage in Tolland ____________________ 6 ___ 0 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 6

Ohweather ___________________________0 ___ 4 ___ 2 ___ -- ___________ 6

metallicwx366 ________________________3 ___ 1 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 4

Tom ________________________________1 ___ 0 ___ 1 ___ -- ___________ 2

Tenman Johnson, uncleW ______________ 0 ___ 1 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 1

wxdude64____________________________1 ___ 0 ___ 0 ___ -- ___________ 1

cpick79 _____________________________ 0 ___ 0 ___ 1 ___ -- ___________ 1


(seasonal points ... 10 for first, 7 for second, 6 for third etc, 1 pt for 8th to 10th)

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Annual Scores for Optional western contest (including updated four seasons)


____________________ DEN _ PHX _ SEA ____ TOTAL _____ best forecast awards ________ four season award

Annual anomalies _____--0.7_ +2.4 _ +2.0__________DEN PHX SEA _ W_Months __ Win,Spr,Sum,Aut _ TOT



Isotherm _____________670 __ 584 __654 ____1908 _ __ 0 0 0 _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ ___10,4,10____(24)

Mallow ______________ 706__ 548 __ 602 ____1856 ____ 3 0 0 ____ 3 FEB,APR,JUN_ 6,7,3____ (16)

Midlo Snow Maker _____ 608 __ 624__ 608 ____1840 ____ 1 0 2 ____ 0 ___________ 4,10,6____(20)

donsutherland.1 _______ 614 __ 578 __608 ____1800 ____ 0 1 0 ____ 1 __ JUL ______1,6,7_____(14)


Consensus ____________650 __ 538 __ 580 ____1768 ____1 0 1 ____ 1 __ APR _____ 2,6,2_____ (10)


Goobagooba __________ 624 __ 584__ 512 ____1720 ____ 1 1 0 ____ 1 __ JAN ______ 7,1,1_____ (9)

blazess556 ___________ 553 __ 530 __ 607 ____1690 ____ 0 0 2 ____ 0 _ _ _ _ ______ 5,1,2_____ (8)

Roger Smith __________ 508 __ 530 __ 630 ____1668 ____ 1 0 2 ____ 0 _____________2,0,4_____ (6)

metalicwx366 _________ 510 __ 529 __ 569 ___ 1608 ____________________________ 1,1,0_____ (2)

wxdude64 ____________ 613 __ 440 __ 524 ___ 1577_____1 0 1 ____ 0 _____________3,0,1_____ (4)

bkviking ______________520 __ 549 __ 480 ____1549_____0 1 0 ____ 1 __ MAR ______0,2,0_____ (2)

Damage in Tolland _____ 438 __ 508 __ 541 ___ 1487 ______________1__ MAY ______ 0,3,0_____ (3)

Tom _________________523 __ 473 __ 465 ____1461 ____________________________1,0,0_____ (1)


Normal ______________ 610 __ 374 __ 434 ____1418


RodneyS _____________ 660 __ 320 __ 414 ____1394 ____0 1 1 ____ 1 ___ AUG ______0,0,5_____ (5)

ksammut _____________500 __ 410 __ 450 ____1360

hudsonvalley21*_______ 512 __ 437 __ 405 ____1354 ____________________________0,0,1_____ (1)

SD __________________342 __ 445 __ 482 ____1269 ____0 1 0
cpick79*______________438 __ 441 __ 368 ____1247 ____0 0 1 ___________________ 0,5,0 _____ (5)
OHweather ___________ 438 __ 333 __ 429 ____1200

Stebo _______________ 490 __ 304 __ 358 ____ 1152

Chicago Storm*****____172 __ 108 __ 162 _____442

H20Town_Wx @ _______146 ___ 97 __ 141 _____384

Quincy @* ____________ 84 ___100 ___ 80 ____ 264 ___ 0 1 0 ____ 0
Mikehobbyst @* _______100 ___ 66 ___ 52 _____218 ___ 1 0 0 ____ 0

swflow @* ____________ 61 ___ 90 ___ 40 _____191____0 1 0 ____ 0
SACRUS @* ___________ 32 ___ 46 ___ 80 ____ 158

wxallannj @* __________ 66____50 ___ 30 ____ 146

TropicalAnalystwx13 @* _ 54 ___ 00 ___ 92 ____ 146
CSheridan12 @*________ 00 ___ 84 ___ 00 _____ 84 ___ 0 1 0 ____ 0
weatherdude @* _______ 12 ___ 08 ___ 30 _____ 50



* months missed

@ six months missed

(applies also to other contest two posts back)

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