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July Banter


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It's easy. I like warm and sunny, following severe storms and hurricanes, and snow. I hate plain rain and plain cold.


When everybody else is getting rain and thunder and you're warm and sunny, you complain about that.  Don't be a denier.  Own the complaining.  You're the champ.  Be the champ.

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When everybody else is getting rain and thunder and you're warm and sunny, you complain about that.  Don't be a denier.  Own the complaining.  You're the champ.  Be the champ.


 He is clearly the weenie champ of the BB. Why else was he named The People's Weenie? I don't think that anyone else in the world has that coveted title. I've always supported him and he deserves our respect for this great and difficult accomplishment. Gosh, I hope he runs again in 2014 for WOTY.

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I don't believe there is one type of weather that Brick Tamland will not complain about.  The whine index has been at least a 7 out of 10, lately.

"Ugh whats all this low temp rainy stuff? where is all the 100+ NC summer heat with high humidity? I want those 7 straight days of 99 or higher again, why can't we hit almost record highs all week instead of dealing with this slop?"


"Ugh what is with all this extreme cold? 17 degrees? If it's not going to snow, bring on spring and the warmer temps."



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To good to be true! I give it a day before he's complaining


A day? You're optimistic!

"Ugh whats all this low temp rainy stuff? where is all the 100+ NC summer heat with high humidity? I want those 7 straight days of 99 or higher again, why can't we hit almost record highs all week instead of dealing with this slop?"


"Ugh what is with all this extreme cold? 17 degrees? If it's not going to snow, bring on spring and the warmer temps."



Haha! That's just about right. :)

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I just want the weather to be perfect. Sunny and warm in the summer, and snowy in the winter. Severe storms to follow for a little excitment. Plain rain and cold is just boring.


And I never ran for Weenie of the Year. I was chosen by the people. That is why I am the people's weenie.

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I just want the weather to be perfect. Sunny and warm in the summer, and snowy in the winter. Severe storms to follow for a little excitment. Plain rain and cold is just boring.


And I never ran for Weenie of the Year. I was chosen by the people. That is why I am the people's weenie.


I never understood the excitement over being the peoples dick weenie.

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I wonder what this was all about yesterday - system test? ... off the iembot for Newport/Morehead City


AAQ issues Tsunami Warning for Delaware Beaches, Inland Sussex, Kent [DE] and 41 counties/zones in [FL] and Coastal Rockingham [NH] and Atlantic Coastal Cape May, Cape May, Coastal Atlantic, Coastal Ocean, Cumberland, Eastern Essex, Eastern Monmouth, Eastern Union, Hudson, Middlesex, Western Monmouth [NJ] and ((NLZ110)), ((NLZ120)), ((NLZ131)), ((NLZ132)), ((NLZ140)), ((NLZ210)), ((NLZ220)), ((NLZ230)), ((NLZ241)), ((NLZ242)), ((NLZ340)), ((NLZ510)), ((NLZ520)), ((NLZ530)), ((NLZ540)), ((NLZ560)), ((NLZ570)), ((NLZ610)), ((NLZ710)), ((NLZ720)), ((NLZ730)), ((NLZ740)), ((NLZ750)), ((NLZ760)), ((NLZ770)) [NL] and Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Coastal Cameron, Coastal Willacy, Galveston, Harris, Jefferson, Kenedy, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, Orange, Refugio, San Patricio [TX] and East Cameron, Iberia, Lower Jefferson, Lower Lafourche, Lower Plaquemines, Lower St. Bernard, Lower Terrebonne, Orleans, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Upper St. Bernard, Vermilion, West Cameron [LA] and ((NBZ550)), ((NBZ570)), ((NBZ641)), ((NBZ660)) [NB] and Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Coastal Brunswick, Coastal New Hanover, Coastal Pender, Eastern Currituck, Mainland Hyde, Onslow, Outer Banks Dare, Outer Banks Hyde, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Washington, Western Currituck, Western Dare [NC] and Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), New York (Manhattan), Northeast Suffolk, Northern Nassau, Northern Queens, Northwest Suffolk, Richmond (Staten Is.), Southeast Suffolk, Southern Nassau, Southern Queens, Southern Westchester, Southwest Suffolk [NY] and ((NSZ110)), ((NSZ120)), ((NSZ130)), ((NSZ140)), ((NSZ150)), ((NSZ160)), ((NSZ170)), ((NSZ210)), ((NSZ230)), ((NSZ250)), ((NSZ260)), ((NSZ270)), ((NSZ280)), ((NSZ320)), ((NSZ410)), ((NSZ430)), ((NSZ440)), ((NSZ450)) [NS] and Block Island, Bristol, Eastern Kent, Newport, Southeast Providence, Washington [RI] and Accomack, Gloucester, Mathews, Newport News/Hampton, Norfolk/Portsmouth, Northampton, Virginia Beach, York [VA] and Saint Croix, Saint Thomas and Saint John [VI] and 30 counties/zones in [AM] and Lower Baldwin, Lower Mobile, Upper Baldwin, Upper Mobile [AL] and 45 counties/zones in [AN] and Coastal Bryan, Coastal Camden, Coastal Chatham, Coastal Glynn, Coastal Liberty, Coastal McIntosh [GA] and 51 counties/zones in [GM] and Southern Fairfield, Southern Middlesex, Southern New Haven, Southern New London [CT] and Coastal Cumberland, Coastal Hancock, Coastal Waldo, Coastal Washington, Coastal York, Interior Waldo, Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc [ME] and Maryland Beaches [MD] and Barnstable, Dukes, Eastern Essex, Eastern Norfolk, Eastern Plymouth, Nantucket, Southern Bristol, Southern Plymouth [MA] and ((QCZ670)), ((QCZ680)) [QC] and Hancock, Harrison, Jackson [MS] and Culebra, Mayaguez and Vicinity, North Central, Northeast, Northwest, Ponce and Vicinity, San Juan and Vicinity, Southeast, Southwest, Vieques [PR] and Beaufort, Charleston, Coastal Colleton, Coastal Georgetown, Coastal Horry, Coastal Jasper, Tidal Berkeley [sC] till 12:17 PM EDT

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We had a free blooming onion because of a NASCAR promotion last night.


I'm not a big Kevin Harvick fan, but if he finishes 10th, I never mind that. :)


Meh, you drink enough wallabydarns, anything tastes good!


Haha!  That's probably true.  Just don't get yourself "under the weather". :)

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I'm confident we'll knock out July without a heat wave.  I suppose August could turn around at some point, but if we can get through the first week or two of the month without big heat, there are a number of factors (as others have pointed out) that would make any late-August heat bearable:  Diminishing sun angle and shorter days, the approach of football season, prelim winter forecasts, Brick ramping up for weenie mode, the return of BrierCreekWx-1300m-et al....  Can't wait!

Where in the h-bomb is Bevo?
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