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Vendor forecast thread


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Paul Knight gave his winter forecast to Weather World 

Forecast winter 2016-17

Near to somewhat below normal temperature averaged out and a dry January - Sounds like a slightly milder version of the 2009 winter.

I like his forecast after watching his video it was well thought out. I'll take it over last years +12 December torch. the blizzard notwithstanding in Jan of course. 


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WB Team has updated their Winter forecast with headlines as follows:

  • Extreme cold December possible ( 1 to 3 degrees below normal over the Northeast including the PHL area)
  • Analog technique favors back and forth with leftover colder than normal January/February
  • Still relatively high uncertainty
  • Swath of above normal snows over Pacific Northwest to western High Plains and in the Great Lakes and Northeast
  • Texas, southern Plains and Southeast look milder
    • Core of cold should stay mainly to the north

The WeatherBELL team has settled on the strongest analogs of 1966-67, 1983-84 and 1995-96 with 2013-14 double-weighted and single weights to 1960-61, 2005-06, 2008-09 and 2014-15. The pure analog is colder, but to adjust for modeling that is warmer and a more modern climatology, a degree was added across the board.

The Verdict

A colder and snowier winter is on the way for the Great Lakes, Northeast, much of the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, with warmth centered in the West. The warmth could also extend across the South. There is a danger of major cold from Thanksgiving to New Year's. As far as later in the winter, we will evaluate that as we get closer. Given the worry about December, it has been made the coldest month, with some backing off in January. February is bound by a greater uncertainty with how far out it is.

Overall in terms of the last 8 seasons, this would be the fifth coldest out of the eight. The worst case it could wind up in the top 3, though. I seriously doubt it would be warmer than the warmest three.

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On 11/13/2016 at 6:18 PM, Birds~69 said:

I imagine Glenn's winter forecast (and others) should be coming out this week or so. Looking at the past 2 winter forecast they were released on Nov 12 and 13th. Hard to believe this will be his 20th year making predictions.

And it is...it's severe winter weather week on NBC10 and he said his 20th outlook will be coming out this week. He didn't say when but probably Thurs/Fri...11pm. Just a guess...

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On 11/13/2016 at 6:43 PM, ChescoPaWxman said:

WB Team has updated their Winter forecast with headlines as follows:

  • Extreme cold December possible ( 1 to 3 degrees below normal over the Northeast including the PHL area)
  • Analog technique favors back and forth with leftover colder than normal January/February
  • Still relatively high uncertainty
  • Swath of above normal snows over Pacific Northwest to western High Plains and in the Great Lakes and Northeast
  • Texas, southern Plains and Southeast look milder
    • Core of cold should stay mainly to the north

The WeatherBELL team has settled on the strongest analogs of 1966-67, 1983-84 and 1995-96 with 2013-14 double-weighted and single weights to 1960-61, 2005-06, 2008-09 and 2014-15. The pure analog is colder, but to adjust for modeling that is warmer and a more modern climatology, a degree was added across the board.

The Verdict

A colder and snowier winter is on the way for the Great Lakes, Northeast, much of the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic, with warmth centered in the West. The warmth could also extend across the South. There is a danger of major cold from Thanksgiving to New Year's. As far as later in the winter, we will evaluate that as we get closer. Given the worry about December, it has been made the coldest month, with some backing off in January. February is bound by a greater uncertainty with how far out it is.

Overall in terms of the last 8 seasons, this would be the fifth coldest out of the eight. The worst case it could wind up in the top 3, though. I seriously doubt it would be warmer than the warmest three.

I am guessing they will bust in our area based on the overall consensus.  

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JB at WB update today shows the pattern developing according to the WB forecast....says this December will be very different from last 2 years.  Says snow will be on the ground from interior mid-atlantic through plains come Christmas.

I have been telling all my friends/co-workers that it is a stone cold solid lock that this December will be colder than last year!! How is that for sticking my neck out there? Of course last year was the warmest December ever....so not such a stretch!


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24 minutes ago, AnthonyDabbundo said:

Glenn just gave out his winter forecast:


December -2 temps  4"

January normal temps 14"

February +2 8"

March -2 4"

Total: 28-36"

-2 temps 

Damn, I missed it! He usually does it at 11pm. Maybe he wanted to beat ch 6 outlook at 11pm tonight?

Overall, I'll take it. Glad his snowiest month is Jan. The +2 Feb temps is a little surprising.

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I love Glenn....but just like JB has a cold bias....Glenn has a warm bias. That's why it is best to take a cross section of all the great professionals out there Like JB/Glenn/LC /SD and even the crazy man from Richmond.

That said for Glenn to have a minus 2 and and normal for January is a good sign for those of you that are rooting for a cold winter....should be interesting. Looks like a fast start to winter in December - enjoy!

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I see mostly bullish forecasts out there. Interesting analogs. 6's forecasts annoy me. They are so afraid of busting. Glenn gets my vote. Last few years I think he verified really nicely.  EPAWA looked really similar to another outlook I saw but I forgot to save the links. High uncertainty over outcomes but high certainty on the mechanics of how winter is going to work this year. 


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15 hours ago, Ralph Wiggum said:

According to Accuweather extended forecast for my area, no snow in December with the first accumulating snowfall occurring around the 16th of January as a wintry mix that being the only snowfall aside from some snow showers/flurries thru Feb 9.


as a side note, they can't even predict rainfall amounts accurately inside of 24 hrs ‼️

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From JB at WeatherBell from this AM

"The 6-10 is cold, it gets colder again in the 10-15, but there is a warm up on day 10 in the middle and that could be our first storm that can not get all the way to the lakes, but instead runs to the Ohio valley and is forced to be handed off further south cause of the western atlantic trough. Just like early this week I kept pounding away at the overwarmed period for this upcoming weekend. ( One more reminder in case you forgot.. 12z Dec 2 from days out was supposed to look like this)  would look for that system that is in the southwest to kick out and then shear out through the mid-atlantic states. Instead of a storm running up to the lakes, we get a flatter wave with ice and snow down to I70 in the plains and perhaps all the way to the east coast when that comes out. Lets see if we can pick that out too...But the bottom line is using overall methods certainly whipped the models for yet another weekend ( next weekend) and now lets see if we can play with the period around day 10 to see if using the large scale ideas can help"

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