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February Banter II


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Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I don't understand how this forum works, but I think it's ridiculous for it to be ok for someone more "qualified" to be permitted to start a storm thread but not ok for someone that is just your average Joe that happens to enjoy weather talk/learning about the weather. Some of you are sitting way too far up on your high horse. Our local TV meteorologists started talking about the particular "possible storm" days ago. I would have started a thread too, but I didn't want to be bullied. Which Btw... Yes... Some of you are bullies. I hope those of you that constantly bully him don't have kids of your own that follow in your footsteps. You all are going to feel really stupid if a big storm does come and I hope to see apologies to Brick. I had considered donating to this site, but I can't donate to a site that supports this behavior. I appreciate the meteorologists and others on this board that have helped me learn a bit about the weather and make it fun to watch the models and potential storms without being mean. Now if there is a way to block certain individuals, I would really like to know how so I don't constantly get upset seeing the way some of you talk to others/each other.

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Excuse my grammar but...


The differences between this "possible event" next week and the last snowstorm was that Euro ensembles had majority members support of storm occurring as early as 6-8 days away for last week's storm. There are few times this winter when Euro was showing 10/50 or so (like right now) for few days before going away completely and it appears that 2/25-2/27 will be the case again.

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Excuse my grammar but...

The differences between this "possible event" next week and the last snowstorm was that Euro ensembles had majority members support of storm occurring as early as 6-8 days away for last week's storm. There are few times this winter when Euro was showing 10/50 or so (like right now) for few days before going away completely and it appears that 2/25-2/27 will be the case again.

And that very well may be the case but I understand why Brick started it. When it's being talked about by professionals, then why shouldn't us non-professionals think that there is a real possibility? I've been told that I'm a softie, and maybe you all have this inside joke that I know nothing about. I just can't stand to see people constantly picked on or belittled and I just had to get that off my chest. I'm going back to reading. I'm half tempted to start a March 1-3 event thread just because I'm so pissed off now.
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Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I don't understand how this forum works, but I think it's ridiculous for it to be ok for someone more "qualified" to be permitted to start a storm thread but not ok for someone that is just your average Joe that happens to enjoy weather talk/learning about the weather. Some of you are sitting way too far up on your high horse. Our local TV meteorologists started talking about the particular "possible storm" days ago. I would have started a thread too, but I didn't want to be bullied. Which Btw... Yes... Some of you are bullies. I hope those of you that constantly bully him don't have kids of your own that follow in your footsteps. You all are going to feel really stupid if a big storm does come and I hope to see apologies to Brick. I had considered donating to this site, but I can't donate to a site that supports this behavior. I appreciate the meteorologists and others on this board that have helped me learn a bit about the weather and make it fun to watch the models and potential storms without being mean. Now if there is a way to block certain individuals, I would really like to know how so I don't constantly get upset seeing the way some of you talk to others/each other.

Use the ignore button , it works great for people you want to ignore on here!
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And that very well may be the case but I understand why Brick started it. When it's being talked about by professionals, then why shouldn't us non-professionals think that there is a real possibility? I've been told that I'm a softie, and maybe you all have this inside joke that I know nothing about. I just can't stand to see people constantly picked on or belittled and I just had to get that off my chest. I'm going back to reading. I'm half tempted to start a March 1-3 event thread just because I'm so pissed off now.

Start it.

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And that very well may be the case but I understand why Brick started it. When it's being talked about by professionals, then why shouldn't us non-professionals think that there is a real possibility? I've been told that I'm a softie, and maybe you all have this inside joke that I know nothing about. I just can't stand to see people constantly picked on or belittled and I just had to get that off my chest. I'm going back to reading. I'm half tempted to start a March 1-3 event thread just because I'm so pissed off now.

You just don't know Brick. Outside of people giving him a hard time, I don't see any bullying. Brick should expect some backlash from his weenie posts, he's been saying/doing the same thing for years and years. Despite who started that thread I guarantee people would react the same. That storm was supported by one model which wasn't supported by its own ensembles. That type of "threat" is usually discussed in the pattern thread as to keep people from having to view multiple threads on one system. When a storm seems imminent is when a topic should be started. Meteorologists are talking about it because the pattern is favorable not because a specific threat exists. Hope this helps. Also I use ignore quite a bit, it's a good feature.
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Since I can't respond to Lookout's post in the other thread, I thought I should here.  For context, here is my first post, with the portion that was bolded by Lookout:


While I think it's crazy that Brick started this thread already today (see my posts above), I do not foresee any grand-scale cataclysm as a result.  If people want to spread a rumor of a "snowstorm," then go ahead.  Each individual should be responsible for what they consume on the internet and what they choose to believe.  If someone's boyfriend's cousin's great uncle's best friend's Facebook page claims a coming snowstorm, it's up to you (not, you, kvegas, but you, in general) to decide whether they're reputable enough to believe.  They'll be wrong a lot, and then you'll stop paying attention to them.  It will phase itself out.  A catastrophe is not in the works because someone prematurely discusses a potential storm that never comes to fruition.


I also don't get the TV weathermen being so upset about this.  There are tons of crazy people on social media and they're not going to be able to control them all.  Just ignore the crazies and don't give them any publicity by addressing them.


Here is Lookout's response:



Um... wrong. It makes the board look like storm2k or twc boards. There is no need in cluttering up the board because of a fantasy storm showing up on a model 8 or 9 days away. It is beyond ridiculous to do so. If people want to talk about it, they can discuss it in the actual thread devoted to that time period..or even in the banter thread.


I'm not sure how or why this crap of people wanting to start threads on "threats" a week or more out has come from but it's already gotten old. It's just lame and screams of weenism.


I agree that the thread was incredibly premature (see my earlier posts in that thread), but I still stand by the belief that no one is harmed by it.  I was also specifically referencing spreading rumors on Facebook, not here, which is what kvegas-wx was relating from his daughter's high school.


So, to be clear, I agree with you that this thread on our board is unnecessary and "weenieish" (sp?).  But, I don't see major harm occurring by people discussing snow on Facebook.


As Jon posted earlier, I'm not sure why there's a fetish about starting threads.  I have yet to start an event thread either.

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Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I don't understand how this forum works, but I think it's ridiculous for it to be ok for someone more "qualified" to be permitted to start a storm thread but not ok for someone that is just your average Joe that happens to enjoy weather talk/learning about the weather. Some of you are sitting way too far up on your high horse. Our local TV meteorologists started talking about the particular "possible storm" days ago. I would have started a thread too, but I didn't want to be bullied. Which Btw... Yes... Some of you are bullies. I hope those of you that constantly bully him don't have kids of your own that follow in your footsteps. You all are going to feel really stupid if a big storm does come and I hope to see apologies to Brick. I had considered donating to this site, but I can't donate to a site that supports this behavior. I appreciate the meteorologists and others on this board that have helped me learn a bit about the weather and make it fun to watch the models and potential storms without being mean. Now if there is a way to block certain individuals, I would really like to know how so I don't constantly get upset seeing the way some of you talk to others/each other.


The answer is simple.  This is a science board at its core.  Its not Facebook.  Substantial supporting data should be available before starting a thread about a specific future event.  Otherwise it can be watched and commented on in the general threads.

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Brick can go overboard at times but the board wouldn't be the same without him and I dig his posts.


 I agree. He is the "People's Weenie" for a reason and is, therefore, a very important part of this subforum. He may be the most well-loved weenie in the history of this board! He campaigns every year for "Weenie of The Year" for goodness sakes. Only the "People's Weenie' would do such a thing.

  A lot of the teasing of him seems to be the good natured kind that he enjoys if I'm reading him correctly. I think he wants and enjoys the attention. I, myself, like to tease him about being asleep before the weenie storm runs are released so he wouldn't get overly excited and not be able to get a good night's sleep. I absolutely despise hateful bullying as there's no excuse for it, and I've seen what I perceive to be downright bullying on American at times (not necessarily in this subforum), but I don't think a lot of the interaction with Brick is bullying. But that's just my opinion.

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To burns' point, banter is for banter and if i want to read 25 pages of weenie posts that is where i can go. But many of us are here to learn and when i see a thread on obs i expect to find obs most of the time. When i see a pattern discussion thread i would expect to see debate about models, historical references or at a minimum a supporting arguement about an upcoming event. Let brick or whoever start the banter threads. But i would rather not be bouncing around three threads that could easily be one, or reading a thread that really shouldnt exist, because someones inner weenie took over. I am perfectly fine knowing i am not an expert and thus dont feel inclined to muddy up the experience for those more qualified.

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The sad thing is if people think there is bullying now on Americanwx, you should of seen the old Easternwx or WWBB days.  It was brutal back then.  Americanwx feels like church in comparison. 


Whats funny is I see it the exact opposite, we hardly ever gave anyone a hard time for real, or at least to the extent it is now. I guess we were a lot smaller back then and the SE folks had to stick together on the board since there was no sub forums. Now it seems everyone cant wait to take a cheap shot at someone or be the board cop. Its much worse now than it use to be IMO......we can chalk it up to growing pains I guess.

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I swear I am already experiencing spring allergies (itchy eyes)...anyone experiencing this?  Just looked at a pollen map, and levels are medium-high across a lot of the southeast.


Do you happen to have mold allergies? I have a pretty severe mold allergy and with all of the rain we've had, the mold spores are pretty bad. I've been living off Benedryl since my insurance no longer pays for the allergy injections that I was taking.

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