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1/28-1/30 SE Winter Storm OBS


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I agree with everything said here.....the thing is until the average person pays any bit of attention to weather, things like this will still continue to happen.  Just like with every EF-5 tornado, you still get the interviews with people who said it hit their house with no warning and you sit there and wonder how that could be?  Would better warnings help....how could they not have ANY IDEA this could happen?  The only thing that would prevent a day like this here is if at LEAST 24 hours in advance all the local media said...."do not got out, close everything, emergency situation".  I truly believe that's what it would take to avoid this.  Too many people are truly clueless about weather to avoid this and schools and businesses are not going to go out on a limb unless there is proof positive.

The thing is local tv mets constantly down played the thread for atlanta and areas to the north. And frankly ffc, didn't help matters by NOT issueing at least an advisory for the non watch/warning counties. Again they did so twice before for snow that would last 20 minutes because of the chance of ice on the roads. But this time they didn't. And people didn't get any warnings because there weren't any actual warnings until it was too late.


And there are some people who are smart enough and interested in weather enough to know it is coming, but if their employers won't let them WFH, they have to go in and just deal with whatever happens.  Most businesses won't even consider closing even if the schools close.  Yeah, I have a spouse who has been stuck in traffic for 7 hours and is still over 20 miles away.  Because he felt like he had to go to work even though we knew this was coming.  Grr.


I think the only thing that would change if the average person paid more attention to the weather is that some popular media weather forecasters would have more pressure on them to do it right.  Maybe.

I blame a lot of this on local tv mets. They are so damn scared to forecast snow and being afraid they are going to bust. Yet here we see by NOT forecasting snow, entire cities are shut down. People are stranded for hours and people's lives are even in danger. So tell me, what's worse..forecasting 2 inches of snow and it only snows a half inch to an inch or not forecasting any and having all of this happen?


And it doesn't help matters either that these jackasses actually get on tv and say it's only going to snow 0.15 inches. WTF? Since when do we forecast snow down to the tenth and hundredth of an inch?  So in an effort to try and one up the stupidity of the other, they get too cute,  unrealistic in what anyone can accurately can forecast and end up looking like total dumbasses. But when someone sees a forecast for a tenth of an inch of snow, they think no big deal.


And the kicker to all of it. People like glen burns will get on tv the same day or the next day and LIE about what happened. Like there being a "sudden shift in the models" or "no model showed this happening". I've seen him do this dozens of times. And what happens? Nothing. He can lie straight through his teeth and there is no accountability. And what gets me he and the other mets essentially are lying every day because they will act like their rpm model or whatever can actually accurately forecast the location of a single shower 24 hours in advance. Glen burns is the worst at this but they all do it. Ken cook is probably the only one who will say if he thinks the models is in error or at least doesn't pretend like it can forecast a single snow shower within a 5 mile radius a day or two in advance :arrowhead:


I've been trying to follow you guys for the last two days or so, but work makes it tough. I thought the forecast for Atlanta was really tough? Maybe to the point that those in the area felt it was ok to be out today?

It was tough but some of this could have been helped  if not for glossing over of the possible threat of enough snow falling in and north of town to create some travel problems. No one is saying they should have been forecasting inches of snow but I don't see how a winter weather advisory the day/night before was not justified..especially based on the threshold they have had this year with them.


It wouldn't have solved the entire thing but no doubt it would have helped because I would imagine more schools would have canceled if they had issued one the night before and you wouldn't have so many spending the night there.

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The snow has pretty much stopped. We got more than I thought we would, so I'm happy. I haven't been out to measure. I had to leave my car at the top of my neighborhood and walk home because we have a huge hill that I wasn't going to attempt going down. Traffic was horrible around 5pm. Glad that's over with!

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And there are some people who are smart enough and interested in weather enough to know it is coming, but if their employers won't let them WFH, they have to go in and just deal with whatever happens.  Most businesses won't even consider closing even if the schools close.  Yeah, I have a spouse who has been stuck in traffic for 7 hours and is still over 20 miles away. 

This is so true.  Those of us who read these forums tend to be more educated, interested, motivated, whatever...but in general no one really wants to hear us spout off too much about the weather :)  at least in my case it's a bit of a "closet" hobby. 


Why were so many people on the roads?  Because they were at work, going about their normal business.  And why was that?  If you had watched the local weather forecasts last night and were not a weather geek you would have gone in to work today also.  Predictions were nothing more than some flurries or maybe a dusting starting tonight, maybe after school let out.  They were extremely casual about the entire thing.  Of course we knew better.  But who listens to us?  Honestly, I don't know if I could get  my husband to cancel an important business meeting without concrete evidence, because for every time a situation like this verifies, there are another couple or more times that it doesn't (according to the general public).


Husband finally made it home, after 8.5 hours of driving.  He said he gave himself about 50/50 odds of making it home without getting in an accident.

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Up to 1 inch now.17.6

I'm even with you way out to your west. Difference is it's taken me 5 hours to do it. Even tough we are all getting these mostly pixie crystal flakes, shows how much more harder the rates are the further east you go. I very briefly saw a few  penny to nickel size flakes but not enough forcing to grow the crystals it appears.

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Great points lookout.  Models did show around 2" of snow for ATL...I know its always hard forecasting snow, especially in the SE, but I can always say....I WILL make my own forecast and not just show what models put out.  I believe that is chicken shiz....The mets do it around here. If I bust, I bust...I don't like to at all, but at least it was MY forecast...if that makes sense...

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It doesn't seem to matter what the radar shows, we just keep getting the same heavy dandruff. Grass is really trying to be covered, but we have a ways to go yet on that.


The problem is that it falls in between the blades of grass because of how small the flakes are, rather than squashing them like normal snowfalls do. Almost looks like sleet accumulation.

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Final total for me here in FFC is 2.3 inches. 8 spots on deck and around yard...averaged. Its going to be a very pretty morning. I was hoping for 3-4 but happy we had snow at all!!!!


I ended up with 2.5 inches here in NE part of Gwinnett County.  Awesome storm to track, fun to follow, and made even better by the totals coming in more than expected.  The most memorable part of this by far will be the state of traffic emergency here in ATL.  I still can't believe what I'm seeing on the local news.  

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