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NNE Winter Part 3


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Looks like PF missed some of the good stuff. Morrisville reporting 14" and a colleague who lives in Elmore said 15" at her house. Her husband, who is a Stowe police officer says there is more than 6" in parts of Stowe. Looking at the reports it almost looks like the Waterbury-Stowe-Hyde Park/Johnson corridor got shadowed. Another colleague who lives in Moretown said about a foot at her house. I had 13" at my house sw of Barre City at about 1250'.

Well remember my report from town was at 5am. I have no idea what there is now but could be 8-9" or so. I never know if it's shadowing or if it's just bad luck with the meso-bands.

I see the Johnson coop to the north of me and Morrisville came in with 5.0" this morning. Morrisville must've gotten into a band if they are at 12-15" in between the two spots.

Anyway, upslope is going at the mountain and the flake size has gotten much much bigger.

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The 24 hour morning QPF shows the difference...

MPV...0.87" (with a whopping 0.69" falling at the ASOS between 3am-7am).



MPV got hit with what ALB got hit with, which was around 0.5" melted in two hours. MPV's 0.26" hour and 0.24" hour probably put down 6" of snow in 2 hours.

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Well remember my report from town was at 5am. I have no idea what there is now but could be 8-9" or so. I never know if it's shadowing or if it's just bad luck with the meso-bands.


Anyway, upslope is going at the mountain and the flake size has gotten much much bigger.


I suspect you’ll find a good addition to your snow when you get home – we were only at 6” as of 6:00 A.M., but looks like we’re up to ~11” at our place based on what I see on the web cam.

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Well remember my report from town was at 5am. I have no idea what there is now but could be 8-9" or so. I never know if it's shadowing or if it's just bad luck with the meso-bands.

I see the Johnson coop to the north of me and Morrisville came in with 5.0" this morning. Morrisville must've gotten into a band if they are at 12-15" in between the two spots.

Anyway, upslope is going at the mountain and the flake size has gotten much much bigger.

Yeah, I understand that as I said my colleague's husband was reporting more from driving around town.
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Current VT totals... some wide variations though even at the same time.  In Chittenden County, two NWS employees in the Milton area between 10-11am varied from 5.3" to 12.0".  Over here, Jeffersonville FAA employee reported 12", while the Jeffersonville COOP came in with 5.0", both within like an hour or two of each other.  Even in Waterbury, J.Spin had the 6am report of 6.0" snowfall, while someone in NNE Waterbury had 11.9". 


Must've been whether or not you got into the banding last night...but there are three different reports on there in three different towns this morning with variations between 5-12", and the obs were made within an hour or so of each other, lol.



   CORNWALL              10.0   831 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   3 N SALISBURY          7.1   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   MIDDLEBURY             6.5  1126 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   2 SE LINCOLN           6.4   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   ORWELL                 6.0   821 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   3 NNW SHEFFIELD       11.4   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   LYNDONVILLE           11.2  1025 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   4 N WALDEN            10.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   WEST BARNET           10.0   923 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   2 SW SUTTON            9.9   702 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   2 S WHEELOCK           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   1 W LYNDONVILLE        8.0   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 NE SUTTON            7.2   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   3 NNE MILTON          12.0  1007 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   1 SSW UNDERHILL       10.0  1054 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   1 NE SOUTH BURLINGTO   7.9  1155 AM  2/14  NWS OFFICE
   MILTON                 7.0   900 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   1 S ESSEX CENTER       6.7  1007 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   2 SE SOUTH BURLINGTO   6.0   735 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   1 N ESSEX JUNCTION     5.7   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   2 NNW WILLISTON        5.5   848 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   1 W MILTON             5.4  1122 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   1 E NASHVILLE          5.3   645 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   4 NNE UNDERHILL        5.2   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 NW WESTFORD          4.7   700 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE
   1 N MALLETTS BAY       4.5   730 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 ENE AVERILL         14.1   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   LUNENBURG              7.0   600 AM  2/14  BROADCAST MEDIA

   MONTGOMERY            10.0  1021 AM  2/14  POST OFFICE
   5 SE MONTGOMERY        7.1   740 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   SWANTON                7.1   815 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   8 NNW FAIRFAX          6.7   740 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 NNE ST. ALBANS       6.0   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   MORRISVILLE           14.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   JEFFERSONVILLE        12.0   820 AM  2/14  FAA EMPLOYEE
   EDEN                   8.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   SW STOWE               6.7   730 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 NE HYDE PARK         5.8   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   STOWE                  5.3   530 AM  2/14  750 FT ELEVATION
   2 NE JOHNSON           5.0   823 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   TUNBRIDGE             17.0   848 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   CORINTH               15.7   645 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   RANDOLPH              14.0   800 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   UNION VILLAGE DAM     13.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   2 NW CHELSEA           8.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   7 SE MORGAN           12.0   900 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   NEWPORT                9.6   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   1 WNW WESTFIELD        9.0   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 ENE BARTON           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 NW DERBY CENTER      8.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   MT. TABOR             15.3   909 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   1 N WEST RUTLAND      13.4   815 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   WEST RUTLAND          13.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   PITTSFORD             13.0   549 AM  2/14  TRAINED SPOTTER
   1 N RUTLAND           12.7   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   BOMOSEEN               9.0   900 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   NORTHFIELD            17.0   824 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   EAST MONTPELIER       12.0   600 AM  2/14  BROADCAST MEDIA
   2 SE WAITSFIELD       12.0   730 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   5 NNE WATERBURY       11.9   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 W WORCESTER         11.7   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   MARSHFIELD            11.5   700 AM  2/14  1600 FT ELEVATION
   4 ESE MARSHFIELD      11.5   700 AM  2/14  TRAINED SPOTTER
   BERLIN                10.0  1126 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   2 N NORTHFIELD         9.5   600 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 ENE MIDDLESEX        9.3   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   1 N NORTHFIELD         9.0   715 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   PLAINFIELD             9.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   2 SW MONTPELIER        9.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   4 WNW BERLIN           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   2 SW EAST CALAIS       8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 NE WATERBURY         8.0   530 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 NW WATERBURY         6.0   600 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 S SPRINGFIELD       20.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   3 N POMFRET           18.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   3 S LUDLOW            18.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   WINDSOR               18.0   700 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   BRIDGEWATER CORNERS   17.0   922 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   N HARTLAND RES        15.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   ROCHESTER             15.5  1127 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   BETHEL                15.5   600 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   WOODSTOCK             15.0   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER
   1 E WOODSTOCK         14.8  1124 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   CHESTER               14.0   820 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   WILDER                13.3   824 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   SOUTH ROYALTON        13.0   700 AM  2/14  PUBLIC
   1 WSW LUDLOW          12.5   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS
   1 S ROCHESTER         12.0   629 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER


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Hope folks are enjoying the snow.  Went up into Nebraska Notch- which gets blasted by wind so depths varied a lot- probably around 8-12" up top with lots of drifts knee-to-thigh deep drifts. The slightly upside-down nature to the 'pack made breaking trail a bit difficult. The flake size increased from earlier in the morning in Waterbury as we arrived probably around as the NW flow kicked up.  The synoptic snow that fell has a lot of resistance to it- which is good because my pole could strike bare ground 20-30" down.  However, I wasn't paying attention, made a wrong turn and ended up in a spot I didn't want to- which was south facing and not the higher NW facing ridge I was aiming for.  Working around to the more W-NW aspect, the snow was consistently and reassuringly deeper.  


Getting back to the car showed 1.5-2" in 3 hours- and it was coming down hard @2:30pm.  Winds had also picked up, and treated us to a brief ground blizzard around Lake Mansfield.


You can still hit some stuff if you're aggressive or not watching for the telltales of lurking rocks/deadfall, but it seems like the BC is skiable if you take a conservative approach.  It wasn't as much snow as expected depth-wise, but the QPF that fell is respectable.  Hopefully the wrap-around upslope will come through as the Winter Weather Advisory posted an hour ago calls for some additional accumulations. A little bit of settling of the synoptic stuff and some fluff on top should make for a nice day tomorrow at the resorts and in the BC.


Snow is reduced this side of Waterbury over by the Worcester Range, as expected- but still a Steady light snow- so 24 hours or so of snow isn't all that bad.

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Current VT totals... some wide variations though even at the same time.  In Chittenden County, two NWS employees in the Milton area between 10-11am varied from 5.3" to 12.0".  Over here, Jeffersonville FAA employee reported 12", while the Jeffersonville COOP came in with 5.0", both within like an hour or two of each other.  Even in Waterbury, J.Spin had the 6am report of 6.0" snowfall, while someone in NNE Waterbury had 11.9". 


Must've been whether or not you got into the banding last night...but there are three different reports on there in three different towns this morning with variations between 5-12", and the obs were made within an hour or so of each other, lol.




   CORNWALL              10.0   831 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   3 N SALISBURY          7.1   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   MIDDLEBURY             6.5  1126 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   2 SE LINCOLN           6.4   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   ORWELL                 6.0   821 AM  2/14  PUBLIC


   3 NNW SHEFFIELD       11.4   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   LYNDONVILLE           11.2  1025 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   4 N WALDEN            10.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   WEST BARNET           10.0   923 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   2 SW SUTTON            9.9   702 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   2 S WHEELOCK           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   1 W LYNDONVILLE        8.0   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 NE SUTTON            7.2   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER


   3 NNE MILTON          12.0  1007 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 SSW UNDERHILL       10.0  1054 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   1 NE SOUTH BURLINGTO   7.9  1155 AM  2/14  NWS OFFICE

   MILTON                 7.0   900 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   1 S ESSEX CENTER       6.7  1007 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   2 SE SOUTH BURLINGTO   6.0   735 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 N ESSEX JUNCTION     5.7   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   2 NNW WILLISTON        5.5   848 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 W MILTON             5.4  1122 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 E NASHVILLE          5.3   645 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   4 NNE UNDERHILL        5.2   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 NW WESTFORD          4.7   700 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE

   1 N MALLETTS BAY       4.5   730 AM  2/14  NWS EMPLOYEE


   1 ENE AVERILL         14.1   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   LUNENBURG              7.0   600 AM  2/14  BROADCAST MEDIA


   MONTGOMERY            10.0  1021 AM  2/14  POST OFFICE

   5 SE MONTGOMERY        7.1   740 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   SWANTON                7.1   815 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   8 NNW FAIRFAX          6.7   740 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 NNE ST. ALBANS       6.0   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS


   MORRISVILLE           14.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   JEFFERSONVILLE        12.0   820 AM  2/14  FAA EMPLOYEE

   EDEN                   8.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   SW STOWE               6.7   730 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 NE HYDE PARK         5.8   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   STOWE                  5.3   530 AM  2/14  750 FT ELEVATION

   2 NE JOHNSON           5.0   823 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER


   TUNBRIDGE             17.0   848 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   CORINTH               15.7   645 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   RANDOLPH              14.0   800 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   UNION VILLAGE DAM     13.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   2 NW CHELSEA           8.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER


   7 SE MORGAN           12.0   900 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   NEWPORT                9.6   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   1 WNW WESTFIELD        9.0   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 ENE BARTON           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 NW DERBY CENTER      8.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS


   MT. TABOR             15.3   909 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   1 N WEST RUTLAND      13.4   815 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   WEST RUTLAND          13.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   PITTSFORD             13.0   549 AM  2/14  TRAINED SPOTTER

   1 N RUTLAND           12.7   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   BOMOSEEN               9.0   900 AM  2/14  PUBLIC


   NORTHFIELD            17.0   824 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   EAST MONTPELIER       12.0   600 AM  2/14  BROADCAST MEDIA

   2 SE WAITSFIELD       12.0   730 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   5 NNE WATERBURY       11.9   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 W WORCESTER         11.7   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   MARSHFIELD            11.5   700 AM  2/14  1600 FT ELEVATION

   4 ESE MARSHFIELD      11.5   700 AM  2/14  TRAINED SPOTTER

   BERLIN                10.0  1126 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   2 N NORTHFIELD         9.5   600 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 ENE MIDDLESEX        9.3   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   1 N NORTHFIELD         9.0   715 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   PLAINFIELD             9.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   2 SW MONTPELIER        9.0   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   4 WNW BERLIN           8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   2 SW EAST CALAIS       8.5   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 NE WATERBURY         8.0   530 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 NW WATERBURY         6.0   600 AM  2/14  COCORAHS


   3 S SPRINGFIELD       20.0   730 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   3 N POMFRET           18.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   3 S LUDLOW            18.3   700 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   WINDSOR               18.0   700 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   BRIDGEWATER CORNERS   17.0   922 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   N HARTLAND RES        15.5   700 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   ROCHESTER             15.5  1127 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   BETHEL                15.5   600 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   WOODSTOCK             15.0   800 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER

   1 E WOODSTOCK         14.8  1124 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   CHESTER               14.0   820 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   WILDER                13.3   824 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   SOUTH ROYALTON        13.0   700 AM  2/14  PUBLIC

   1 WSW LUDLOW          12.5   800 AM  2/14  COCORAHS

   1 S ROCHESTER         12.0   629 AM  2/14  CO-OP OBSERVER




Driving from Waterbury to Morrisville, and on 15 over through Johnson, Jeffersonville and on to Underhill you would watch the accumulations undulated from 5-6" to 12-14" several times.  Go figure.

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What a storm shaping up for extreme east sections of NE this weekend.  Maybe it will continue to trend west to get most of us in C/NNE on some snow.  I know on the west side of these monsters a deformation band will set up.  Met's how far west will that be?  Maine or into NH?






PS  Nice near continuous squalls and flurries this PM.  Didn't expect as much activity here.

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Hope folks are enjoying the snow.  Went up into Nebraska Notch- which gets blasted by wind so depths varied a lot- probably around 8-12" up top with lots of drifts knee-to-thigh deep drifts. The slightly upside-down nature to the 'pack made breaking trail a bit difficult. The flake size increased from earlier in the morning in Waterbury as we arrived probably around as the NW flow kicked up.  The synoptic snow that fell has a lot of resistance to it- which is good because my pole could strike bare ground 20-30" down.  However, I wasn't paying attention, made a wrong turn and ended up in a spot I didn't want to- which was south facing and not the higher NW facing ridge I was aiming for.  Working around to the more W-NW aspect, the snow was consistently and reassuringly deeper.  


Getting back to the car showed 1.5-2" in 3 hours- and it was coming down hard @2:30pm.  Winds had also picked up, and treated us to a brief ground blizzard around Lake Mansfield.


You can still hit some stuff if you're aggressive or not watching for the telltales of lurking rocks/deadfall, but it seems like the BC is skiable if you take a conservative approach.  It wasn't as much snow as expected depth-wise, but the QPF that fell is respectable.  Hopefully the wrap-around upslope will come through as the Winter Weather Advisory posted an hour ago calls for some additional accumulations. A little bit of settling of the synoptic stuff and some fluff on top should make for a nice day tomorrow at the resorts and in the BC.


Snow is reduced this side of Waterbury over by the Worcester Range, as expected- but still a Steady light snow- so 24 hours or so of snow isn't all that bad.


I just left Mansfield at 3:15pm and checked the base snow stake on my way out at 1,500ft and found a wind-blown 11" at the stake.  So where there was only like 4.5" at 5am, we picked up an additional 6.5" today, and that's still climbing with the upslope that is on-going.  The 3,000ft stake was 12.5" so not much different between the two.


All in all, no complaints about 11" of snow (no board clearing, just 11" settled depth over 24 hours) at the base of the mountain.  Snowpack is getting up there now at 26-30" at the base in the woods.



This was 3pm, my car and this lot was cleared and plowed out at 5:30am, so this is today's accumulation.  Still snowing pretty hard up there.


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Was just looking through the ski area snowfall amounts and appears we are definitely the low man out, but that's how it works sometimes.  In talking with some folks this afternoon, due to drifting and just generally good powder skiing, the numbers people were throwing out as "guesses" of the snowfall were similar to what some other ski areas had, haha.  Skiers and riders must be an optimistic bunch, or are just awful at estimating snowfall visually.  11" of snow measured was consistently estimated to be easily over a foot, haha.


Looks like the winner is Sugarbush with 13" at the base and 22" at the summit.  That's a huge difference between top and bottom in a synoptic event, but the 22" amount looks like the jackpot.

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Man, it's days like today that I know I'm 51 and not 21 or even 31 anymore.  This snow had a lot more water content than last week.


In any case, a lot of wind, but 5 separate measurements put me at an average of 13.15" as of 4:30pm.  I'm all set for awhile so not a twinge of jealousy about tomorrow's eastern Mass./coastal Maine system.  Looks like a 1-3 or 2-4 inches deal here...that'll do for now...lol.

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random thoughts, love snowblowing upslope fluff, can charge the drifts as opposed to earlier today and the more dense 10"


sitting on 12" for this, winds are doing their job moving things around, 22" now to play in the yard, the dog has converted to plyometrics to run :)


have good weekend all


Yeah, my Lab has to play dolphin to run through the yard now.  She's a shoe carrier, and I'm bound to lose one now until April, haha. 


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Nice discussion by BTV about the change in orographic blocking.  We were getting hit this afternoon on the east side, and now its switched to the western slopes. 



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