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2nd and 3rd that Greg!


I dropped by the Sports Forum to congratulate you guys on the BCS Championship. Outstanding game and both teams showed why they deserved to be there. Along the way, I stepped in some Ed Lizard manure and got a little sidetracked. I really try not to bash other teams but that guy is a pompous ass when it comes to discussing football and I have had to try and match him just to feel better.

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Larry, I'm here if I can help with anything, just let me know!



 Thank you. If I need any advice related to how to handle the situation, I may ask your opinion about it. Is this a common problem for the attic pipes that feed the sprinkler system to burst in extreme cold? I never even gave it much thought. What an irony that something there to protect against fires is causing a problem in this case (if that is what it actually is).

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 Apparently, the pipe(s) in the attic that feed the sprinkler system above my apartment on the northside of Atlanta have burst as the thaw got started. Water was spotted "gushing out" of my unit. Of course, I'm in and have been in Savannah. They're going in there now. Also, I asked my sis to check it out and give me her perspective as soon as she gets a chance since she lives in Atlanta. It was down to ~5 F there. Hopefully, the damage isn't bad, especially to my belongings, though I'm insured. But water "gushing out" doesn't sound good.

 They claimed that dripping my faucets would have helped. However, I've been told that makes no sense since the sprinker system would normally be on a totally separate line. Also, I did leave my cabinet doors open to let in the heat from the apartment, which was set on 60 F.


 I just got some great news! It turns out that it wasn't an attic pipe that burst as was suggested to me. It was a pipe in the garage (which of course was unheated and, therefore, more susceptible), which is below my apartment, itself. So, my living space was totally unaffected. I do have some stuff stored in the garage, but the only things of value are a marble table, which shouldn't be damaged by water, and two padded wooden dining room chairs. The padding of those chairs may have gotten soaked but hopefully they will be ok once they dry (if they got wet) since the water was clean. Whew!! I dodged a bullet so to speak.

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 I just got some great news! It turns out that it wasn't an attic pipe that burst as was suggested to me. It was a pipe in the garage (which of course was unheated and, therefore, more susceptible), which is below my apartment, itself. So, my living space was totally unaffected. I do have some stuff stored in the garage, but the only things of value are a marble table, which shouldn't be damaged by water, and two padded wooden dining room chairs. The padding of those chairs may have gotten soaked but hopefully they will be ok once they dry (if they got wet) since the water was clean. Whew!! I dodged a bullet so to speak.


Wow! Glad to hear , Larry!!!

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 Thanks. Did you sustain significant damage to your home or belongings?


No, thankfully, the majority of the water flowed outside and the part that spilled into the basement was over linoleum which was easy to mop up.


Man, I had no idea how much plumbing repairs would cost, though.  This pipe is in such an inaccessible place that they're going to have to just cut new holes through the cabinetry and down to the existing water lines.  It's impossible to tell how much of the pipe is busted without taking the cabinetry out, which I don't want to do.  I'm looking at around $500 for the work and $750 if I go ahead and have them replace the lines to the other sink as well.  At least the new lines will be away from the exterior walls and done in pex rather than cpvc.  I just don't have the expertise to do it on my own, though.

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 I just got some great news! It turns out that it wasn't an attic pipe that burst as was suggested to me. It was a pipe in the garage (which of course was unheated and, therefore, more susceptible), which is below my apartment, itself. So, my living space was totally unaffected. I do have some stuff stored in the garage, but the only things of value are a marble table, which shouldn't be damaged by water, and two padded wooden dining room chairs. The padding of those chairs may have gotten soaked but hopefully they will be ok once they dry (if they got wet) since the water was clean. Whew!! I dodged a bullet so to speak.

Great news Larry     :thumbsup:


It's a heatwave out there.

Yes it is   :lol:   

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No, thankfully, the majority of the water flowed outside and the part that spilled into the basement was over linoleum which was easy to mop up.


Man, I had no idea how much plumbing repairs would cost, though.  This pipe is in such an inaccessible place that they're going to have to just cut new holes through the cabinetry and down to the existing water lines.  It's impossible to tell how much of the pipe is busted without taking the cabinetry out, which I don't want to do.  I'm looking at around $500 for the work and $750 if I go ahead and have them replace the lines to the other sink as well.  At least the new lines will be away from the exterior walls and done in pex rather than cpvc.  I just don't have the expertise to do it on my own, though.

Pex is simple enough for a child to do.  Three years ago I decided, after several leaks in my old plumbing, to redo the entire cold water distribution piping in my house.  Two kitchens, three full baths.  My wife made arrangements to stay a couple of days with her sister. I was done in three hours and half of that was cutting out the old copper. I didn't even need to use a ruler to measure pipe. Just hold it up and eyeball it.  Amazing stuff.

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 I just got some great news! It turns out that it wasn't an attic pipe that burst as was suggested to me. It was a pipe in the garage (which of course was unheated and, therefore, more susceptible), which is below my apartment, itself. So, my living space was totally unaffected. I do have some stuff stored in the garage, but the only things of value are a marble table, which shouldn't be damaged by water, and two padded wooden dining room chairs. The padding of those chairs may have gotten soaked but hopefully they will be ok once they dry (if they got wet) since the water was clean. Whew!! I dodged a bullet so to speak.

Great news, Larry!!!  Now, quick, go buy two lotto tickets for the same number and send me one, pronto.  Make it a weekend drawing.  I'm gonna be rich!!  Ha, ha, rich, I say :)  Get some cuts offs put in and cut and drain your water when you leave in winter.  The worst isn't when they freeze, but when no one is home when they thaw :)  You did dodge a big one....now go get those lottos, lol, 'cause you are living right.   T

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I don't know where else to post this short of starting a new thread - which isn't my style.


There is a subscription drive going on and this is the best weather board going.


Please donate and encourage your compatriots to do likewise!


Thanks from a member who greatly appreciates all the info/banter/humor and insight this board provides.


Respectfully and Humbly,



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I just got some great news! It turns out that it wasn't an attic pipe that burst as was suggested to me. It was a pipe in the garage (which of course was unheated and, therefore, more susceptible), which is below my apartment, itself. So, my living space was totally unaffected. I do have some stuff stored in the garage, but the only things of value are a marble table, which shouldn't be damaged by water, and two padded wooden dining room chairs. The padding of those chairs may have gotten soaked but hopefully they will be ok once they dry (if they got wet) since the water was clean. Whew!! I dodged a bullet so to speak.


That's great news, Larry.


No, thankfully, the majority of the water flowed outside and the part that spilled into the basement was over linoleum which was easy to mop up.


Man, I had no idea how much plumbing repairs would cost, though.  This pipe is in such an inaccessible place that they're going to have to just cut new holes through the cabinetry and down to the existing water lines.  It's impossible to tell how much of the pipe is busted without taking the cabinetry out, which I don't want to do.  I'm looking at around $500 for the work and $750 if I go ahead and have them replace the lines to the other sink as well.  At least the new lines will be away from the exterior walls and done in pex rather than cpvc.  I just don't have the expertise to do it on my own, though.

Thankfully, I haven't had to have any repairs done to my plumbing inside the house, but I had the main water line bust, going into the house under the crawl space a while back. Of course, the connection to the neighborhood water line is on one side of my driveway and the house is on the other. So that little project was $1500 big ones.

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I have to get this off my chest here, I  wanted to throw a brick through the tv a lot of times during this cold out break because of the stupidity..and I mean shear stupidity..of the talking heads on tv. I've heard some really stupid things before when idiots on tv try to talk about weather but the things I heard about this cold was something that probably has never been matched in the "you have no fooking clue what you are talking about you moron!" department. It's astonishing at the level of stupidity on tv today.


That is all.

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I don't know where else to post this short of starting a new thread - which isn't my style.


There is a subscription drive going on and this is the best weather board going.


Please donate and encourage your compatriots to do likewise!


Thanks from a member who greatly appreciates all the info/banter/humor and insight this board provides.


Respectfully and Humbly,



Well said  :wub: 



I have to get this off my chest here, I  wanted to throw a brick through the tv a lot of times during this cold out break because of the stupidity..and I mean shear stupidity..of the talking heads on tv. I've heard some really stupid things before when idiots on tv try to talk about weather but the things I heard about this cold was something that probably has never been matched in the "you have no fooking clue what you are talking about you moron!" department. It's astonishing at the level of stupidity on tv today.


That is all.

:lol:  I know right!? I have had more smh moments in the past 3 days than the past 3 months :lol: 

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I have to get this off my chest here, I wanted to throw a brick through the tv a lot of times during this cold out break because of the stupidity..and I mean shear stupidity..of the talking heads on tv. I've heard some really stupid things before when idiots on tv try to talk about weather but the things I heard about this cold was something that probably has never been matched in the "you have no fooking clue what you are talking about you moron!" department. It's astonishing at the level of stupidity on tv today.

That is all.

Let me guess they were talking about how the polar vortex is something new and just a made up name for this arctic blast?

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I have to get this off my chest here, I wanted to throw a brick through the tv a lot of times during this cold out break because of the stupidity..and I mean shear stupidity..of the talking heads on tv. I've heard some really stupid things before when idiots on tv try to talk about weather but the things I heard about this cold was something that probably has never been matched in the "you have no fooking clue what you are talking about you moron!" department. It's astonishing at the level of stupidity on tv today.

That is all.

When I first read this, I thought you said you wanted to throw Brick through the TV!

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Lol, would it help :) 

  Chris, the one that gets me is all the happy talk again.  It was bad enough when they first came out with it because you didn't have computers and the internet, and here they were taking up valuable weather time, happy talking :)  Now I just ignore local news completely and smile a lot.  Except my 93 year old mother watches it, and thinks the world is coming to an end, forgetting she has lived though far colder, with far less, than most people alive today, lol.  So I have to calm her down.  Even worse is tornado season, where every outhouse shingle flipper, is a cat 5 pad scraper.  The fear mongering is out of hand.  T

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Michelle, Cold Rain, and Tony,

 Thanks, I'm quite relieved after hearing that water was "gushing" out of my apartment. If they had only said it was gushing out under the garage door, I wouldn't have been nearly so worried.



 LMAO about Lotto. I'll keep that in mind. But would you rather me see what I can do to get you a major sleet storm? Then again, you have the moles back. By the way the mayor of Savannah isn't very happy that the moles never gave him a call or anything about not being able to come. That's very rude! Moles should know better. Geez, Tony, I think you need to ground them.


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I don't want to kill the Pattern thread with JB talk, so I'll put this here:  If he is so bad, as measured not by tweets but by objective forecast verification analysis, why would he have any clients at all?  Why would he still have any credibility?  Larry, you said "even a blind squirrel finds a nut".  That implies he's wrong most of the time.  My question is, is he really wrong?  Or does he have a different set of forecasts that he issues his pay customers?  Or does it just seem like he's wrong because he only tweets about cold and not about warm?  I'm seriously asking, because I don't know how his forecasts grade out.


I'm not calling anyone out here.  As far as I'm concerned, he's just another source to hear from.  I personally don't put a lot of weight on what he tweets because he is clearly one sided from that outlet.  And I don't pay for his stuff, so I don't know if that's more objective.  If you hate him, fine with me.  If you like him, fine with me.  I got no problem with it either way.  I do find it amusing how people that don't like him make the effort and take the time to bust on people that do follow him.  That happens at least a few times every year.  Nobody calls anybody out for NOT listening to him.  Anyway, I was just wondering how he could stay so popular if he was such a bad forecaster.  Hype will only get you so far.  Eventually, money talks.

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I don't want to kill the Pattern thread with JB talk, so I'll put this here:  If he is so bad, as measured not by tweets but by objective forecast verification analysis, why would he have any clients at all?  Why would he still have any credibility?  Larry, you said "even a blind squirrel finds a nut".  That implies he's wrong most of the time.  My question is, is he really wrong?  Or does he have a different set of forecasts that he issues his pay customers?  Or does it just seem like he's wrong because he only tweets about cold and not about warm?  I'm seriously asking, because I don't know how his forecasts grade out.


I'm not calling anyone out here.  As far as I'm concerned, he's just another source to hear from.  I personally don't put a lot of weight on what he tweets because he is clearly one sided from that outlet.  And I don't pay for his stuff, so I don't know if that's more objective.  If you hate him, fine with me.  If you like him, fine with me.  I got no problem with it either way.  I do find it amusing how people that don't like him make the effort and take the time to bust on people that do follow him.  That happens at least a few times every year.  Nobody calls anybody out for NOT listening to him.  Anyway, I was just wondering how he could stay so popular if he was such a bad forecaster.  Hype will only get you so far.  Eventually, money talks.


If anyone follows sports at all they will get this.


JB is the weather equivalent to Skip Bayless. Both have extreme opinions based loosely on actual facts.

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CR.....It's all about the bottom dollar. His playground has always been the MA/NE and he spins everything to suit his needs. Does he have a lot of people that pay for his forecast? Yes....but remember....people also made the man who came up with the pet rock a fortune and these are the same people that follow many weenies on twitter and fb too. It's not that he's a genius or anything, but he does have an excellent marketing crew. Give the people what they want and they will follow.....nobody said the human race was smart, but they sure are gullible :P  


BTW.....I don't really pay attention to anyone(pro forecaster/meteorologist/etc) that twists things to fit what they are trying to sell. ;) 

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