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Useful Weather Links - Tennessee Valley Style ***Updated Links Nov 2018***

Carvers Gap

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Put your weather links in this thread. That way, as we add new people to this region, they have places to go and learn. Plus, it gives us all a quick reference. As a general rule, most of us abide by "read more and post less." However, for this forum to work...people have to participate. When making a comment, just be sure to add some weather expertise to your discussion(even if it is limited). Instead of saying, "Boy, it is raining outside." Try this, "The National Weather Service radar is showing heavy returns over middle Tennessee." Instead of saying, "The weather models are showing a torch," try this..."The GFS is showing warm temps at hour n." Read as much as you can. Google is a great tool. And don't be afraid to ask questions. That's how all of us learned to get to our varying levels of expertise.



Last update: November 2018

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Links have been checked(as of December 2018) to see that they work and a few have been added.  Be sure to scroll through the thread in order to see the quality links that other folks have added...


Weather Models (**updated Nov 2018**)

Tropical Tidbits (great starter site for folks new to weather model watching)

e-Wall, Electronic Map Wall (Euro Wx Model and more, Penn State University)

Canadian Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS)

Canadian Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS)

Plymouth Weather Center (Wx Models)

Twister Wx Data (Clown Maps for Snow)

UQAM Weather Centre (Wx Models, UKMET)

CFSV2 (Long Range Model)

JMA - Japanese Wx Model

College of Dupage Wx Lab

SPC Mesoscale Analysis

Dacula Weather


Regional Weather Offices (**updated Nov 2018**)

Morristown, TN Weather Office (MRX)

Nashville, TN Weather Office (OHX)

Memphis, TN Weather Office (MEG)

Huntsville, AL Weather Office (HUN)

Paducah, KY Weather Office (PAH)


Climate Outlooks/Indices and Weather Discussions (**updated Nov 2018**)

Long Paddock (SOI Values)

NAO, AO, PNA, AAO Indices (CPC)

Climate Prediction Center (CPC)

Earth System Research Laboratory (EPO, NAO, WPO, PNA Indices)

ENSO El Nino - Southern Oscillation (CPC)

Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO)

Storm Prediction Center

National Hurricane Center

Meteogram Generator


Radars (**updated Nov 2018**)

NWS Radar Sites


Glossary Resources (**updated Nov 2018**)

Basic Weather Acronyms (CPC)

Weather Glossary


Space Weather (**updated Nov 2018**)

Solar Wx - Sunspots


Tennessee Valley Weather and Climate Resources (**updated Nov 2018**)

TVA Reservoir Information (River Levels/Flood Stages)

Elevation Reference Points for the TN Valley


Frequented Quality Weather Sites (**updated Nov 2018**)

Dacula Weather (AmWx member w/ Tennessee Valley roots!)

WxSouth (AmWx member and meteorologist!)

Beau's Wx (Facebook Page)

Snowfall Maps - Earl's


Historical Weather/Climate Data (**updated Nov 2018**)

Reanalysis Data NCEP

Iowa State Historical Radar Data

WxUnderground Surface Observations

National Climatic Data Center

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Good idea, here's Cold Rain's nifty list that was crowd sourced. Some of these won't be relevant to our area but many are.

Edit: well that paste kinda failed, stupid iPad. I'll attempt again.

With the winter season fully underway, I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread that could contain links for the various websites that provide weather data, such as model guidance, climate data and research, weather blogs and commentary, etc. I have seen several requests in various threads for this kind of data (I have made some myself) over the past few days, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread we could link to.

If this compilation already exisits, please feel free to delete this thread and point me to the correct place. Otherwise, hopefully, this will turn out to be a helpful resource.

Please post your favorite websites with a brief description, if you are so inclined.

I use the following:

Model Guidance:

PSU eWall (GFS, NAM, EURO, CMC, UKMET, DGEX, SREF): http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~fxg1/ewall.html

Earl Barker's Model Page (JMA): http://wxcaster.com/models_main.htm

Instant Weather Maps: http://www.instantweathermaps.com/

Canadian Model Center: http://weather.gc.ca/model_forecast/index_e.html

European Model Center (Euro and Euro Ensemble Mean): http://www.ecmwf.int/

NCEP (American Model Center): http://mag.ncep.noaa.gov/NCOMAGWEB/appcontroller/

Rap Model: http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/model/index.php?model=gfs

CFSv2: http://origin.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/people/wwang/cfsv2fcst/

Unisys Weather: http://weather.unisys.com/

HRRR Model: http://rapidrefresh.noaa.gov/HRRR/

Twister Data: http://www.twisterdata.com/

College of DuPage Weather Lab: http://weather.cod.edu/forecast/

Weather Underground (Forecast maps and Obs): http://www.wunderground.com/

CPC Data (Indexes and Outlooks)

Index Data (AO, NAO, PNA, MJO): http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/pna/pna_index_ensm.shtml

CPC Outlooks: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/

Other NWS Sites:

Weather Prediction Center: http://www.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/

Storm Prediction Center: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/

National Hurricane Center: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/

NWS Home Page (find your WFO here): http://www.weather.gov/

Hydrologic Prediction Service (Rainfall info): http://www.water.weather.gov/precip/

Aviation Weather Center (Satellite Imagry): http://aviationweather.gov/adds/satellite/

Other Obs and Data Sites:

Cool Weather: http://coolwx.com/

The Burkfit Warehouse (Meteogram Generator and GFS and NAM text output): http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/bufkit/data/

MeteoStar: http://wxweb.meteostar.com/

Wind Data: http://hint.fm/wind/


Hurricane Track: http://hurricanetrack.com/

Matthew East (Charlotte area): http://mattheweast.blogspot.com/

WxSouth (Robert Gamble): www.wxsouth.com

WxRisk (DT): www.wxrisk.com

Kirk Mellish (Atlatna area): http://www.wsbradio.com/weblogs/kirk-mellishs-weather-commentary/

Weather Bell (Joe Bastardi Saturday Summary -- free): http://www.weatherbell.com/

WxJordan: www.wxjordan.com

Miscellaneous Sites:

Solar Data: http://www.solarham.net/

Airport Codes: http://www.world-airport-codes.com/

Bear Paws (Tropical Weather page): http://www.bearpawsweather.com/tropical/index.html

Weather Pick-up Lines: http://www.weather.funnelfiasco.com/pickup_lines.html

Weather Learning Tools: http://www.theweatherprediction.com/

I know that there are many other resources that you all can recommend. I only included the ones I use the most and that are free. Also, I didn't include any Facebook or Twitter pages (feel free to post those). Please post

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Some great links in there...I have been trying to learn more concerning model guidance and how to interpret it. So glad there is a TN valley forum now, I hope to contribute to it in any way I can!


Here are a couple of links to Beau's website and social media- he is a bit north of the TN valley but still includes West Tn and Western Ky in his discussions, he offers some interesting analysis and has quite a large following over there.





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Some great links in there...I have been trying to learn more concerning model guidance and how to interpret it. So glad there is a TN valley forum now, I hope to contribute to it in any way I can! Here are a couple of links to Beau's website and social media- he is a bit north of the TN valley but still includes West Tn and Western Ky in his discussions, he offers some interesting analysis and has quite a large following over there. http://www.weatherobservatory.com/ https://www.facebook.com/beaudodsonweather

Good to see you on here, WTNWx. As time goes by, it will be nice to continue to add some links (like those) that are unique to our region. And absolutely please continue to participate on the subforum. That is what will make it work.

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I put all of these on the "master" list at the top.  That way we have all of them in one place.  At some point I will classify them...at some point.  Excellent links so far!




Cool tool here,one of the mets posted it the other day on the main board,you can change the url also


Edit:It updates every 3 hrs and hold your left click down and you can scroll the world








I use my website...



Highly recommend Dacula's site. He has a tremendous amount of good stuff there!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks for mentioning that.  Excellent site.  I will put that on the master list above.  You have some TN Valley connections, yes?!  So, even better.

LOL! Thanks!

Yes, when I was 1 year old, I moved from Savannah to Nashville and lived there through the 1st grade. We moved to Paris TN for the 2nd through 4th grades, then moved back to Nashville and lived until I went to college at UT Knoxville. My sister still lives in Nashville. At least half my life has been in Tennessee. 


Yes guys, if you haven't visited my site, give it s shot, I've got more pages (+1200) of weather information than you have time to look at. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a few websites I look at that I didn't see on the list.


Meteogram Generator:




Cool Wx (I use this site to look at precip type and accumulation for NAM, RUC, and GFS, also has a lot of other stuff like mesoscale analysis stuff - temp, dewpoint, etc.) Only problem is that they only have two sites for TN: BNA and MEM.



Example from 18z NAM for BNA:






This next website is a another TN weather forum but it also has some nice maps on the side for the WRF Simulated Radar, real-time radar, temp, jet stream, satellites, and many many another things. I look at this website a lot and I know some of you have been on it before and are members.




Winter Prediction Center's page(WPC) has probability maps for snow, freezing rain and other stuff.



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Also here's the Mesoanalysis page from SPC. I saw the link to the SPC Main page but I thought it would be good to include this one.




Weather Glossary that has definitions for just about all weather terms:



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1. Daily wx maps up to 2004:





2. Unisys back to 1/1996:





3. NOAA four maps on one reanalysis back to 1950:





4. Every six hours of reanalysis back to 1948:





5. Plymouth State upper air 1957-98:



Stole these from the Southeast Forum.

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Also here's the Mesoanalysis page from SPC. I saw the link to the SPC Main page but I thought it would be good to include this one.




Weather Glossary that has definitions for just about all weather terms:





Included in the master list above...Thanks!


Also, finally put our sites into categories...

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  • 8 months later...

Think I shall pin this one again.....


Thank you for pinning this again.  A LOT of useful information in this thread, especially for the newer members that want to learn.


This is a link for the Euro maps (free), along with ensembles.  It's not detailed, but handy none the less.




This is a link for the composite climate maps people use when trying to predict the future based on how the atmosphere acted in the past under certain conditions.



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