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NNE Winter 2013-14 Part I


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The storm came at a poor time for me if I wanted to head to the mountains. Spending quality time with my shovel digging the car out and then snowshoeing until dark seemed like an exhausting day. Instead, I decided to strap on the snowshoes on my front step and head over to the river and lake where a couple of snowmobile trails were waiting to be explored.

The bulk of the snow had fallen (measured 9.2" upon my return), but it was still coming down at a light to moderate clip. My route down the road happened to place me in a headwind, and it was cold! Snow was pelting my face, and I later noticed ice chunks stuck in my week-old stubble.

It was serene on the trail - nary a sound aside from the snow falling and wind rustling. I went perhaps 3/4 of a mile down the trail before heading back. Along the way I bushwhacked to the water's edge to see what I could see. My route was perhaps 4 miles or so in length ... a nice workout for the first 'shoe of the season. Hopefully I can get back to the Whites next weekend. :)



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Freak...what did the 4k BTV WRF give you for QPF?

What run, lol?

We are doing much better now with these huge fluffy backside flakes, but on the whole it had us 0.5-1" depending on the run in town, with up to 1.5" on the peak. It looks like we did a lot better than the other side of the mountain...

A friend in Fletcher (west slope further north between Stowe and Jay) had 1.5" this morning with gusty downslope winds, and another friend from Cambridge/Underhill had 2 to maybe 3" he said.

We must've just been in a lull area...the east side got less than other east side areas south of here, but the west side got significantly less.

Either way, the snow is a lot denser than I would've thought...probably not far from 10:1 ratios. No idea in town but we are in the 6.5-7" range now at 1500ft, 8-9" at 3000ft and it's snowing nicely.

I've got no reason to complain at this mountain.

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The storm came at a poor time for me if I wanted to head to the mountains. Spending quality time with my shovel digging the car out and then snowshoeing until dark seemed like an exhausting day. Instead, I decided to strap on the snowshoes on my front step and head over to the river and lake where a couple of snowmobile trails were waiting to be explored.

The bulk of the snow had fallen (measured 9.2" upon my return), but it was still coming down at a light to moderate clip. My route down the road happened to place me in a headwind, and it was cold! Snow was pelting my face, and I later noticed ice chunks stuck in my week-old stubble.

It was serene on the trail - nary a sound aside from the snow falling and wind rustling. I went perhaps 3/4 of a mile down the trail before heading back. Along the way I bushwhacked to the water's edge to see what I could see. My route was perhaps 4 miles or so in length ... a nice workout for the first 'shoe of the season. Hopefully I can get back to the Whites next weekend. :)

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Fantastic Eric!  Best year round hikes in world in NNE - a different view and feeling each season.

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the webcam at the maple research center had but an inch or so this morning.  Much more white now over the past hour or so.


Snowfall reports so far...you can see here in Lamoille County for whatever reason snowfall has been lower, and Jeffersonville is a mere two miles on the other side of the Notch and only had 2" this morning while it was near 6" on this side.  I think the usual upslope/downslope occurred but we just had issues getting moisture here or the better moisture slid eastward out towards Lyndonville and the NEK instead of due north up the Spine.  You can tell when the places like Jeffersonvill/Bakersville/Enosburg Falls are all low that something happened (downsloping to some degree) but those are high snowfall areas, that often lead the PNS reports.





   MIDDLEBURY             4.5   316 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   WHEELOCK               9.5   715 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   LYNDONVILLE            9.5   845 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 SW SUTTON            8.2   702 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   4 N WALDEN             8.2   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   2 NE SUTTON            7.6   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   HARDWICK               7.0   636 AM 12/15  BROADCAST MEDIA        


   WINOOSKI               4.9   600 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 SE SOUTH BURLINGTO   4.8   750 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE           

   1 NE SOUTH BURLINGTO   4.5   750 AM 12/15  NWS OFFICE             

   MILTON                 4.0   901 AM 12/15  ARROWHEAD LAKE AREA    

   2 NNW WILLISTON        3.5   815 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE


   GILMAN                 5.0   600 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         


   MONTGOMERY             6.0   316 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   SWANTON                4.3   630 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   RICHFORD               3.0   630 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   1 WNW ENOSBURG FALLS   2.0   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   BAKERSFIELD            1.8   756 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   JOHNSON                7.0   601 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   MORRISVILLE            6.2   640 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   1 SSE SMUGGLERS NOTC   5.7   542 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   STOWE                  4.9   542 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   5 N JEFFERSONVILLE     2.0   730 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         


   WASHINGTON            15.0   835 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   CHELSEA               13.0   713 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   BROOKFIELD            12.0   545 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   CORINTH               11.5   750 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   NEWBURY               10.0   745 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   STRAFFORD             10.0   902 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        


   NEWPORT                6.0   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   MORGAN                 4.5   553 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   PITTSFORD              8.0   545 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   1 N RUTLAND            7.4   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   KILLINGTON             7.0   314 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   HYDEVILLE              6.8   700 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   EAST MONTPELIER       12.0   851 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   NORTHFIELD            12.0   829 AM 12/15  AT 1300 FEET           

   PLAINFIELD            10.5   820 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 NNE WATERBURY CENT   9.0   745 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   WATERBURY CENTER       8.5   730 AM 12/15  AMATEUR RADIO          

   MIDDLESEX              8.0   845 AM 12/15  AT 1200 FEET           

   BARRE                  8.0   308 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   WAITSFIELD             4.5   314 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   SOUTH ROYALTON        14.0   836 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   1 S ROCHESTER         14.0   650 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   3 S LUDLOW            13.3   846 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   BRIDGEWATER           13.0   818 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   SPRINGFIELD           10.0   800 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   LUDLOW                10.0   317 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   ROCHESTER              9.0   630 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

***********************PEAK WIND GUST***********************


                        GUST            OF

                         MPH    MEASUREMENT



   BREAD LOAF              50   354 AM 12/15  MESONET                


   1 S HUNTINGTON          48   449 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   HUNTINGTON              48   456 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   2 ENE UNDERHILL CENT    47   333 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 E NASHVILLE           45   425 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE           

   BOLTON                  41   256 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   2 WNW BOLTON            40   335 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 S JERICHO CENTER      38  1256 AM 12/15  MESONET                


   8 NW STOWE              56   315 AM 12/15  MT MANSFIELD SUMMIT    


   2 SSE DANBY FOUR COR    50   214 AM 12/15  RAWS                   

   3 SSE NORTH CLARENDO    47   315 AM 12/15  AWOS                   

   DANBY                   37   156 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 NE MENDON PWS         37   256 AM 12/15  MESONET                


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Snowfall reports so far...you can see here in Lamoille County for whatever reason snowfall has been lower, and Jeffersonville is a mere two miles on the other side of the Notch and only had 2" this morning while it was near 6" on this side.  I think the usual upslope/downslope occurred but we just had issues getting moisture here or the better moisture slid eastward out towards Lyndonville and the NEK instead of due north up the Spine.  You can tell when the places like Jeffersonvill/Bakersville/Enosburg Falls are all low that something happened (downsloping to some degree) but those are high snowfall areas, that often lead the PNS reports.





   MIDDLEBURY             4.5   316 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   WHEELOCK               9.5   715 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   LYNDONVILLE            9.5   845 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 SW SUTTON            8.2   702 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   4 N WALDEN             8.2   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   2 NE SUTTON            7.6   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   HARDWICK               7.0   636 AM 12/15  BROADCAST MEDIA        


   WINOOSKI               4.9   600 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 SE SOUTH BURLINGTO   4.8   750 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE           

   1 NE SOUTH BURLINGTO   4.5   750 AM 12/15  NWS OFFICE             

   MILTON                 4.0   901 AM 12/15  ARROWHEAD LAKE AREA    

   2 NNW WILLISTON        3.5   815 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE


   GILMAN                 5.0   600 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         


   MONTGOMERY             6.0   316 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   SWANTON                4.3   630 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   RICHFORD               3.0   630 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   1 WNW ENOSBURG FALLS   2.0   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   BAKERSFIELD            1.8   756 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   JOHNSON                7.0   601 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   MORRISVILLE            6.2   640 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   1 SSE SMUGGLERS NOTC   5.7   542 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   STOWE                  4.9   542 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   5 N JEFFERSONVILLE     2.0   730 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         


   WASHINGTON            15.0   835 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   CHELSEA               13.0   713 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   BROOKFIELD            12.0   545 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   CORINTH               11.5   750 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   NEWBURY               10.0   745 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   STRAFFORD             10.0   902 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        


   NEWPORT                6.0   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   MORGAN                 4.5   553 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   PITTSFORD              8.0   545 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   1 N RUTLAND            7.4   700 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   KILLINGTON             7.0   314 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   HYDEVILLE              6.8   700 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   EAST MONTPELIER       12.0   851 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   NORTHFIELD            12.0   829 AM 12/15  AT 1300 FEET           

   PLAINFIELD            10.5   820 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   2 NNE WATERBURY CENT   9.0   745 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   WATERBURY CENTER       8.5   730 AM 12/15  AMATEUR RADIO          

   MIDDLESEX              8.0   845 AM 12/15  AT 1200 FEET           

   BARRE                  8.0   308 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   WAITSFIELD             4.5   314 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 


   SOUTH ROYALTON        14.0   836 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   1 S ROCHESTER         14.0   650 AM 12/15  CO-OP OBSERVER         

   3 S LUDLOW            13.3   846 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   BRIDGEWATER           13.0   818 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   SPRINGFIELD           10.0   800 AM 12/15  TRAINED SPOTTER        

   LUDLOW                10.0   317 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

   ROCHESTER              9.0   630 AM 12/15  PUBLIC                 

***********************PEAK WIND GUST***********************


                        GUST            OF

                         MPH    MEASUREMENT



   BREAD LOAF              50   354 AM 12/15  MESONET                


   1 S HUNTINGTON          48   449 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   HUNTINGTON              48   456 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   2 ENE UNDERHILL CENT    47   333 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 E NASHVILLE           45   425 AM 12/15  NWS EMPLOYEE           

   BOLTON                  41   256 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   2 WNW BOLTON            40   335 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 S JERICHO CENTER      38  1256 AM 12/15  MESONET                


   8 NW STOWE              56   315 AM 12/15  MT MANSFIELD SUMMIT    


   2 SSE DANBY FOUR COR    50   214 AM 12/15  RAWS                   

   3 SSE NORTH CLARENDO    47   315 AM 12/15  AWOS                   

   DANBY                   37   156 AM 12/15  MESONET                

   1 NE MENDON PWS         37   256 AM 12/15  MESONET                



When I reported that 9.5" in Lyndonville this morning I was shocked I must admit. I didn't believe my ruler at one point! haha Usually for whatever the case mesoscale reason we usually get less snowfall. However, it was right in my forecast of 6-10" for this area.

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My 6-9" and 9-12" worked out generally.

Man that really sucks PF. You'll make up for it when you get 30" upslope and I get 2".

Well it's bound to happen sometime up here with a relative screw zone. I have no reason to complain. We've weaseled our way up to 7.3" at the base of the mountain, with a touch over 8.5" at 3000ft.

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I'm pretty willing to bet the clipper out performs this storm on Mansfield.

Wind hammered snow for sure above 2500ft. SE winds don't make friends with east facing slopes.

Is there still a clipper in the mix?

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Picked up an additional 0.7"/0.08" from weenie snows after 6am. Grand total was 11.7"/0.95". Salisbury COOP weighted gauge was 0.93" and CON had 0.88" so we're all close. I passed Salisbury after 12z.


Maybe we can get a little 1-3" refresher Tuesday before the warmup late week. The Euro CADs us on Friday and brings the cold fropa through Fri night so we never really torch. Then we get on the cold side of the boundary with a few waves moving through. Details to be determined, but there's a lot of risk/reward.

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I am always nervous about coming in at the top of measurements around the BTV area of the county (of course some didn't update after earlier in the morning), but I just did what you are supposed to, and took and average of what I measured. Anyway I took this at the somewhat frozen Winooski river near downtown:




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Event totals: 9.1” Snow/0.81” L.E.


We had 1.1” of snow in the 6:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. block today, and it continues to be fairly dense – this batch came in right at 10% H2O.  It’s easy to see that this snow isn’t settling much, because that black/brown transition on my larger block is right at 9 inches, and that’s essentially the current storm total:




Details from the 3:00 P.M. Waterbury observations:


New Snow: 1.1 inches

New Liquid: 0.11 inches

Snow/Water Ratio: 10.0

Snow Density: 10.0% H2O

Temperature: 23.2 F

Sky: Light Snow (1-2 mm flakes)

Snow at the stake: 11.5 inches


There’s still light snow falling out there however, and radar returns upstream, so there may be a bit more accumulation to report later on:



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