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The 14th Southern New England Weather Conference


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Hello folks!


Just wanted to let you know that early registration is OPEN for the 14th Southern New England Weather Conference, which is co-hosted by the NWS Taunton office and the Blue Hill Observatory.  It will be held on Saturday, September 28th at Meditech in Canton, MA, at the base of Great Blue Hill.


Early registration is open until September 14th, then registration fees go up.


Yours truly will be presenting this year, during one of the concurrent sessions being held especially for educators.  


Hope to see some of you weenies there, too!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn this is a good conference and I haven't been able to go lately due to my most important meeting of the year work wise. Next year though the date is later for the work meeting so if its the same time and I'm alive....I hope to see you. I've been to several..great meeting!

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I can't wait for this year's conference, I am extremely excited about the tornado presentations.  I've been to several, and each one leaves me with that fuzzy feeling you get when you spend an entire day talking about weather.  I'll be bringing my machines again too, so check them out if you go!

Would like to see those "machines" you're talking about.  I couldn't make last year (was working a shift at BOX).  We'll hook up at the conference.



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Would like to see those "machines" you're talking about.  I couldn't make last year (was working a shift at BOX).  We'll hook up at the conference.



Sounds great!  I realize I forgot to mention the fact that they are tornado machines, not just some random assortment of gears and the like.  It won't be too hard to find me, I'll be in the main hall area off of the conference room where all the tables are set up, next to this thing. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be there for the first time.  Signed up yesterday.

Looking forward to meeting you.


I'll be there. Any prospects on a brief GTG afterward?

Don't see why not!!!  ;)  Not a heck of a lot near the meeting site, but a mall a couple of exits away with good restaurants and stuff.  Just an idea.


C ya soon, my friend!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I spoke with Mr. Orloff, the Director of Blue Hill, recently, and he told me the government shutdown could seriously affect the conference.  If the situation is not resolved by the time of the conference, all of the NWS speakers will be unable to fly or travel to the event.  That would remove several presenters, and Glenn Field would be unable to manage the organization of the event.  Hopefully the situation is addressed soon, as it would suck to have the conference delayed or even canceled.  


I'll be there of course, as long as everything works out.  Got my tickets last month!

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I spoke with Mr. Orloff, the Director of Blue Hill, recently, and he told me the government shutdown could seriously affect the conference.  If the situation is not resolved by the time of the conference, all of the NWS speakers will be unable to fly or travel to the event.  That would remove several presenters, and Glenn Field would be unable to manage the organization of the event.  Hopefully the situation is addressed soon, as it would suck to have the conference delayed or even canceled.  


I'll be there of course, as long as everything works out.  Got my tickets last month!

What you said...can't say anything more (rock in hard place, if you know what I mean).



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Shoot Mr. Orloff an email.  I don't know if he'd be able to give you credit or something, but it's worth a shot.  The volunteer rate is a lot lower, and all you have to do is sell stuff for Blue Hill, or help with setup stuff. Just send him or Don McCasland an email, they are really great guys, and I'm sure they would try to help you out!

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Wish I could hear the comparison of the 1978 Blizzard and the 2013 Blizz by Noyes and Leonard

That alone would be worth it. But busy this year

They'll be putting the presentations online soon, you should be able to watch a video online.  I also recommend Dr. Coch's presentation, he was cracking jokes and slamming officials left and right.  Great presentations all around!

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