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Comments on Hurricane Article on CNN Answer Global Warming Cause


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3 hours ago


Why does everybody ignore the real cause of global warming.  The adoption of daylight saving time by the industrialized world has directly corresponded with the rise in glogal temperatures.  Does anyone think that adding an extra hour of sunlight for nearly half the year won't have an effect?  Daylight saving time is just a liberal plot to warm up the earth and promote the liberal environmental agenda.

Why am I the only one who sees this?


3 hours ago


1 hour ago

Go ahead and sleep you liberal sheep. 

1 hour ago

I got more rhymes where that came from.

1 hour ago

Daylight savings time has not added an hour of sunlightanywhere. It only changes the time the sun rises and sets. I'm guessing that's why you're the only one that sees that...

1 hour ago

You must have gone to some liberal hippy school.  Look at the numbers.  The adoption of daylight saving time DIRECTLY corresponds with the rise in global temperatures.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!

1 hour ago

I'm thinking that if you truly believe daylight savings time adds an hour of sunlight you never went to school. When daylight savings time is active, the sun rises and sets 1 hour later... That equals 0 more sunlight. Spring forward, fall back!

1 hour ago

You're the one who is obviously uneducated.  It's impossible to argue with a liberal like you when your head is so far up your aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssss.

1 hour ago

Haven't you heard of Occam's Razor?  The simplest explanation is always true.  You can make up all the complicated arguments you want about carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses, but we all know what the simplest explanation is.  BOOM!  RESPOND TO THAT BEEEYATCH!!

1 hour ago

By the way, what online diploma mill did you attend, liberal sheep?

1 hour ago

@DavidLevinsn "adding an extra hour of sunlight" ...um, right.  Unless the earth suddenly slows its rotation, that is a physical impossibility. You arguments might hold a little more water if they weren't devoid of logic and reason. Sorry, forgot, logic and reason don't apply to Conturdatives, only what "feels" truthy.


Read more: http://science.time.com/2013/07/09/a-new-study-says-hurricanes-will-get-stronger-and-more-frequent-thanks-to-climate-change/#ixzz2YayHU4xh

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