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WINTER of 2012-13 in pictures - SE MICHIGAN

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Time for my annual recap of winter in pictures. First, here is my recap from the mild 2011-12 winter:



Ive actually been doing these timeline recaps since 2007...but some links and pics of previous years are broken or whatever since then. Wunderground has all my pics since 2004, but for some reason the weather boards have some broken links. Anyway...



The 2012-13 winter saw slightly above average snowfall (47.8" imby, 47.6" at DTW), though only one warning criteria snowstorm hit the winter. Not a lot of big storms, but a lot of shoveling, particularly from late January through February. The winter was unquestionably much better than last winter, however, a period of deep snowpack (like we saw so often from 2007-2011) was lacking this year. Snowcover days were actually slightly above normal though.


OCTOBER 2012 - T

The seasons first snowflakes fell on Oct 29th, with a few more on the 30th


NOVEMBER 2012 - 0.4"

Though the seasons first snowflakes fell October 29th, the first measurable snow came on Nov 23rd with 0.1" and then 0.3" fell on Nov 25th. Nothing special, but nice to use the old snowboard again





DECEMBER 2012 - 11.4"

The first 3 weeks of December were very mild with literally no snow. Then a few light blankets of snow (Dec 21 & 24) finally gave a Christmasey look to the landscape, before winters biggest snowstorm hit on Dec 26th (6.3") and would be followed by 3 more inches of snow on the 29/30th


12-21-12: First day of winter brings first real snowfall, 1.2"



12-24-12: A surprise 0.9" of snow made for a Christmas treat on Christmas Eve evening



12-26-12: A stormy day with swirling, blowing, and drifting snow brought winters biggest snowstorm, 6.3" imby and 6.2" at DTW







12-27-12: digging out of more than 6 inches of powder





12-29-12: Another snowy December day would eventually bring nearly 3 more inches of snow






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12-29-12: Though far from winters snowiest stretch, the end of December would actually bring the deepest snow of the winter, with a depth around 7"



12-30-12: There is nothing like a walk in the park on a winter day with steel sky and white snow!







JANUARY 2013 - 10.3"

The first 10 days of the month had a nice snowcover, however, nearly all of the months snow (9.7" of the 10.3") fell from the 21st to 31st, and this due to a few clippers and some lake effect snow


1-1-13: The year started clear but cold





1-7-13: Sunny and fairly mild winter day



1-21-13: Lake squalls deposit a fresh inch of snow ahead of bitter cold. Some areas of the midwest had to endure below zero temps with NO snowcover



1-25-13: This clipper would end up dropping a fluffy snowfall of 3.6" by early the 26th, Januarys largest snowstorm



1-27-13: 2" of snow followed by freezing rain ushered in very balmy temps




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1-31-12: The day after a record high of 62F, blinding snow squalls caused a massive I-75 pileup in Detroit



FEBRUARY 2013 - 22.0"

The month featured frequent snowfall from start to finish with just a few breaks. It was a mix of synoptic and rather unusually heavy lake bands (for this far away from Lake MI). It was crazy in that 22" fell but the largest 24-hour total was just 3.5" on Feb 4th (5.1" fell from Feb 26-28 during technically the same storm, but it was over a period of nearly 40 hours). The motto of Feb was a lot of shoveling, not a lot of deep snow. 7 calendar days saw more than 2" of snow. The fact that we were missing any big snowstorm but getting involved in almost every snow event led some posters to jokingly call DTW a "2-4" magnet".


2-2-13: Snowy winter night. 3.1" fell on the 2nd after 3.1" also fell on Jan 31st into Feb 1st. Despite the 3-day total of 6.2", as is typical with les, the depth was at 4"



2-4-13: The snow keeps falling. After 3.1" fell on 1/31-2/1, 3.1" fell on 2/2, and 0.3" fell on 2/3...some synoptic snow came into the mix on 2/4, dropping another 3.5". though it was synoptic it had that lake effect fluffy consistency, bringing depth to a fluffy 6"





2-5-13: Snow glistened like a million diamonds





2-8-13: A glaze of ice followed by 2.7" of snow made for some SLIPPERY streets



2-16-13: More blinding lake squalls, another 2" of snow



2-22-13: Quick hitting snowstorm took some by surprise. 3.1" fell in just over 3 hours, but the sandy-like powder (10-1 ratio) and cold temps (20s) made for a higher-than-usual impact for a 3-inch snow




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2-22-13: The fog followed the snowstorm



2-26-13: The beginning of slushfest 2013. From Feb 26-28, I recorded 1.48" of precip and 5.1" of snowfall, though the depth never exceeded 3" imby. Though starting as heavy rain, nearly 1" of the liquid was in the form of snow, can you say LOW ratios?



2-27-13: Soggier than a snocone!



MARCH 2013 - 3.7"

After a snowy February, a gray, chilly March had us mostly sitting on the sidelines as several snowstorms traversing the country missed us. This March was over 16 degrees colder than last March!


3-1-13: Gray start to a gray month. Some impressive snowbanks considering the minor snowpack (thanks to slushfest)



3-1-13: Core sample crazies...1" depth leads to a 0.5" core! What snow was left was frozen as solid as concrete



3-16-13: The biggest "snowstorm" of March dropped 2"





3-17-13: Brisk and cold St Pattys Day. It was only 50F warmer on St Pattys Day 2012!



3-25-13: A coat of 0.6" of snow is the last measurable snow of the 2012-13 season (so far lol)



APRIL 2013 - T

Though it has been a chilly April, only a trace of snow has fallen (1st, 13th, 14th)


Since 2002 imby...

2012-13: 47.8" - 52 days w/ 1"+ snowcover

2011-12: 25.5" - 20 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2010-11: 69.4" - 81 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2009-10: 46.1" - 58 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2008-09: 64.8" - 62 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2007-08: 78.2" - 69 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2006-07: 36.3" - 49 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2005-06: 41.9" - 46 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2004-05: 80.7" - 65 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2003-04: 38.0" - 60 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2002-03: 69.0" - 67 days w/ 1"+ snowcover

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Thanks guys :)


Of course after I post the timeline, I have to update it lol, as we had one last(?) dusting of snow Saturday.


APRIL 2013 - 0.1"

Though it has been a chilly April, only a trace of snow had fallen (1st, 13th, 14th, 19th) until a dusting of snow froze to surfaces on the 20th.


4-20-13: Not only was there a dusting of snow, but it froze to the car like ice, requiring scraping not brushing, on April 20th!



Since 2002 imby...

2012-13: 47.9" - 52 days w/ 1"+ snowcover

2011-12: 25.5" - 20 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2010-11: 69.4" - 81 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2009-10: 46.1" - 58 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2008-09: 64.8" - 62 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2007-08: 78.2" - 69 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2006-07: 36.3" - 49 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2005-06: 41.9" - 46 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2004-05: 80.7" - 65 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2003-04: 38.0" - 60 days w/ 1"+ snowcover
2002-03: 69.0" - 67 days w/ 1"+ snowcover

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