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March 4-6 Winter Storm pt 2


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12z ECMWF QPF text list...



MON 18Z 04-MAR  -3.0    -4.7    1018      68      97    0.04     548     534    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.3    -4.3    1017      75     100    0.01     549     536    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -3.4    -6.2    1019      82     100    0.03     548     533    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -4.7    -7.6    1017      89      99    0.18     545     531    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -4.0    -9.5    1019      82      97    0.27     541     527    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -4.2   -11.0    1022      84      94    0.11     544     526


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.0    -2.8    1018      73      86    0.01     550     536    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -4.1    -4.1    1019      78      99    0.00     550     535    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.7    -5.2    1016      80     100    0.01     547     535    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.7    -7.0    1016      85      98    0.19     544     531    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.5    -9.8    1018      85      98    0.20     543     528    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -5.6    -9.3    1022      85      90    0.04     547     530


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.9    -5.8    1015      78      99    0.04     546     533    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.3    -8.7    1016      83     100    0.10     543     530    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.8    -7.0    1019      84      75    0.06     546     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -4.7    -6.8    1023      87      47    0.01     550     532    
WED 18Z 06-MAR  -0.1    -7.7    1026      75      55    0.01     553     532


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.6    -5.0    1015      79      99    0.06     546     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.8    -8.8    1015      83      99    0.15     543     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.3    -7.3    1018      84      78    0.07     546     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.7    -6.9    1023      87      45    0.01     550     532    
WED 18Z 06-MAR  -0.1    -7.4    1025      77      52    0.01     553     533


MON 18Z 04-MAR  -1.1    -0.5    1014      82      82    0.02     551     540    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -1.1    -2.5    1014      79      78    0.02     551     540    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.5    -2.8    1014      82     100    0.03     550     538    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.5    -4.9    1014      92     100    0.15     545     534    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.8    -8.4    1015      92      97    0.26     539     527    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.1   -10.1    1020      87      93    0.10     542     526


MON 18Z 04-MAR   0.1    -1.0    1016      71      87    0.06     551     539    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -0.6    -2.2    1014      74      77    0.00     552     541    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.0    -1.7    1014      76      92    0.01     551     539    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.2    -2.6    1013      88      99    0.10     547     537    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.2    -7.0    1013      92      99    0.30     541     531    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.0   -10.0    1017      89      97    0.25     540     527    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.6    -9.0    1023      83      88    0.04     548     530


TUE 06Z 05-MAR   6.0     1.7    1009      89      52    0.04     555     547    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   4.8     1.4    1010      97      93    0.04     551     543    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.8    -5.4    1013      85      64    0.17     543     533    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   2.1    -9.0    1016      53      87    0.00     535     522    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.4   -10.7    1021      73      80    0.01     547     530


MON 18Z 04-MAR   2.8     0.3    1015      64      85    0.06     553     541    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR   2.1    -1.6    1013      68      69    0.01     553     543    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR   1.6    -0.4    1013      67      80    0.00     552     542    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   1.3    -0.4    1011      81      97    0.02     549     540    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   0.5    -5.1    1011      94     100    0.19     543     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.9    -9.2    1014      92     100    0.28     538     528    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.6    -9.2    1020      84      79    0.10     546     530


MON 18Z 04-MAR  -1.2    -3.4    1019      70      99    0.01     550     536    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.8    -1.3    1017      74      94    0.01     551     538    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -2.1    -2.7    1017      76      97    0.00     551     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.4    -3.5    1014      78     100    0.01     548     537    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.4    -4.7    1013      89     100    0.19     544     533    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.1    -9.5    1016      87      99    0.34     541     529    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.7    -8.1    1021      85      88    0.10     547     531


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.3    -0.6    1016      72      95    0.01     552     539    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -0.9    -2.2    1016      73      97    0.00     551     538    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -0.9    -2.7    1014      74     100    0.01     549     538    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.2    -3.9    1012      89     100    0.15     544     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.7    -9.1    1015      89     100    0.38     541     529    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.4    -7.7    1019      86      93    0.13     546     531


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.5    -0.6    1017      70      89    0.01     552     538    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -0.3    -2.2    1017      70      97    0.00     551     538    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -0.6    -2.7    1014      70      99    0.01     549     538    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.1    -3.4    1012      86     100    0.12     545     535    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.1    -9.0    1014      89     100    0.39     541     530    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -3.3    -7.9    1018      87      95    0.15     546     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -5.3    -5.6    1023      85      61    0.01     551     533


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.4    -3.9    1014      83     100    0.10     545     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.7    -9.1    1014      85      99    0.26     542     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.4    -7.7    1018      85      88    0.10     546     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.8    -6.5    1022      86      43    0.01     550     533    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.1    -7.1    1025      75      55    0.01     553     533


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.1    -3.3    1013      85     100    0.10     545     535    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.4    -9.2    1013      88     100    0.38     541     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.2    -8.1    1017      87      95    0.16     545     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.7    -5.9    1022      85      47    0.01     550     533    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.4    -6.5    1025      75      58    0.01     554     534


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -0.4    -2.8    1012      81     100    0.09     546     536    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.2    -8.7    1013      89     100    0.41     541     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.9    -7.7    1016      86      93    0.19     545     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.6    -6.3    1021      85      50    0.01     550     533    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.1    -6.1    1025      79      54    0.01     554     534


MON 18Z 04-MAR   5.3     1.2    1016      55      85    0.02     554     542    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR   4.5    -0.7    1013      60      56    0.02     555     544    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR   3.8     0.8    1012      60      78    0.01     554     544    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   2.6     0.7    1010      81      83    0.04     551     542    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.6    -3.0    1009      97     100    0.13     545     537    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.4    -8.3    1012      90     100    0.23     537     528    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.2    -9.1    1017      87      85    0.11     544     530    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -4.6    -6.7    1024      81      60    0.01     552     533


TUE 12Z 05-MAR   0.4    -1.5    1014      50      98    0.01     550     539    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   0.1    -1.6    1011      70     100    0.06     547     538    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.7    -7.2    1011      91      98    0.40     541     532    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -3.2    -6.8    1015      87      95    0.29     544     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.7    -6.0    1020      86      43    0.01     550     534


TUE 00Z 05-MAR   2.8     0.6    1016      52      88    0.02     554     541    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR   2.6    -0.2    1015      52      88    0.00     553     541    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   1.8    -0.2    1012      64      97    0.01     551     541    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.5    -0.3    1009      81     100    0.08     547     540    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.2    -5.8    1008      93     100    0.28     540     534    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.7    -7.9    1012      91      96    0.20     542     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.3    -5.8    1019      87      84    0.03     549     534    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.2    -5.1    1024      77      38    0.01     554     536    
THU 00Z 07-MAR  -0.5    -5.7    1026      87      33    0.01     557     536 


TUE 12Z 05-MAR   1.9     0.8    1012      61      96    0.03     552     542    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.7     0.9    1008      92      91    0.17     549     542    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   1.0    -4.0    1005      99      99    0.18     540     536    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.3    -7.3    1010      91      97    0.26     539     532    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.4    -6.1    1017      87      88    0.11     547     534 


TUE 06Z 05-MAR   1.5    -0.4    1017      58      98    0.01     553     539    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   0.7    -0.5    1014      66      93    0.01     551     540    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.2     0.0    1010      73      99    0.05     548     540    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.1    -4.7    1007      89     100    0.23     542     536    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.0    -7.0    1010      91      97    0.30     541     533    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.9    -5.1    1018      88      88    0.09     548     534


TUE 18Z 05-MAR   0.7    -1.3    1013      62     100    0.03     549     539    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.7    -3.5    1009      79     100    0.15     543     536    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.3    -5.5    1010      88      98    0.43     541     534    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.4    -4.4    1016      83      84    0.11     547     534


WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.6    -5.5    1016      86      41    0.01     545     533


WED 00Z 06-MAR   0.0    -6.2    1012      66     100    0.02     544     535    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -3.9    -5.1    1014      82      76    0.07     544     533


WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.5    -3.3    1011      69     100    0.01     545     537    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.6    -4.2    1010      78      98    0.11     543     535    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.8    -5.3    1014      78      69    0.05     546     534


TUE 06Z 05-MAR   0.8    -0.4    1019      58      97    0.01     554     539    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -0.5    -0.2    1016      55      88    0.00     553     541    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   3.4     0.3    1011      61      97    0.03     551     542    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   1.6    -0.5    1004      92      99    0.14     545     541    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -0.8    -3.7    1003      94     100    0.47     538     535    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.5    -5.1    1010      90      93    0.23     543     536    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.1    -5.6    1019      87      61    0.02     551     536


TUE 18Z 05-MAR   2.5     1.4    1010      82      96    0.12     551     543    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   2.8     0.4    1003      95     100    0.19     544     541    
WED 06Z 06-MAR   0.2    -4.6    1003      95     100    0.45     537     534    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.5    -5.7    1010      87      94    0.17     543     535    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.5    -5.5    1019      80      67    0.02     552     537


TUE 18Z 05-MAR   4.4    -0.5    1013      51      98    0.01     552     541    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   2.8    -0.3    1005      68      99    0.03     547     542    
WED 06Z 06-MAR   0.9    -2.1    1001      96     100    0.45     539     539    
WED 12Z 06-MAR   1.0    -4.7    1007      94      64    0.31     541     536    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   3.1    -6.0    1016      76      69    0.02     550     537    
THU 00Z 07-MAR   1.2    -5.9    1021      87      75    0.01     552     535


WED 06Z 06-MAR   1.1    -2.6    1007      76      99    0.03     544     538    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -0.2    -5.4    1012      89      97    0.15     544     535    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   2.1    -4.7    1018      76      74    0.03     549     535 


Can you please add detroit for, stebo.. 


not even enough qpf at milwaukee to combat the sun angle.   mke office should put DAB in the forecast to lighten up their bust.

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Torching here at 36º...but dry with a dewpoint of 20º. Some 30+ DBZ returns about to enter the county, so we'll see if it can spit anything out...though it may miss south of MBY. Torch is relative of course, as that's still well below normal here. ;)

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its going to be hard to justify mke even putting an advisory out now for some areas.. They would and do so much better when they operate like LOT and maybe have to play catch up at worst..  Maybe this bust will finally sink in that's its ok to milk it and not just go all in early especially when dr no is not on board with the american junk.

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its going to be hard to justify mke even putting an advisory out now for some areas.. They would and do so much better when they operate like LOT and maybe have to play catch up at worst..  Maybe this bust will finally sink in that's its ok to milk it and not just go all in early especially when dr no is not on board with the american junk.

Yeah, they have been burned badly several times this winter by laying out watches well ahead of the storm, only to watch it blow up in their faces. The fact that you cant have any model latch onto a solution outside of 24 hours or so is an embarassment as well, so it is not all MKE's fault, but understand the models and be prepared for the variability. Accidental test tornado warnings dont particularily help either.

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Yeah, they have been burned badly several times this winter by laying out watches well ahead of the storm, only to watch it blow up in their faces. The fact that you cant have any model latch onto a solution outside of 24 hours or so is an embarassment as well, so it is not all MKE's fault, but understand the models and be prepared for the variability. Accidental test tornado warnings dont particularily help either.


I was going more on past history.  I don't remember any burns this winter as there has been nothing until feb to get burned by.  last storm they did fine and supported them fully going with a watch with the euro and NAM close...  with nothing on board with the NAM in this one especially the euro they went back to an old bad habit of going all in too early.

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still waiting for the 10" plus it owes me from the last storm

BTW.. He commented how well it did catching the Geos storm last Thursday. So Tom is obviously not reading the board regarding posting that models snowfall numbers and some questioning that posting that model is irresponsible.

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I was going more on past history.  I don't remember any burns this winter as there has been nothing until feb to get burned by.  last storm they did fine and supported them fully going with a watch with the euro and NAM close...  with nothing on board with the NAM in this one especially the euro they went back to an old bad habit of going all in too early.


The last storm they had a watch, downgraded most of the area and then had to put up warnings as the event was happening. Everything was a tad north in the end. Sheboygan County was never forecasted to get those warning criteria snows. - that was the big surprise.

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The last storm they had a watch, downgraded most of the area and then had to put up warnings as the event was happening. Everything was a tad north in the end. Sheboygan County was never forecasted to get those warning criteria snows. - that was the big surprise.



why did they ever go to an advisory only anyways?   last storm was easy as pie to see north side of chicago all the way up the lake was in for good snow.

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IND upgrading to a Warning for the LAF-MIE-OKK areas. 5-7" sleet/snow.


Great AFD from them. A must read.

Meteorologically packed you could say.

I don't know...still kinda want to err on the lower end unless we change to snow quicker or have no problem sticking initially.

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