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March 4-6 Winter Storm


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0z ECMWF QPF text list...



MON 12Z 04-MAR  -7.0    -5.4    1019      71     100    0.01     548     533    
MON 18Z 04-MAR  -4.1    -4.8    1019      74      98    0.10     548     533    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.7    -4.8    1018      79      98    0.04     549     535    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -4.3    -6.4    1020      84      99    0.06     548     533    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -5.8    -8.0    1020      84     100    0.08     546     531    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -5.6   -10.4    1023      79      98    0.19     545     528    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -4.5   -10.0    1025      78      96    0.08     548     528


WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.9    -6.5    1020      84      94    0.02     548     532    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.7    -6.7    1021      85      41    0.02     550     533    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.5    -4.1    1023      87      34    0.01     552     534


MON 18Z 04-MAR  -3.0    -5.3    1020      69      99    0.01     549     533    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.2    -3.8    1018      77      96    0.03     550     535    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -5.2    -5.1    1020      81      98    0.01     550     534    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -4.4    -4.6    1018      82      97    0.01     549     534    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -3.4    -8.2    1020      79      98    0.07     547     531    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -4.0    -8.0    1022      85      98    0.12     547     530    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -5.2    -8.3    1024      83      89    0.01     550     531


WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.4    -6.4    1019      83      94    0.03     547     532    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.0    -6.5    1020      84      48    0.02     549     533    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.8    -4.1    1023      86      31    0.01     552     534


MON 06Z 04-MAR  -4.5    -3.2    1018      78      98    0.01     550     536    
MON 12Z 04-MAR  -4.4    -1.3    1015      85      90    0.11     550     538    
MON 18Z 04-MAR  -2.5    -1.8    1015      84      91    0.03     550     539    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.6    -2.7    1015      84      81    0.00     551     539    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -2.6    -4.0    1016      85     100    0.01     550     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -3.9    -5.7    1016      90     100    0.15     547     534    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -4.1    -9.0    1019      90      98    0.24     544     529    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -4.4   -10.2    1023      85      95    0.11     547     529    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -6.7    -8.5    1026      82      76    0.01     551     531


MON 12Z 04-MAR  -4.2    -2.0    1017      75      98    0.04     550     537    
MON 18Z 04-MAR  -1.8    -2.1    1016      76      98    0.08     550     538    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -1.9    -2.3    1015      80      83    0.00     551     539    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -2.0    -2.8    1016      79      96    0.00     551     538    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.6    -3.6    1015      86     100    0.08     548     536    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.2    -6.7    1016      88      98    0.27     545     532    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.0    -9.7    1020      86      95    0.21     546     530    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.5    -7.1    1023      80      85    0.01     550     532


TUE 06Z 05-MAR   4.3     1.3    1010      76      61    0.01     554     546    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   2.3     0.7    1010      91      90    0.03     552     543    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.4    -3.5    1012      94      99    0.09     546     536    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.9   -10.2    1016      81      99    0.18     540     528    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.4    -9.4    1020      81      86    0.08     548     532


MON 12Z 04-MAR  -2.6    -1.5    1017      68      97    0.02     552     538    
MON 18Z 04-MAR   0.0    -1.2    1016      69      96    0.04     552     540    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -0.1    -1.9    1014      73      77    0.00     553     541    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -0.4    -1.3    1014      75      83    0.00     552     541    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -0.8    -1.6    1013      83      98    0.06     550     539    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.0    -3.6    1013      89      99    0.16     546     535    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.5    -8.2    1016      89      97    0.26     544     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -3.1    -7.3    1020      84      85    0.12     549     533


MON 18Z 04-MAR  -2.6    -4.0    1019      76     100    0.03     550     535    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.3    -2.5    1018      75      98    0.04     551     537    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -3.5    -3.7    1019      78      97    0.01     551     536    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.1    -3.7    1016      76      99    0.01     549     537    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.3    -5.3    1017      84      99    0.18     547     533    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.5    -8.1    1019      84      98    0.19     546     531    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.6    -6.6    1022      83      95    0.03     550     533


MON 18Z 04-MAR  -2.0    -3.9    1019      72     100    0.02     550     535    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.2    -2.1    1018      73      98    0.04     551     537    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -2.4    -3.1    1018      75      98    0.01     551     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.9    -3.2    1016      73      99    0.00     550     537    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.5    -4.0    1016      83     100    0.15     547     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -3.6    -7.1    1018      86     100    0.21     546     532    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -4.0    -5.5    1020      85      96    0.05     549     533


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -3.1    -2.1    1018      71      99    0.03     551     537    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.7    -3.2    1018      71      97    0.01     551     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.7    -3.0    1016      70      98    0.00     550     538    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -2.2    -4.0    1016      79     100    0.10     548     535    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.8    -7.0    1017      84      99    0.19     546     533    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.7    -5.8    1019      85      95    0.06     549     534


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.9    -5.4    1018      73     100    0.02     548     534    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.2    -6.4    1018      82      99    0.06     547     533    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.9    -6.4    1019      84      68    0.03     549     534    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.8    -3.8    1022      87      25    0.01     552     534


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -2.9    -2.2    1018      70      99    0.01     551     536    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.0    -3.5    1018      70      97    0.01     551     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.4    -3.2    1016      70      96    0.00     550     537    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.8    -4.3    1017      76     100    0.06     548     535    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.5    -7.2    1017      81      99    0.16     547     533    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.5    -6.4    1018      84      91    0.06     549     534    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.2    -3.5    1022      86      21    0.01     552     535


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -1.6    -2.1    1018      65      99    0.02     551     537    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -0.5    -3.2    1018      61      97    0.00     551     537    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -1.1    -2.9    1016      60      97    0.00     551     538    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -1.5    -3.5    1016      73     100    0.06     548     536    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.8    -7.2    1016      82      99    0.18     546     534    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.4    -6.0    1018      84      92    0.08     549     535 


MON 12Z 04-MAR  -2.3    -1.1    1018      58      94    0.01     553     539    
MON 18Z 04-MAR   1.4    -0.1    1016      61      92    0.02     554     541    
TUE 00Z 05-MAR   1.4    -1.3    1014      67      68    0.00     554     543    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR   1.6     0.3    1013      67      74    0.00     553     543    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   0.8     0.2    1012      83      79    0.03     551     541    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.0    -1.5    1011      94      99    0.09     548     539    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.8    -7.4    1013      92      97    0.25     543     533    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.6    -7.6    1016      89      98    0.27     546     533    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -3.8    -3.7    1021      84      93    0.02     553     536 


TUE 18Z 05-MAR  -0.6    -2.2    1015      62     100    0.03     549     537    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.1    -6.3    1014      79     100    0.13     547     536    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.4    -3.0    1016      81      98    0.11     548     535    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.9    -3.8    1019      87      40    0.01     551     536


TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -0.4    -1.0    1017      65      99    0.02     553     539    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -0.5    -1.2    1017      72      96    0.00     553     540    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -0.8    -1.1    1015      70      91    0.00     552     540    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   0.7     0.1    1012      72      99    0.02     550     540    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -1.1    -4.5    1011      85     100    0.16     546     537    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.4    -5.1    1012      85     100    0.35     545     536    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -2.7    -3.2    1017      87      94    0.11     550     537



TUE 00Z 05-MAR  -0.1    -0.4    1017      65      97    0.01     554     540    
TUE 06Z 05-MAR   0.2    -0.4    1016      74      89    0.01     554     541    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   0.0    -0.1    1014      75      89    0.01     553     542    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.4     1.3    1011      80      96    0.09     551     542    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   0.8    -0.8    1007      88     100    0.15     546     541    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.5    -4.8    1008      89      99    0.49     542     536    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.5    -4.2    1014      88      97    0.21     549     538    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   0.9    -3.3    1021      77      35    0.02     556     539


TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.0    -1.7    1018      64      97    0.02     553     539    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.0    -1.0    1016      58      91    0.00     552     540    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   1.0    -0.7    1013      60      99    0.01     551     540    
WED 00Z 06-MAR  -0.7    -2.2    1010      74     100    0.05     547     539    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -2.0    -4.3    1011      81      99    0.22     546     537    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.3    -2.4    1015      83      95    0.15     550     537


WED 00Z 06-MAR  -2.5    -1.8    1013      69     100    0.02     548     538    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -1.4    -3.2    1012      75      99    0.07     547     538    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -0.8    -2.1    1015      74      75    0.03     549     537


TUE 06Z 05-MAR   8.2     6.0    1009      93      88    0.08     558     551    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR   8.4     6.2    1007      98      88    0.20     556     550    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   8.4     3.8    1007      98      98    0.17     552     546    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   2.2    -8.0    1013      82      86    0.20     539     528    
WED 06Z 06-MAR  -0.8    -9.9    1015      79      99    0.08     540     529    
WED 12Z 06-MAR  -1.1    -6.4    1019      74      82    0.06     550     535


TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.8    -1.7    1019      68      96    0.01     553     538    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -4.2    -1.1    1017      66      85    0.00     554     540    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   2.2    -0.6    1014      60      91    0.02     553     541    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   3.1    -0.1    1009      58      99    0.05     550     543    
WED 06Z 06-MAR   0.7    -0.2    1005      90      97    0.29     546     542    
WED 12Z 06-MAR   0.3    -3.4    1010      93      96    0.38     547     539    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   1.6    -4.0    1017      83      69    0.07     553     539


TUE 06Z 05-MAR  -1.0    -1.1    1018      80      96    0.03     554     539    
TUE 12Z 05-MAR  -2.0    -0.5    1016      73      79    0.00     554     541    
TUE 18Z 05-MAR   3.4     0.7    1013      67      91    0.09     553     543    
WED 00Z 06-MAR   2.6     1.3    1007      82     100    0.14     549     544    
WED 06Z 06-MAR   1.5    -1.2    1004      95      85    0.31     543     540    
WED 12Z 06-MAR   0.8    -3.5    1009      95      96    0.16     545     538    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   2.8    -4.0    1017      80      74    0.13     553     540


WED 06Z 06-MAR   1.6     0.8    1007      79      98    0.20     548     543    
WED 12Z 06-MAR   0.8    -2.9    1010      91      97    0.38     547     539    
WED 18Z 06-MAR   2.4    -3.6    1016      78      94    0.10     552     539    
THU 00Z 07-MAR   0.5    -4.0    1021      83      37    0.01     555     538
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Well I wouldn't bet against King Euro, so early congrats ORD/DVN south and east, especially LAF.  The Euro is not always right, but it wasn't far off last event, and its wetness proved closer to correct than many models, the fact that it's a drier model in general this time around is a red flag to not expect as much.

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yep, weaker ULL on Euro causing further south track. NAM/GFS had H5 low at 72hr near 532dm, Euro has it at 540dm.

It's all about the strength of the ULL. Further south makes sense if it's weaker. But maybe all the energy hasn't been sampled yet: 




Nonetheless, -37 at H5 is already a pretty strong wave. Pretty much American vs. foreign guidance tonight. 

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It's all about the strength of the ULL. Further south makes sense if it's weaker. But maybe all the energy hasn't been sampled yet: 




Nonetheless, -37 at H5 is already a pretty strong wave. Pretty much American vs. foreign guidance tonight. 


Based on this i would say the 00z runs missed a bit of it. 4hrs ago ( 02z ) it was still pretty much off shore.


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Based on this i would say the 00z runs missed a bit of it.


Agreed, so I'd say we have to wait til the 12z cycle for a clearer picture on this this. Still some pretty big differences on the guidance tonight. Hopefully tomorrow answers whether it's a bigger show for I-80 and north or I-80 and south. Maybe we'll start to see some trends with the 06z runs though.

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Agreed, so I'd say we have to wait til the 12z cycle for a clearer picture on this this. Still some pretty big differences on the guidance tonight. Hopefully tomorrow answers whether it's a bigger show for I-80 and north or I-80 and south. Maybe we'll start to see some trends with the 06z runs though.


Yeah the 06z may be a good starting point for sure. That image i posted is valid 06z so yeah i think they may have a bit of a clearer picture and if not the 12z for sure.


This system sorta reminds me of the Feb ( 9-10th i think? ) 2010 storm which brought a massive dumping to the DC/Baltimore/Philly region and even a nice dumping out this way in the GL/MW..

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Agreed, so I'd say we have to wait til the 12z cycle for a clearer picture on this this. Still some pretty big differences on the guidance tonight. Hopefully tomorrow answers whether it's a bigger show for I-80 and north or I-80 and south. Maybe we'll start to see some trends with the 06z runs though.


Agree with both of you and you can tell by looping WV it wasn't fully or even half sampled at 0z.


I should be up for the 6z NAM.

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from NARR regarding the Feb 8-10th 2010 storm that Harry mentioned..it dropped around 5" here but over a foot at ORD due to lake enhancement/lake effect.






Dropped a foot here as well. Only storm i know of to do that AND dump massive amounts in the Mid Atlantic. Usually if this area gets hit like that  then New England gets it if anyone along the coast. Like this though that as well had a -NAO.

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from NARR regarding the Feb 8-10th 2010 storm that Harry mentioned..it dropped around 5" here but over a foot at ORD due to lake enhancement/lake effect.





#5 CIPS Analog for 00z GFS tonight: http://www.eas.slu.edu/CIPS/ANALOG/stats.php?reg=MV&model=GFS212&fhr=F060&flg=

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The GFS ensembles are similar to the op but a bit more spread out with the QPF toward the South, I would disagree with the lack of a strong Southern cutoff as this will probably have one. Beyond that they like the op are much further North compared to the 18z and 12z runs with respect to the Northern edge of the precipitation.

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6z NAM coming even further north. Talk about a diffence between it and the 0z Euro.

Still think there's a limit to how north, unless the block is weaker than it's been modeled, though there is good ensemble support for keeping it strong through the time of the event.

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