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Last winter vs. this winter


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Just how different has this winter been for your area as opposed to last winter? While we still don't know what February will end up, the December and January numbers are in and I would be curious to see how they compare in each area vs last year. Here in GSO, we averaged 44.75 for Dec/Jan 2011-12 and 44.62 for 2012-13. Snowfall for 2011-12 was officially 1.6" while 2012-13 (still a little time to go though) has been 2.0". As you can see, this is virtually a carbon copy, going strictly by the numbers, for GSO for these two winters. How have other areas stacked up?

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This year 'seems' cooler. Definitely not cold, though. The plants are about to bloom right on early schedule. I got zero winter precip last year and this year I've had a litty-bit-o sleet and freezing rain.

They've both been big let-downs....so far.

Almost forgot: We've had a whole lot more rain this Winter.

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So far in terms of snow I am actually doing WORSE than last year following the 1/17 bust and the minor sleet/ice event on 1/25. In comparison last year's season total for me was 1" following a quick deformation band (all one event). This year 0.7" across 2 events. The only saving grace for me is catching the thundersnow near GSO and my VT trip during the holidays. If I were to assign letter grades only taking into account my backyard it would be 2 consecutive F's. If I make it within NC and take into account the thundersnow this year's F can be curved to an even D. Either way if these past 2 winters were college students they would be kicked out and forced to take a job at the local coffee house across the street after not being welcomed back home.

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Just how different has this winter been for your area as opposed to last winter? While we still don't know what February will end up, the December and January numbers are in and I would be curious to see how they compare in each area vs last year. Here in GSO, we averaged 44.75 for Dec/Jan 2011-12 and 44.62 for 2012-13. Snowfall for 2011-12 was officially 1.6" while 2012-13 (still a little time to go though) has been 2.0". As you can see, this is virtually a carbon copy, going strictly by the numbers, for GSO for these two winters. How have other areas stacked up?


Temp wise, the last year and this year are very similar SO FAR...no doubt.  In terms of precip, GSO has had 3.0" or just a tad more this year, not 2.0"


I'm going to hold judgement comparing the remainder of this year until April, though. A LOT can and probably will happen between now and then.

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Temp wise, the last year and this year are very similar SO FAR...no doubt.  In terms of precip, GSO has had 3.0" or just a tad more this year, not 2.0"


I'm going to hold judgement comparing the remainder of this year until April, though. A LOT can and probably will happen between now and then.

I got the 2.0 off the AccuWeather site, is that incorrect?

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I, too, received 2" of snow from the 19 Feb 2012 event and received almost 4" IMBY from the 17 Jan 2013 snow.


Even with the last second, hail Mary snow from last season, I'd still have to give 2011-12 winter an F.  It was a high F though.  If the Feb event would have been a little more substantial, it might have been able to pull off a D.


Winter 2012-13 is a low D so far.  With the exception of perhaps a sudden ice age, there's probably little that can happen that could bring it up to an A.  Maybe another 4" snow could bring it up to a seasonal average C.  It would take a 6" to 8" snow for a B.

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This winter much better for me here in N GA than last.  If I remember correctly, last year about this time it turned warm for good.  this year remains to be seen, but hoping for better.  In term of snow, last winter the ground never turned white imby, but this year  I did get about 1.5 inches and I was lucky because the rain line was probably 5 miles south of me.  Also the flakes were some of the largest I've seen in my life.  Also same weekend went about 20 miles North up in elevation to about 3k feet, and got to play in 5 to 6 inches of snow.   So it doesn't take much in this location to have a pretty good year.  So I know this is very localized, but I have to give my winter a solid B+ so far.  (last year being an F).  I've also got about 12 inches of rain ytd, so thats a great start as well. 

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Last winter got an F and I would give this one a C-.  This winter has felt more normal to me.  A normal winter is plenty of transient cold shots, lots of flurries, and a good torch or two.  The winters from 2009-2011 were a dream.  If we get accumulating snow then I will be content.  I can count on one hand the number of winters that I was completely skunked since the 80s so I like my odds.  

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For me west of Atlanta the 2 winters have been very close to the same. Neither have been very cold. December 2011 5 days of low temps below 32 compared to 6 days in 2012. Both years have 13 days with highs over 60.

Jan 2012, 7 days below 32 compared to jan 2013 3 days below 32. Jan 2012 had 16 days highs over 60 compared to 10 days in 2013.

Feb 2012 had 3 days below 32 and I have had also 3 days in the first 2 weeks of Feb 2013.

Neither year have I even seen a single flake of snow or ice. Since I like cold and snow I have to grade both winters as an F at this point. If we were to get 2-3 inches of snow which is close to our yearly avg i would raise this year to a Solid C! Honestly 60's are normally GREAT days here because the humidity is low this time of year but those temps just don't do anything for me! I honestly have not put on a pair of jeans or pants since the last snow I had in Dec 2010 & Jan 2011. I normally wear shorts year round but will break out the jeans if its in the teens or I get some snow! If I could find where Larry comes up with all of his numbers I would give you a better breakdown LARRY STYLE and blow your mind!!! Lol a

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This one is colder at night, but not so much during the day.  This winter is what I kept hoping last winter would do when it turned over...but it never did.  I've seen a lot of winters like this for a month or two, but the whole year, not so often.  I've seen a few minutes of sleet and snow, and a lot of years that's about all I get, whether it's Atlanta, or down here.  Haven't had to wear shorts as much this winter, but I've been slapping mosquitoes though out.  T

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Last winter... A for effort. The warmth felt nice and the heating bills were low


This winter...  B- Nice and warm except for the ice even a few weeks back. It totally ruined a perfect good Saturday.


This is probably the best way of looking at it. I think we might be better off looking at winter around here like this from now on.

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For winter weather, considering I am in Asheville, its F's for two years in a row.  The caveat is always what part of the county you are in, but I have seen little more than a dusting of snow in 2 plus years. A month to month temp comparison:


           Last Winter   This Winter

Dec         +4.9                +4.4

Jan          +4.4                +5.3

Feb         +3.9                  ??

Mar         +9.3                  ??


I threw March in there to show how incredible that torching event was up here.  I honestly hope it happens again.  February 2013 has started off cooler than 2012.  By my calculations, unless February really starts to turn cold, this will be the third warmest consecutive year winters (Dec-Feb).  The two warmest were the winter stretch of 1948/49 - 1949/50 and 1931/32 - 1932/33 (the winter of 31/32 was particularly mild).

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For my locale near South Asheville, i have been blanked for measurable snow for two years running.  While there are any number of historical accounts of snow for every month of the year, realistically, I think by the first of April or so our chances are typically over.  But as of now, it certainly feels like Slim is out the door and None is grabbing his coat and car keys.  They've both been bad but for different reasons.  Last year was just bad from beginning to end.  This year, it seems like if it can go wrong, it has:  Cold but no moisture, +PNA with a +NAO/AO, -NAO/AO with a -PNA, -NAO that's east based,  a SSW that's really not an SSW, an MJO making a push for a Grammy as David Copperfield, Mr Cranky Pants Pacific, and the #@$#%$^ SE Ridge.


At this point, I am just hoping the rains stay for the SE, we remain somewhere close to seasonable for the Spring and Summer temps wise.

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