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Great Blizzard of 2013 Cleanup

CT Rain

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same deal here...and they are iffy on opening Wed from the email....

Same would have happen here if it was not winter vacation for Boxing Day. Board of education normally does not have huge equipment, so they are probably waiting on help from sub contractors or Dpw. I would think Thursday the earliest.

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So much water on the road things will be terrible after a re-freeze. I can envision emergency vehicles not being able to respond to overnight incidents.

I think we'll stay just above freezing along the shoreline...but it will be nasty inland. Roads are actually worse today with the run...at least those that still have snow/ice pack on them.

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and they are closed Friday for President's day long weekend.  Thank  God they killed winter vacation going forward....

Yes that was a good decision they made last year, it hurts ski country obviously. Just not enough loaders to get rid of it and no where to push it lol.

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Yes that was a good decision they made last year, it hurts ski country obviously. Just not enough loaders to get rid of it and no where to push it lol.

I get that angle, but would think teachers and students would rather be out earlier in June...some years, it's an 8 week summer. (And if you don't ski, want do you do with the kids for 9 straight days?   I like the new 4 day weekend

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I was able to clear the downspouts of ice and they are flowing good too, raked the outer edges of the roof. Rain over, fog lifted. Have to clean the sheds roofs tomorrow.

Not a fun job.  I spent nearly 6 hours yesterday clearing the gutters and raking the roof - about two feet in one area over our sun room where the pitch starts to level out.  Good luck!

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I get that angle, but would think teachers and students would rather be out earlier in June...some years, it's an 8 week summer. (And if you don't ski, want do you do with the kids for 9 straight days?   I like the new 4 day weekend

Lets add 4-8 thursday am and a bomb later this weekend lets really push the limit

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In all seriousness how much do we think we'll lose today/ tonight? 10-12 inches? Is that realistic?


I don't think it's a matter of lose, I think the density will gain with compaction and we're adding water content which helps with retention.  I think we loose 1-2" tops.  The rest is compaction.  In my mind, that's good.  No good for tapping this weekend, but good over all.  Maple trees love snow on the ground melting during the day.  I get lots of sap on those days.


I get that angle, but would think teachers and students would rather be out earlier in June...some years, it's an 8 week summer. (And if you don't ski, want do you do with the kids for 9 straight days?   I like the new 4 day weekend


There's always home school but then again if someone needs to know what to do with the kids for 9 straight days, that might not work out.  That's a foreign concept to me.  There's always something that the kids can do - it's not the other way around.

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I don't think it's a matter of lose, I think the density will gain with compaction and we're adding water content which helps with retention.  I think we loose 1-2" tops.  The rest is compaction.  In my mind, that's good.  No good for tapping this weekend, but good over all.  Maple trees love snow on the ground melting during the day.  I get lots of sap on those days.



There's always home school but then again if someone needs to know what to do with the kids for 9 straight days, that might not work out.  That's a foreign concept to me.  There's always something that the kids can do - it's not the other way around.



Yeah compaction isn't terrible...esp if we are about to see more snow at some point in the next 6 days. I went from a max depth of 26" down to 23" yesterday just from settling/compaction alone. I imagine another 3-4" lower today with the snow pack taking on more water and then a bit of melting to go with it.

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We've lost 6"+ already from compaction and melt from all the rain this morning. :frostymelt:

from 7am saturday morning i had already lost five to six inches in depth when i measured all around the block this morning around 8am.

so youve lost another six inches since this morning or since the snow wound down sat am?

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Yeah compaction isn't terrible...esp if we are about to see more snow at some point in the next 6 days. I went from a max depth of 26" down to 23" yesterday just from settling/compaction alone. I imagine another 3-4" lower today with the snow pack taking on more water and then a bit of melting to go with it.

you only lost three inches in depth by yesterday from when the snow stopped saturday? wow lucky but the snow did not stop until the afternoon over there and you prob didnt get into the mid 30s yesterday afternoon for a few hours either.


amazing how much quicker the snow goes around here.

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We only got a little snow in Schenectady, I think I had 8 inches in the back yard on the stone walk if I sort of squinted, but my disappointment was gone when I saw how much ended up elsewhere.  It sucks for people that are actually affected in a bad way and I'm sorry for it but for the people that wanted to experience a snowstorm like that, I'll take a little disappointment over here.  That was awesome and congratulations to everybody that looked around and went "Holy s--t, this is unbelievable.  I never thought I'd ever experience anything like this ever!" 

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Well, New Haven is still pretty paralyzed, but at least I finally got my car dug out... Only took me 3 days to do it! It was completely buried under a 6 to 8 foot drift, just a few square inches of a corner of the windshield peeking out to verify a car was there. This always happens to me with these epic snowfalls, it‘s the other side of the weather-weenie winter storm coin. On Saturday I managed to dig a 1-foot wide trench all around the car, then yesterday I had to do half of that over again because the plows had pushed a shoulder-high wall of compacted snow right back up against the driver’s side... And then there was today, when I had to make a car-sized hole in that wall so I could drive the damn thing out, and I had to do it in the pouring rain!! God, what an ordeal. Obviously, I like big snowstorms, but as I said this is the dark side of that coin and I pay it only grudgingly. I’m not that young anymore, this was almost too much for me, I swear I thought I was going to end up a casualty if not a fatality… But I finished the job, getting soaking wet from head to toe in the process, and was finally was able to drive off and do my errands. Thankfully, nobody took my hard-earned spot while I was out. I don’t even want to think about what I might’ve done if I’d returned to find somebody else's vehicle enjoying the full fruit of all my labors - it wouldn‘t have been pretty.

Also enormously thankful that the Elm City Market on the corner of  State and Chapel (I live on the same block as the Channel 8 studios Quincy mentioned) was able to open yesterday, or I would have been screwed. Nothing was open anywhere downtown, the Mayor had closed the roads for the weekend and told the police to arrest anyone driving. It was like a friggin ghost town, but with x-country skiers. I was genuinely desperate, by Sunday afternoon I was down to nothing but a few stale cookies and tap water. I can‘t tell you how good it felt to see customers walking around inside that grocery store! Saved! Next time I guess I won’t be laughing quite so hard at stuff like that stupid “gotta get the bread and milk, gotta get the bread and milk” video. Karma’s a b**ch.

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