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Severe (tornado + wind) event looming: 01/30-01/31 Wed.-Thursday

Ground Scouring

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What mph would you guestimate?



Not even sure but it def put the 50+ mph gust we've been having to shame, it was like sustained for a good 4-5 minutes, made the apt building shake.


At PGV last obs recorded a gust to 54 sustained at 40 and I was about 1.5 miles from the airport at a Sheetz ( I will post short video in morning) and it was easy 50-60 there.



31 01:35 S 40 G 54 10.00 Overcast and Windy SCT027 BKN041 OVC048 70 64     83% NA NA 29.45 NA

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At PGV last obs recorded a gust to 54 sustained at 40 and I was about 1.5 miles from the airport at a Sheetz ( I will post short video in morning) and it was easy 50-60 there.



31 01:35 S 40 G 54 10.00 Overcast and Windy SCT027 BKN041 OVC048 70 64     83% NA NA 29.45 NA

Thanks man!  This wind out here close to CAE is no joke with the actual front passage.  I'm hearing at least 40mph+ gusts in my home.  Good stuff!

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FAIL in Carrboro. The winds were stronger well before the line. Nothing impressive at all. Definitely a letdown.

During the large tornado outbreak a few years past the same thing happened here in Orange county. The actual front with the thunderstorms was calm compared to the winds before and after the storm.

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Here's a list of the rain totals in Macon County from the system that went through yesterday:



5.07 COWEETA 118: 
3.89 FRANKLIN 4.1 mi SSW: 
3.66 HIGHLANDS 3 mi NNE: 
3.32 FRANKLIN 1 mi NW:


According to the Public informations Statement issued at http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/wx/afos/p.php?pil=PNSGSP&e=201301311600 A Ski Resort got the most in the GSP area with 5.82 inches.


Here's the full list:



PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENTNATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE GREENVILLE-SPARTANBURG SC1100 AM EST FRI JAN 31 2013THE FOLLOWING ARE SELECT WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA RAINFALL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN DURING THE PAST 36 HOURS DAYS FOR THE STORM THAT HAD BEEN AFFECTING OUR REGION. LOCATION NAME                 PE TS    36 HR  ======== ====                 == == NCSKI    APPALACHIAN SKI MTN  PP RZ :   5.82 NCTR18   LAKE TOXAWAY 3.2 ENE PP RZ :   5.79WLGN7    WALLACE GAP          PP RZ :   5.67C2403    BLOWING ROCK 4 W     PC RZ :   5.54LTYN7    LAKE TOXAWAY 3 ESE   PC RR :   5.47HDSN7    HIGHLANDS DCP        PP RG :   5.40D2550    SAPPHIRE 2 SE        PC RZ :   5.24NCAV07   LINVILLE FALLS 1NW   PP RZ :   5.23LTYN7    LAKE TOXAWAY 3 ESE   PP RR :   5.11CWTN7    COWEETA 118          PP RG :   5.07MGYN7    MAGGIE VALLEY        PC RR :   4.91IRCN7    ROBINSON CREEK       PC RR :   4.80BREN7    BREVARD COOP         PP RZ :   4.65NCWT01   BLOWING ROCK 3 ENE   PP RZ :   4.63FRKN7    FRANKLIN COOP        PP RZ :   4.62NCWT11   FOSCOE 1 WSW         PP RZ :   4.61DARN7    DAVIDSON RIVER RAWS  PC RG :   4.60NANN7    NANTAHALA DAM PWRHOU PP RZ :   4.55BSGN7    BALSAM GROVE         PC RR :   4.52SOTN7    N TOE RVR @ SPRUCE P PC RR :   4.42BSKN7    BUSICK RAWS          PC RG :   4.40C8322    RAINBOW SPRINGS 1 SW PC RZ :   4.38TOPN7    WAYAH RAWS           PC RG :   4.30GRSN7    GRASSY CREEK         PC RR :   4.30SKMN7    SYLVA IFLOWS         PC RR :   4.29ICKN7    COLD CREEK           PC RR :   4.25HGLN7    HIGHLANDS RAWS       PC RG :   4.24NCHW02   MAGGIE VALLEY 3 ENE  PP RZ :   4.22NCHW11   WAYNESVILLE 5W       PP RZ :   4.21SBRN7    SNOWBIRD CK NR MILLT PC RR :   4.15LTSN7    LITTLE SWITZERLAND 3 PC RR :   4.14NCHW14   CANTON 10 S          PP RZ :   4.11MUBN7    MULBERRY CK @ COLLET PC RR :   4.10EGMN7    EDGEMONT             PC RR :   4.10GUIN7    GUION FARM RAWS      PC RG :   4.08NCTR09   BREVARD 1 NNE        PP RZ :   4.07NCAV03   CROSSNORE 3 SSW      PP RZ :   4.07STMN7    STRATTON MEADOWS     PC RG :   3.96NCTR08   BREVARD 4 S          PP RZ :   3.92NCTR01   BREVARD 1 NNW        PP RZ :   3.90NCMC17   FRANKLIN 4.1 SSW     PP RZ :   3.89MMLN7    MT MITCHELL IFLOWS   PC RR :   3.86HILN7    HIGHLANDS IFLOWS     PC RR :   3.78IWCN7    WOLF CREEK           PC RR :   3.75BOYN7    BOYLSTON CREEK       PC RR :   3.75SKMN7    SYLVA IFLOWS         PP RR :   3.72C0930    HIGHLANDS 3 NNE      PC RZ :   3.66CHFN7    CHESTNUT FLATS       PC RR :   3.62CHON7    CHEOAH RAWS          PC RG :   3.61PISN7    PISGAH FOREST 3 NE   PP RZ :   3.60NCHN14   HENDERSONVILLE 5 SW  PP RZ :   3.60BMPN7    BLACK MOUNTAIN PARK  PC RR :   3.58NCBC66   WEAVERVILLE 5.6 E    PP RZ :   3.56FNKN7    FRANKLIN DCP         PC RG :   3.56CWEN7    COWEE FIRE DEPT      PC RR :   3.54CUSN7    PEEKS CK-CULLASAJA R PC RR :   3.51STGN7    STECOAH GAP          PC RR :   3.50WCDN7    WOLF CREEK DAM       PP RZ :   3.49SBRN7    SNOWBIRD CK NR MILLT PP RR :   3.49NCBC62   MONTREAT 0.6 NE      PP RZ :   3.49TCLG1    TALLULAH RVR 10 W CL PP RG :   3.48IPAN7    PANTHERTOWN          PC RR :   3.47IRBN7    ROCK BRIDGE          PC RR :   3.46CRSN7    CRUSO FIRE DEPT      PC RR :   3.46C0692    LITTLE SWITZERLAND   PC RZ :   3.46ROBN7    STECOAH              PP RZ :   3.45TULN7    TULULA CK NR ROBBINS PC RR :   3.43NCYN04   BURNSVILLE 7 SSW     PP RZ :   3.42NCHN25   HENDERSONVILLE 6.1 S PP RZ :   3.42CHFN7    CHESTNUT FLATS       PP RR :   3.40CTFN7    TROUT FARM           PC RR :   3.39BGPN7    MONTREAT ON FLAT CRK PC RR :   3.38BARN7    BARNARDSVILLE 2 SE   PP RZ :   3.37RMNN7    ROSMAN RAIN          PC RG :   3.36BVDN7    BREVARD 2 NE         PC RG :   3.34BCNN7    BARKERS CREEK        PC RR :   3.34LRVN7    LITTLE RVR NR PENROS PC RR :   3.33NCMC19   FRANKLIN 1 NW        PP RZ :   3.32CHKN7    ROUND BOTTOM CG RAWS PC RG :   3.27C5363    BREVARD 1 NNW        PC RZ :   3.25THDN7    THORPE DAM           PC RR :   3.23SERN7    SPEAR                PC RR :   3.23PFTN7    PISGAH FOREST        PC RR :   3.23NCHW31   CANTON 9 SSW         PP RZ :   3.23LAKN7    LAKEY KNOB NR BLACK  PC RR :   3.23IBCN7    BEAR CREEK           PC RR :   3.23NCTR19   BREVARD 6.2 S        PP RZ :   3.22PFTN7    PISGAH FOREST        PP RR :   3.17D8554    GLENVILLE            PC RZ :   3.16ITCN7    TANASEE CREEK        PC RR :   3.15CUSN7    PEEKS CK-CULLASAJA R PP RR :   3.15TULN7    TULULA CK NR ROBBINS PP RR :   3.14SERN7    SPEAR                PP RR :   3.13SYVN7    SYLVA DCP            PC RG :   3.11MMTN7    MT MITCHELL DCP/COOP PC RG :   3.11BMTN7    NORTH FORK 2         PP RZ :   3.11BTDN7    BEETREE DAM          PC RG :   3.09WSGN7    ALARKA FD / WESSER   PC RR :   3.08NFRN7    NORTH FORK RAIN      PC RR :   3.08CHEN7    CHEOAH DAM           PP RZ :   3.08NCHW35   WAYNESVILLE 5.5 NNW  PP RZ :   3.07MRBN7    BEAVER CREEK         PC RR :   3.07NCHN02   FLETCHER 1 WSW       PP RZ :   3.05NCBC35   FAIRVIEW 1 S         PP RZ :   3.04BLAN7    BLANTYRE             PP RZ :   3.04BGPN7    MONTREAT ON FLAT CRK PP RR :   3.04PMTN7    PINNACLE MOUNTAIN    PC RR :   3.03FONN7    FONTANA DAM          PC RG :   3.02IARN7    ARGURA               PC RR :   3.00
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FFC has another great storm summary of yesterday's event. They just updated as well with the survey of the Adairsville tornado. They noted some areas that had high end EF-3 damage. Amazing tornado path. Kudos for their event writeups, they've been excellent lately, hope they keep it up!


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I'd like to see that! :-)


I tried to find the video, but it's not on their page. They didn't interview anyone and they probably just used it as a backdrop to a story. We were kinda shocked to see them show up...shocked that management allowed them in on such a busy event. 

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