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Wx Map postings


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Hey there SE crew. I've noticed that some when they post maps to a thread they often directly hot link them. This means they find the direct address for the image and then post that as the image link. This however is not wise for anytime in the future when you look back the post to see the evolution of a storm or look for verification. The reason being is when you hot link these images refresh so let's say you directly hotlink to the 18z GFS at 144 hrs on Jan 3rd 2013.  On Jan 4th 2014 you go to look back on a similar storm, but now you see the image is for Jan 3rd 18z GFS at 144 hrs for 2014 and not 2013. Make sense? 


So what can you do to stop this from happening? Well there are two pretty simple ways of doing this. First your best an easy way to do this (and it comes in handy just in general) is to host the images on a file sharing site such as imgur.  The easiest way to do this is to first make sure you are using either the FireFox browser (download here) or Chrome (download here) if you are currently using Internet Explorer (IE) , I prefer Chrome as it's pretty fast and has a very easy layout on the eyes. 


Now you've downloaded Chrome/Firefox the next step is to download what's called an extension/addon. What's an extension/addon? It's basically just a tool you can use inside of your browser, think of it like am upgrade to the interior of your car. There are extensions/addons for everything you can think of but for now we'll focus on image capturing. Once you've installed Chrome or Firefox (no need to download and install both, just choose one dammit!) you will now need to download the correct extension/addon. For this we will use the "upload to imgur" tool. So you will need to do the following:


In Chrome CLICK HERE  in FireFox CLICK HERE and download the tool. It will automatically install (in FireFox you will need to restart your browser). Now that it's installed it's time to test it hover with your mouse over the image directly below this and right click on your mouse. You will now see an option under your usual copy paste options for "upload to imgur"  and click on that it should now upload this image to imgur. (after doing this scroll below this image for the rest of the instructions)




Once it has uploaded now you simply want to get the forum code so you can now paste into your post (let's not go crazy with the image post weenies). To do this look for the option on the left hand side that says,  "BBCode"  you will want to right click on the text under this and copy it. Below is an image of what you need to copy. Remember copy the part that looks like this



Now you just post that in your thread and viola you can now post map images with ease!









The second way to do this is to simply right click and save the file to your PC and attach it to your post. There are reason not to do this however. Most accounts on this forum have limited space for uploading, your computer also has limited space. imgur however does not. Hope this helps! 

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Thanks to  metalicwx366 for the tinypic suggestion! If you want to resize your photos just go to www.tinypic.com and upload the original image you have saved to your computer. You then simply need to choose the "resize" option. I would suggest either "Message Board" (640x480) or the "15 Screen" (800x600). Then once it uploads just copy and past the image URL into your post. 



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Also can just use tinypic.com Very easy to use. Just right click and save the image and upload it on tinypic



thanks, burger. I'm one of the offenders and have known it but I usually have so much going on that I don't have the time to save the image and then upload. BUT...I never thought about tinypic.com...so will I will give that a shot from now on.

Updated with instructions for tinypic! Thanks for he suggestion guys. 

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The second way to do this is to simply right click and save the file to your PC and attach it to your post. There are reason not to do this however. Most accounts on this forum have limited space for uploading, your computer also has limited space. imgur however does not. Hope this helps! 


One thing I've noticed is you can simply left click the icon that looks like paper next to any one of those choices and it will automatically copy to your clipboard.

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