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NIC's Global Trends 2030 Report Provides Short Climate Change Discussion


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On December 10, 2012 the National Intelligence Council's Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds report was released to the public. The report aims to inform policy makers' planning efforts related to a wide variety of globally important issues. The report includes a short discussion of climate change and possible implications for global food security.

The short discussion offers a concise summary of where climate science stands today. Some excerpts:

Empirical evidence alone--without reference to climate models--indicates that a general warming trend is affecting weather and ecosystems, causing increasing impacts on humans...

According to the March 2012 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events, climate change is reinforcing extreme weather, making it more intense...

Dramatic and unforeseen changes are occurring at a faster rate than expected in regions with snow and ice. Observations show that Arctic summer sea ice is diminishing in area and volume faster than any models predicted and could vanish earlier than the original predictions of 2030-2050. Changes are also occurring in the major ice shelves (Greenland and Antarctica) that were unforeseen even five years ago...

The present emissions pathway is leading to a doubling of greenhouse gases by mid-century. Based on a better understanding of climate sensitivity and emissions, this concentration will lead to approximately 2°C warming by mid-century. Under the present emissions pathway, 6°C is more likely than 3°C by the end of the century, and will lead to even more significant impacts.

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Those left wing, latte sipping, Blame America Firsters at the National Intelligence Council have been caught trying to undermine America's Economic Dominance.

"Under the present emissions pathway, 6°C is more likely than 3°C by the end of the century, and will lead to even more significant impacts."

I thought we'd be done with these subversive scare mongering screeds when we closed down the CIA's Global Warming operation.


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