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December Banter


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It is somewhat after last winter and when the same thing keeps happening over and over again with the good stuff being 10 days away.

Well let's get one thing straight. People keep comparing this winter to last winter. Last winter we didn't have multiple possible storms to even track. These may not verify and give us anything but at least there is something to look for. If folks gets snow tonight in the foothills it probably already exceeded last winter and we're only just now getting to Jan.

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Well I apologize if its sounds like I am taking shots at Robert. I just comment on it, since its posted here.

I will disagree with everybody sometimes.

Ok, I have stood by and listened long enough......... It's obvious that the new guys don't know Robert like we "long timers" do, and some folks are taking cheap shots at him like he is some newbe. Let me just tell you what I think..... He is one of the best in the business and he knows the micro-climate of the western carolinas and northeast Ga better than anyone I know. Yeah, he has had some misses, but he has also had some difficult calls play out just like he said they would. As far as local weather goes here in the Carolinas, he's tough to beat and I would not bet against him. So, give the man the respect he deserves. He has earned it.

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Good post J!

+! That Quicky Mart slushy has unclouded your brain real fine :)

I still think your posting a year or so back is one of the best ever. Social skills are necessary, even on a message board. All the personal attacks, or just snide remarks, and snarky attitudes, make the atmosphere caustic. Why people can't just ignore posters they don't agree with instead of making demeaning remarks, is beyond me. Personally I don't mind the nonsense posts because I just ignore them. But personal attacks piss me off, big time, and have no place here. If you attack Robert, or Larry, you are attacking me, and I won't forget you. I come here to read them, and not some snot nosed weenie, or twisted wretch from a disfunctional family, not matter how intelligent they may seem. Without social skills, they have about the same usefulness as a monkey turd. T

I know, I know...Burns I can here the wheels turning all the way down here :) Sure monkeys eat the seeds, then spread them around the forrest floor...but lets not go there, lol.

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Well I apologize if its sounds like I am taking shots at Robert. I just comment on it, since its posted here.

I will disagree with everybody sometimes.

The problem is not that you disagree. The problem is that when you do all it amounts to is some passive aggressive comment about him being too optimistic or a weenie emoticon. You never say, "I think Robert is wrong based on X at Y hour on the Z model".

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+! That Quicky Mart slushy has unclouded your brain real fine :)

I still think your posting a year or so back is one of the best ever. Social skills are necessary, even on a message board. All the personal attacks, or just snide remarks, and snarky attitudes, make the atmosphere caustic. Why people can't just ignore posters they don't agree with instead of making demeaning remarks, is beyond me. Personally I don't mind the nonsense posts because I just ignore them. But personal attacks piss me off, big time, and have no place here. If you attack Robert, or Larry, you are attacking me, and I won't forget you. I come here to read them, and not some snot nosed weenie, or twisted wretch from a disfunctional family, not matter how intelligent they may seem. Without social skills, they have about the same usefulness as a monkey turd. T

I know, I know...Burns I can here the wheels turning all the way down here :) Sure monkeys eat the seeds, then spread them around the forrest floor...but lets not go there, lol.

lol I'll just concentrate on asking you if your hereing is getting better.

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Well let's get one thing straight. People keep comparing this winter to last winter. Last winter we didn't have multiple possible storms to even track. These may not verify and give us anything but at least there is something to look for. If folks gets snow tonight in the foothills it probably already exceeded last winter and we're only just now getting to Jan.

...is like comparing grapes to bananas.

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I suppose it can get a little tiring to hear what seems like the same old story...

Personally I am grateful that so far, I have had colder temps more consistently than I did last year. If I didn't read these forums or know what little bit I do about weather, models, etc...I would be oblivious to this apparent warmer than normal December. It just hasn't seemed largely removed from most Decembers I've experienced in my 37 years here. I understand that many others don't share that perspective, and frustration is a valid reaction.

Yeah, man, my feet get cold and my hands numb like they do most Decembers. The biggest difference I can see is the rain. I'm getting so much glorious rain!! It'll get cold...it's winter...it always does. It did last year :) The thing lacking is patience, not snow. It hardly ever snows enough, lol. T

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Guys, all he is saying is how the CFSv2 LOOKS. It is not by any means a forecast by him. Stop reading so hard into everything. Sheesh. Don't shoot the messenger.

CFS2 has been reasonably reliable this year, although not perfect. It is a good counterbalance(from a forecast tool standpoint) to the teleconnectors being pro-warmth. If both were showing warm, we would be in trouble in terms of cold. The cold look of the CFS2 definitely seems to show its catching on to something. However, I'd like to see the trend. In other words, is it getting colder or warmer each week. If the cold is being lessened with each run, then I'd say January will be warm for the duration as a whole. If it is getting colder with each run, then it would seem it is signalling a thaw followed by an arctic outbreak. I just don't have the time to go back through and find the trends.

Also, saw the Cantore tweet. Nice work, and that was a strange thing for him to retweet I agree. Cool nonetheless. As someone who is new to the Twitter world, what does that tweet mean anyway?

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I still think your posting a year or so back is one of the best ever. Social skills are necessary, even on a message board. All the personal attacks, or just snide remarks, and snarky attitudes, make the atmosphere caustic. Why people can't just ignore posters they don't agree with instead of making demeaning remarks, is beyond me. Personally I don't mind the nonsense posts because I just ignore them. But personal attacks piss me off, big time, and have no place here. If you attack Robert, or Larry, you are attacking me, and I won't forget you. I come here to read them, and not some snot nosed weenie, or twisted wretch from a disfunctional family, not matter how intelligent they may seem. Without social skills, they have about the same usefulness as a monkey turd. T

Wow! Ol' dsaur is dustin' off some fightin' words! Ya'll better watch out because it's a rare day when Tony gets angry. He's usually got nice things to say about everyone.

That was a classic rant, sir! I enjoyed it. I wish I could send you some of these sleet pellets I might get tonight.

Monkey turds?...that's different...hmm...

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Also, saw the Cantore tweet. Nice work, and that was a strange thing for him to retweet I agree. Cool nonetheless. As someone who is new to the Twitter world, what does that tweet mean anyway?

I see you're talking about Jon's tweet. In case you're referencing "retweet" that just means you're copying their tweet and posting it on your feed. It's a lot easier just to retweet in that case then to make a totally new tweet. I'm actually an expert in this as it's my job! As for imgur it's just a really easy photo sharing website which allows you to post pictures. Cantore basically used a bad link for the image so Jon was just letting him know he had to upload it to a photo sharing site first.

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OK, I'm going to open a big can of worms here and see what happens:

I've been on this site for 2+ years now, and I love it. I'm aware of many forecasters around the country and their apparent perceptions here. Can somebody explain the back story on DT? Who is he? (I'm aware of his website: wxrisk.com) Did he use to post on EasternWx? Did he ever post on AmericanWx? A lot of posters here seem to pay attention to what he says, whether they adhere to his forecasts or not. Some people seem to like his forecasts for the content and some just for entertainment value. Some people appear to disregard him altogether. I do know he has horrible grammar and spelling skills! Basically, I'm looking for the history from you long-time posters. Anybody care to oblige?

Talk amongst yourselves... :nerdsmiley:

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OK, I'm going to open a big can of worms here and see what happens:

I've been on this site for 2+ years now, and I love it. I'm aware of many forecasters around the country and their apparent perceptions here. Can somebody explain the back story on DT? Who is he? (I'm aware of his website: wxrisk.com) Did he use to post on EasternWx? Did he ever post on AmericanWx? A lot of posters here seem to pay attention to what he says, whether they adhere to his forecasts or not. Some people seem to like his forecasts for the content and some just for entertainment value. Some people appear to disregard him altogether. I do know he has horrible grammar and spelling skills! Basically, I'm looking for the history from you long-time posters. Anybody care to oblige?

Talk amongst yourselves... :nerdsmiley:

His name is Dave Tolleris and yes he posted with us back on Eastern and he posted some on American before he got ticked off and left. He would always get into heated battles over weenie wishcasting and claiming everyone was crazy but him. Needless to say he rubbed folks the wrong way, but that's just his style. Most of us did not take it personal when he ranted. He founded the website... wxrisk.com

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His name is Dave Tolleris and yes he posted with us back on Eastern and he posted some on American before he got ticked off and left. He would always get into heated battles over weenie wishcasting and claiming everyone was crazy but him. Needless to say he rubbed folks the wrong way, but that's just his style. Most of us did not take it personal when he ranted. He founded the website... wxrisk.com

You left quite a bit out before the ban. He quit, deleted all his posts, came back, quit, deleted all his posts, came back, quit, deleted all his posts came back and was banned.

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I am surprised no one has mentioned what I feel is the biggest reason that this forum isn't what it once was. When Robert started his pay site and virtually withdrew from this forum it started a domino effect. His strong analysis of Southeast weather was a prime reason other mets posted in this forum and resulted in a lot of excellent and detailed discussions. That no longer occurs and I don't see anyone comparable on the horizon.

The other reason is something that has always been the case but was somewhat obscured by the excellent discussions I mentioned above. That is the fact that we can look at a 10 day map that shows some snow and all of a sudden there is a new thread about the "threat" of a winter storm many days out. Most of it is hogwash but that's not the real problem. What makes the forum more unprofessional is the mass jumping onto anyone who dares to say the threat is not real. The cliff jumper label comes out in an effort to stifle any negative discussion. It's as is some feel that anyone who does not agree will somehow jinx their preferred outcome. I find it interesting that the same folks that post the most 10 day models, and God forbid snow cover maps, are also the leading posters of cliff jumping images.

Personally, despite the numerous threads to the contrary, I have not felt at any time so far this winter that I had any reasonable chance of snow. I haven't posted much if anything stating that because I don't wish to engage in the back and forth that would result. At this point I still dont see anything out there that raises my level of interest. I hope that changes but I wouldn't bet my lunch money.

I just said this to someone the other day :lol: Great minds think alike :wub:

Most people *most* are not going to leave a board because there is too much wishcasting or weenie posting or whatever. Besides, in the important threads, the mods do a good job in keeping those mostly clean. I think the more likely reasons that some mets and old timers might not be posting are:

1) Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, other forums, etc. are more prevalent now than they were several years ago and time is being split between those outlets and this board.

2) There is NOTHING going on right now.

3) Some people like to be a big fish in a little pond. The SE forum has become a big pond with a lot of fish. It's now a bit harder to feel as important as you may have used to.

4) Personal attacks against someone might drive them away.

5) There is NOTHING going on right now.

My feeling about posting is, if you have a relevant and meaningful comment to make in a discussion thread, you should feel free and be allowed to make it, met or not. Whining about your lack of snow is fine too but should be relegated to the Banter thread.

This is a weather board and we are all here, every one of us, because we all have at least one awesome thing in common: we love the weather! We ought to make each other welcomed and encourage discussion and share knowledge and help each other learn. But it should also be important to each of us to take responsibility for what we say, how we say it, when we say it, and where we say it.

This stuff should be fun, and it really isn't hard to figure out how to participate in a weather forum and still maintain a great environment for anyone, met or not, to feel encouraged to post and add their thoughts.

PS: I'm sure Americanwx isn't going to ban you for mentioning the name of another forum. We mostly know them all anyway.

The End.

Agree :hug:

Jim Cantore retweeted me. My life is made.

:lol: Congrats

No reread what I said. I said that if you disagree give your reasons. Pretty much every time he has taken a shot at Robert I've asked him to give his reasons why he thinks Robert is wrong. He mysteriously goes silent. What I'm saying is don't just take pot shots at a met for no reason, which is what he does specifically with Robert. There is a reason he came close to being in the semi finals against Brick for WOTY. At least Brick doesn't go after mets.

This is true

Their not the same thing? No wonder my home made toilet wine keeps coming out bad.

This made my eyeballs hurt :angry:

OK, I'm going to open a big can of worms here and see what happens:

I've been on this site for 2+ years now, and I love it. I'm aware of many forecasters around the country and their apparent perceptions here. Can somebody explain the back story on DT? Who is he? (I'm aware of his website: wxrisk.com) Did he use to post on EasternWx? Did he ever post on AmericanWx? A lot of posters here seem to pay attention to what he says, whether they adhere to his forecasts or not. Some people seem to like his forecasts for the content and some just for entertainment value. Some people appear to disregard him altogether. I do know he has horrible grammar and spelling skills! Basically, I'm looking for the history from you long-time posters. Anybody care to oblige?

Talk amongst yourselves... :nerdsmiley:

Let's just say DT is a personality you could never forget :lol: He posted on Eastern and here at American, but he could never control his temper.....sigh

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