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December Banter


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Lol what threat is it. You know its bad when people are discussing the possibility of freezing drizzle in the mountains. Lol thats hilarious. Next! Bring on the supposed cold for January everyone is forecasting. Cough cough wishcasting. Then when January comes and is warm, there will be excuses that the Pacific messed everything up.

You're saying that as if it isn't already the case.

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Bevo..... I'm a bit freaked out that you could get a pic of me without my knowing :) Nice place, actually, I think I'd like living there! Gool pic :)

CR.. sadly my best part decided she'd had enough years ago. I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong, lol. When you live by yourself you just take the rabbit head on the pillow as a matter of course....living with your best success, I guess, should require a more nuanced response. Hmmm....maybe I didn't pretend to freak out enough when the kitty presents appeared? And close the open window where the cats come and go. I mean, I love the cold and an open window, in winter, as a kitty convenience, never seemed out of the place to me. Maybe that's why you have 4 families at Xmas..you learned to be more nuanced.

Maybe I need to consult my romance guru, Burns. He is able to snow the gals, even though he is known as "stubby Burns", and seems decidedly unashamed about it. The man is a mighty force of self assuredness!!

Lol, that reminds me of the winter I had to put anti freeze in the toilet to keep it from busting. The cat door was in the bathroom window, and I had to replace one toilet when the temps dropped way down. Had a heater in there, and a wad in the cat hole, but they had a way of bulling through, and I could never train them to replace it. Here's a hint, always flush the anti freeze before you do something that would cause a splash, lol. The cat hole was in there because that summer a hurricane come up and threw some tin off the shed roof through the bathroom window. The cats took one look, and said, "hey, let the good times roll", lol. I replaced the muntins, and glass, except down at the corner.

Now the cat door is in the kitchen window. Makes it easier for the possums, and racoons to come in to feed on the dry cat food :)

Funny how the dogs use the flap/dog door, no problem, but those picky cats insist on unfettered access. T

I nominate this for Post of the Year. No joke, you are consistantly highly entertaining and one of the main reasons I check the banter thread. I bet you are a hoot to hang out with in "real life." Keep the lols coming buddy and I hope you get the mother of all sleet storms this winter!

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Bevo..... I'm a bit freaked out that you could get a pic of me without my knowing :) Nice place, actually, I think I'd like living there! Gool pic :)

CR.. sadly my best part decided she'd had enough years ago. I'm still trying to figure out where I went wrong, lol. When you live by yourself you just take the rabbit head on the pillow as a matter of course....living with your best success, I guess, should require a more nuanced response. Hmmm....maybe I didn't pretend to freak out enough when the kitty presents appeared? And close the open window where the cats come and go. I mean, I love the cold and an open window, in winter, as a kitty convenience, never seemed out of the place to me. Maybe that's why you have 4 families at Xmas..you learned to be more nuanced.

Maybe I need to consult my romance guru, Burns. He is able to snow the gals, even though he is known as "stubby Burns", and seems decidedly unashamed about it. The man is a mighty force of self assuredness!!

Lol, that reminds me of the winter I had to put anti freeze in the toilet to keep it from busting. The cat door was in the bathroom window, and I had to replace one toilet when the temps dropped way down. Had a heater in there, and a wad in the cat hole, but they had a way of bulling through, and I could never train them to replace it. Here's a hint, always flush the anti freeze before you do something that would cause a splash, lol. The cat hole was in there because that summer a hurricane come up and threw some tin off the shed roof through the bathroom window. The cats took one look, and said, "hey, let the good times roll", lol. I replaced the muntins, and glass, except down at the corner.

Now the cat door is in the kitchen window. Makes it easier for the possums, and racoons to come in to feed on the dry cat food :)

Funny how the dogs use the flap/dog door, no problem, but those picky cats insist on unfettered access. T

Man, sorry to hear that. It's obvious it's not you though. She just doesn't like snakes and rabbit heads in the bed. That's all. Seriously though, you're like the nicest guy on the whole board. If they had an award for it, I'd nominate you. She's the one with the problem. :)

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On another note, I just got a PM from admin saying my promotion has expired and now I'm being demoted, what ever that means. :( I guess I shouldn't be sad though. I guess if I never knew I got promoted, I shouldn't be discouraged that I'm being demoted. :o

It happens sometimes, you didn't perform well...

Cheer up cr it will soon be spring!!! Lol

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Maybe I need to consult my romance guru, Burns. He is able to snow the gals, even though he is known as "stubby Burns", and seems decidedly unashamed about it. The man is a mighty force of self assuredness!!

That's because I know the difference between length and width.

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You're saying that as if it isn't already the case.

I was referring to January, not December.

So you think January will be warm? Just making sure I'm reading this right

No, I just don't want it to end up like this month did where people say pattern changes or other events look to be shaping up and nothing ever materializes. I need to be patient though lol!

I'm a little excited about the severe weather threat tomorrow as its the only interesting thing weather here this month. Then it gets cold and windy.

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I nominate this for Post of the Year. No joke, you are consistantly highly entertaining and one of the main reasons I check the banter thread. I bet you are a hoot to hang out with in "real life." Keep the lols coming buddy and I hope you get the mother of all sleet storms this winter!

Seconded. It is comically tragic - yet personal. In a Stephen King sort of way.

Na. Mr. Burns is retired from the public school system. He has always sounded like Principal Skinner in my head :)

I can hear it. I must reorganize my internal reading voice generator.

On another note, I just got a PM from admin saying my promotion has expired and now I'm being demoted, what ever that means. :( I guess I shouldn't be sad though. I guess if I never knew I got promoted, I shouldn't be discouraged that I'm being demoted. :o

Same here - What hurts the most is that the "admin" it was sent from has 5 posts since 2010. It's like I'm not even here :violin:

You guys are so far off. I'll give you a hint.


So Blitzer it is. Cooper is too pretty.

I was referring to January, not December.

No, I just don't want it to end up like this month did where people say pattern changes or other events look to be shaping up and nothing ever materializes. I need to be patient though lol!

I'm a little excited about the severe weather threat tomorrow as its the only interesting thing weather here this month. Then it gets cold and windy.

I realize that - however it seems rather familiar that someone was stating that very idea as a legitimate concern earlier today...oh wait...

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

Good to hear, i thoroughly enjoy your analysis and thoughts.. there is always going to be a few disrespectful people around, pay them no mind. now bring a strong CAD in here!!! Lol

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Dang, guys, thanks!! I'm humbled (takes bow). Actually I'm just an old hippie, weirdo, hermit artist, and, I'm sure, pretty boring, but I can write :) Burns is the one who cracks me up. I'm just being earnest, lol.

I appreciate the sleet wishes. You've never seen a happier boy, even at Christmas, as I am when a big sleet comes. I've told the story before, I think to Robert, but when I was in, I think 7th grade...might have been 6th....I was a school patrol kid. I stood at the corner of the street, and helped the little tykes cross, stopping cars with my arm out stretched, and my school patrol badge prominant. So...one winter morning I'm out by the car, waiting for my mother to drive us to school. They did a revolving car pool deal with a car full of the neighbor kids, and I was the first one out, because it was cold and cloudy and my feelers were up. I'm standing there, and notice the clouds are getting lower..and lower.....and, lower still. Finally they were at the rooftops. It was deathly still, and I was in the clouds, as our house was up on a hill, probably 20 feet off street level. I'd seen clouds down low like that up around Monteagle, so I knew it, but had never seen it in Atlanta. Then off in the distance a growing roar, getting nearer and nearer....... Then...with a mighty Whoosh!!! All the sleet in the world fell. I'm mean an instant 2 or more inches. It is to this day the most amazing few minutes of my weather life...above the straight line winds, where every thing was going past at 100mph, ten feet up...more than the pizza plate sized snow flakes...the lightening strikes within 20 feet or so....the rain so hard in Fla. I was hugging the back of a tractor trailer maybe 3 feet off his bumber because I couldn't see a thing. Windshield wiper just threw up their blades, and started crying.

More than the lying on the beach at Grayton Beach St Park with a tiny cloud that came toward us off the ocean, then stopped at the shore, right before us, 50 feet away, and began to grow, and grow, and grow, until it was a towering thunderhead that threw down lightening into the sea just 100 feet out. We saw a thunderstorm form at the break between sea and land from right underneath it. From a puff of cloud a few hundred feet up, to a massive thunderhead, then it marched inland, to be followed by an explosive lighteing storm where we huddled up against the sand dunes...actually into the sand dunes and saw the lightening show to end all lightening shows, with a front row seat. Lightening popping right out there in the surf. Too amazed, and blown away to be scared at first. Hit after hit popping right out there in knee deep water, until we started to feel the electricity, and we ran like the wind up the beach, thinking we'd sizzle any instant.

More than the first foot of snow I ever saw, in Ansbach, Germany, where the girls wore knee boots and wonderful coats with high fur collars, and you though it just can't get any better than this. . And out in the black forrest, with the towering trees, and the scant undergrowth, deep in snow drifts, where it was all a wonderment to a Ga. boy and I was sure I was in a Grimm's fairy tale. The derecho, where I went out side in my winter coat, and it as near 70, and a few minutes later it was snowk...and all the other weather things I've seen, most especially the Blizzard!!!

That sleet storm to a 7th grader, in Ga. was the most amazing weather event I ever saw. If been in love with sleet ever since. The look of it, the sound of it, the feel of it hitting you, and underfoot. Three or 4 inches of sleet makes me think I'm in heaven, lol.

So, my corner is at the foot of a steep hill, that came down the back of the school, and parents loved to come down that hill to let their kids off halfway down, at the playground entrance. Inman Grammer School, if any know it. It's still there with kids in it. My mother and uncle went there in the 30's. So.... There's at least 3 inches of sleet and still falling lightly. I'm there early, as I'm supposed to be. In those days, in Atl. they didn't close down the school until everyone got there, lol, so after a few minutes here come the kids walking down the street to my left, throwing sleet at each other, and sort of halfway wanting to cross, and I'm looking up the hill, and over the hill, here come the cars. And I'm helping little kids cross at the bottom while watching all the cars up the hill slidding out of control, as soon as they hit their brakes..... and banging into each other, or the curb, or the walls at the bottom of front banks of houses. And some didn't stop, at all, but managed to miss the congestion, and came flying down, to pile up across the street from me at the bottom, in a front yard. And parents and kids are piling out of wrecked cars, And I'm corraling little kids who are still walking up...crouched down behind a front bank wall, as the maddness ensues, occasionally darting out to deliver kids safely across, before the next mad woman or man, came flying out of control down the hill. Amazing, absolutely amazing..one of the best days of my life, lol. All the glory of weather, and the maddness of humans on display.

And it happened when I was, what, 11 or 12? You just can't make this stuff up :) Weather, good or bad, is just one of the best parts of being alive..always has been!!! T

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

Post more often, I appreciate your knowledge and input. We need more mets like you in the SE board.

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

Greatly enjoyed your posts. Bring it!!!!


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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

You should do exactly what you want to do, and the majority of the folks in this forum will support and respect your decisions. Whether you want to post or not post, it's your right either way. Personally, I enjoy your thoughts and analysis, and I hope you stick around.

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

Great news!! Enjoy reading your thoughts.

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Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.

Remember that on this board we can be bad trolls myself included...in end if we met you in a bar we would probably buy you a beer and not have one bad thing to say. I seriously don't know why people were giving you such a hard time over just stating something basic....and now given the trends they may be eating their words which is the ultimate revenge.

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BrierCreekWx[/b]' timestamp='1355972378' post='1927507']

Hey guys just a quick note to say I'm still hanging around. Some of the comments did get to me a bit, but I've also been touched by all the words of encouragement I have received. I took a day or so to let things die down, but I'm still following this system with interest ;)

Although snow86's words did hurt a little, I regret deleting my posts which ended up drawing even more attention to myself, the last thing I was trying to do. I guess we all make mistakes though, and as long as my thoughts are welcomed by most, I won't let a few detractors keep me from posting.


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