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TWC going to name winter storms this winter

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maybe. If so, then why does the NHC name some weak non-entity in the north Atlantic when the TWC doesn't name a mountain storm? I mean the TWC is in the forefront of the weather in the USA, and if isn't name-worthy to them, then the NHC should follow suit and stop naming TC's that are non-threats or storms that don't hit people.

... or maybe they've given up this farce after only a month. I sensed embarrassment from the Mets on there even having to say the names. I think Stephanie Abrams was the only one who was enthusiastic about saying the name. Company woman??


Yeah, that better be sarcastic...

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See why we decided against giving this winter storm the "Caesar" treatment: http://www.weather.c...tch-2012-2013 …


(they updated the article text but it had explanation as to why yesterday.)


Interactive map: Latest #snow, wind reports from Winter Storm #Caesar: http://wxch.nl/WUoLco


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TWC continues to embarrass themselves. They should just save face and do away with this nonsense. Even the local Twin Cities NBC affiliate did not bother to mention Caesar in the story (it is an AP story).


And agreed with Caligula...would have been a much better name for this event.

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TWC continues to embarrass themselves. They should just save face and do away with this nonsense. Even the local Twin Cities NBC affiliate did not bother to mention Caesar in the story.


And agreed with Caligula...would have been a much better name for this event.

Most NBC stations aren't using the names and NBC News isn't using the names either.

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That would be pretty funny to see that. We were talking about it earlier in this thread-- how AccuWeather very well could do that-- and either way, the NWS is not going to take TWC's lead and use their names or anyone else's-- so it would become one big mess, with the different entities using different names or no names.

I just don't see why AccuWeather-- a competing company with some market share-- would just lay down and let TWC run the show here.

I think TWC is OK-- I don't dislike them the way I strongly dislike AccuWeather-- but I do feel they overreached with this.

The way this is currently going for TWC, I am sure Accuweather is more than happy to watch the train wreck unfold.

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See why we decided against giving this winter storm the "Caesar" treatment: http://www.weather.c...tch-2012-2013 …


(they updated the article text but it had explanation as to why yesterday.)


Interactive map: Latest #snow, wind reports from Winter Storm #Caesar: http://wxch.nl/WUoLco


The comments back to that tweet were humorous.


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So you think the issue has been more the implementation than the core idea?

It's a gimmick that could potentially prove useful IMO.

Agreed. I think it was a smart business move. Certainly "gimicky" but I don't think it does any harm. If they can put themselves in the center of weather coverage in the media more than they already do that's great for them business wise.

If someone wants to call a storm a name I don't think it confuses people. I do think the way they've implemented it just looks sort of silly. They should name sparingly and really save the names for storms that will dominate national news coverage.

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Agreed. I think it was a smart business move. Certainly "gimicky" but I don't think it does any harm. If they can put themselves in the center of weather coverage in the media more than they already do that's great for them business wise.

If someone wants to call a storm a name I don't think it confuses people. I do think the way they've implemented it just looks sort of silly. They should name sparingly and really save the names for storms that will dominate national news coverage.

I think the mishap on this storm perhaps proves opposite.. they should name almost every event that isn't a 'nuisance'. One big problem which has already been noted I'm sure is the lead time issue. In some ways it's like having almost every hurricane form a day from hitting shore. And of course "crapicanes" are named.. so why not do the same for snow. Sure, you might run through the alphabet two or three times... thankfully TWC seems to be creative with names. ;)

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I wish I would have thought to grab the text from the article yesterday. They should have left it as is so at least they could appear transparent. They had like 5 pts why it wouldn't be named etc. Obviously someone changed their mind once a bigger city was getting in on the action.

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I think the mishap on this storm perhaps proves opposite.. they should name almost every event that isn't a 'nuisance'. One big problem which has already been noted I'm sure is the lead time issue. In some ways it's like having almost every hurricane form a day from hitting shore. And of course "crapicanes" are named.. so why not do the same for snow. Sure, you might run through the alphabet two or three times... thankfully TWC seems to be creative with names. ;)

Well they can't have it both ways.

It's pretty clear, reading between the lines, that they really only want to names winter storms that will impact the east coast or places like Chicago. Unusual storms in the SE too would garner a name.

I think naming the storms that aren't "borderline" like this one was and setting a higher bar just makes it easier.

Either way it's funny to see the weather weenies and mets get so fired up about it. I just sit back and watch the name drama.

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Stepping back... I think this is bound to fail for two reasons:

1) Criteria. The naming criteria are too vague, and I think basing it (partly) on whether major population centers are affected is a perfect formula for ensuring someone always feels dissed and angry. If you live in a small city in the Rocky Mountains, a big storm is a big deal to you, and seeing it not get named because it's only hitting your town-- and not, say, the I95 cities-- is just going to make these smaller markets feel dissed and under-served. At least with hurricanes, the naming criteria are relatively objective, and theoretically, at least, a cyclone near the Azores is just as likely to get a name as one threatening Miami.

2) Authority. Thinking about this some more, it's just not reasonable for any organization other than a government agency to grant themselves naming authority. As big as TWC is, they're still only a part of the information flow-- which includes non-NBC TV stations, AccuWeather, and most importantly of all, the NWS. And naming only works if everyone's using the name.

Yeah, I dunno if it was ever a good idea.

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Stepping back... I think this is bound to fail for two reasons:

1) Criteria. The naming criteria are too vague, and I think basing it (partly) on whether major population centers are affected is going to make some people angry. If you live in a small city in the Rocky Mountains, a big storm is a big deal to you, and seeing it not get named because it's only hitting your town-- and not, say, the I95 cities-- is just going to make these smaller markets feel dissed and under-served. At least with hurricanes, the naming criteria are relatively objective, and theoretically, at least, a cyclone near the Azores is just as likely to get a name as one threatening Miami.

2) Authority. Thinking about this some more, it's just not reasonable for any organization other than a government agency to grant themselves naming authority. As big as TWC is, they're still only a part of the information flow-- which includes non-NBC TV stations, AccuWeather, and most importantly of all, the NWS. And naming only works if everyone's using the name.

Yeah, I dunno if it was ever a good idea.

Well, the fact that most NBC stations and NBC News isn't using the names it tells me that it's not catching on too quickly. We'll see if that changes.

As for criteria I'm not sure the average consumer of information from TWC cares much about the process. At the end of the day they want to know how much and when. When they hear a storm's name they may google it, tweet it, facebook it or whatever and that just helps drive traffic to TWC.

While us weather people care about criteria.... the majority of people who care only about how much they'll have to shovel probably care less.

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Well, the fact that most NBC stations and NBC News isn't using the names it tells me that it's not catching on too quickly. We'll see if that changes.

Yeah, that is really interesting, as I would have assumed the NBC affiliates would be lockstep.

As for criteria I'm not sure the average consumer of information from TWC cares much about the process. At the end of the day they want to know how much and when. When they hear a storm's name they may google it, tweet it, facebook it or whatever and that just helps drive traffic to TWC.

While us weather people care about criteria.... the majority of people who care only about how much they'll have to shovel probably care less.

Well, I'll take your word for it-- but I would have assumed that even non-wx nerds, after getting slammed by a big storm, would be like, "How come ours didn't get one o' them fancy names??"

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Yeah, that is really interesting, as I would have assumed the NBC affiliates would be lockstep.

Well, I'll take your word for it-- but I would have assumed that even non-wx nerds, after getting slammed by a big storm, would be like, "How come ours didn't get one o' them fancy names??"

We followed the lead of the network and they said that they were not going to use any of the names. I was personally apathetic about it but the network decided against it.

You may be right about people who live in more rural locations... but I bet they'd be more annoyed that they don't get national media or TWC attention for storms as it is. If you live in North Dakota and are getting a life threatening blizzard you probably would be mentioned once or twice an hour on TWC. Meanwhile... 4 inches of snow in NYC would be nearly continuous coverage lol. I feel like that would bother people more than the lack of a name.

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We followed the lead of the network and they said that they were not going to use any of the names. I was personally apathetic about it but the network decided against it.

Interesting. I didn't realize it was an actual decision. Did they say why, and did the decision create internal tensions? (If you can't answer, no prob.)

You may be right about people who live in more rural locations... but I bet they'd be more annoyed that they don't get national media or TWC attention for storms as it is. If you live in North Dakota and are getting a life threatening blizzard you probably would be mentioned once or twice an hour on TWC. Meanwhile... 4 inches of snow in NYC would be nearly continuous coverage lol. I feel like that would bother people more than the lack of a name.

Yeah, I gotcha-- that makes sense.

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I think this is possibly a move in the right direction. At least it can be quantified better. Still some work to be done. I advocated such earlier in the thread.

It is funny how people like Nate Johnson are out front complaining about every decision (Sandy, TWC, etc) no matter what it is. I guess he wants some airtime.

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