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2/19/12 OBS take what you can get

Midlo Snow Maker

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Its a shame you can't post the KML, could be fun to map those with contours

Yeah and also because that image doesn't show all of the reports plotted (there's over 400 in the file), and you would be able to zoom in and click on each point to see the description ( "WALTHALL, VA___741 AM 2/20 NWS EMPLOYEE" for example)...Oh well

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Yeah and also because that image doesn't show all of the reports plotted (there's over 400 in the file), and you would be able to zoom in and click on each point to see the description ( "WALTHALL, VA___741 AM 2/20 NWS EMPLOYEE" for example)...Oh well

Bummer indeed - but kudos for taking the time to put them in a KML file. I'll imagine a contour map in my head.

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I really question your mental stability sometimes.


Try sitting in the house for three days after each of the major snowmaggeddon storms in 2009-2010.

Try spending the past 16 years NEVER, ever getting to walk in a live snowstorm.

Try spending every snowstorm being the butt of jokes on this board because you have to ask other posters exactly how much snow is on the ground because you are not allowed to measure snowpack, under any circumstances.

I AM crazy. Anyone would be unstable after living as I have been forced to for the past 16 years, ever since the April 1996 debacle at KFC.

Let's see YOU live under the above regimen and be a snow enthusiast and emerge well adjusted.

It is a given - That I will NEVER, ever get to go on a snow chase like Ian did last night. The snow, if any, that falls in Dale City is the only snow that I will ever see. Word to the wise - Don't ever be obsessed with snow. It aint healthy - Just look at me and my plight.

I'm not allowed to walk around PERIOD - It does not matter if it is 29 degrees with heavy snow in Dale City, or a pleasant 74 degrees with spring flowers, or summer with a thunderstorm.

Live thru THAT for 16 years and then try to be stable. Not gonna happen. Some of you go all over the country, even the world, chasing hurricanes and tornadoes. I will NEVER, ever get to do that. In our family that is utter craziness.

Don't let facts like 2011-2012's winter without a winter, Dale City only got 3 inches of snow ALL SEASON get in the way of your implied assertion that I should be well adjusted. Of course I should be grateful that we saved so much money on road salt not used this winter, we saved so much money because of mild weather, and so many lives were saved on regional roads because clear roads means less people lost their lives in winter accidents blah blah blah.

I don't care about money saved, or people driving safely on snow free roads.

All I care about, is zero degree weather, 35 mph north winds, and zero visibilities in SN++ conditions with snow piling up at 5 inches per hour, all while I watch from my window - with all the streetlights out, while I beg stormpc on American Weather Forums to please post how much snow Dale City has gotten because "I can't measure snow myself".

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Awesome map. Is that a 3.8" report out of Fairfax/Loudon though?

I have 3 reports of 3.8" and they are :




Edit: I see where you got confused...The Bon Air, VA 3.8" for some reason plotted just outside of D.C.... That did not happen in that area obviously.

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I have 3 reports of 3.8" and they are :




OK...just a quick note then...do you see the 3.8 on the map just to the W of Washington D.C.? That is what I was referring to and it doesn't really match the surrounding T and 0.1 reports. Perhaps it was just a small error or misplacement of the data.

Not trying to nitpick here...just something I noticed.

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OK...just a quick note then...do you see the 3.8 on the map just to the W of Washington D.C.? That is what I was referring to and it doesn't really match the surrounding T and 0.1 reports. Perhaps it was just a small error or misplacement of the data.

Not trying to nitpick here...just something I noticed.

Yup yup I just edited my last post realizing what you were seeing...the Bonair, VA report outside Richmond was misplaced by the geocoder site I use..

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Well, not sure what happened in '96 at KFC, but I do honestly encourage some counseling.

I'd give everything to have your life.

Just the privilege of being able to walk outside in snow weather, or spring weather, would be incredible.

THAT would be all the counseling I'd ever need. After that, ALL my posts here would be readable lol.

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Gotta hand it to you Trix. NOTHING ever gets past you - EVER!

High time I come clean about some aspects of my trips to the mountains.

Sometimes my Dad and I travel up there. We go to see friends in West Virginia. On occasion - those trips have happened to coincide with weather events.

We traveled up there after some of the snowmageddon events, I did get to see the snow looking through a car window and looking through a hotel window - but I did not get to take extended jebwalks in it or shovel snow. There was one particular trip when we had 4 inches of snow in Dale City but West Virginia got 7.5 inches of snow - and I was there for it - but all I got to do was look at it through a window - no jebwalking or shoveling snow.The constraints in effect at home in Dale City were in effect there as well lmfao.

It is true that I 'coached' my accounts of these trips sometimes to make it appear that I got to go on snow chases. I guess I get inspired sometimes to post about "snow chases" because of celebrities such as Hurricane Josh lol.

TOTAL pwnage, Wxtrix.


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That was our last chance in northern VA

Nothing to do about it - but embrace spring with open arms.

Winter is now 100 percent over in Dale City.

March is a week away, and temperatures are rising like a Saturn rocket.

Spring is approaching is at 99 billion light years per picosecond, and in all likelihood it will be a record hot spring, accompanied by one of the worst-ever severe weather seasons ever heard of in the United States. Get your storm shelters built NOW - Dig 'em 500 feet deep, with reinforced concrete walls ten feet thick with number ten rebar every 12 inches.

Dale City got 3 inches of snow on the season. That is worse even than 2001-2002, when we eked out 4 inches.

Are we paying for 2009-2010 snowmageddon? Yep.

Hell - That wasn't even the interest payment.

reverse psychology doesn't work with weather. i've tried it. it's gonna do what it wants to do. we may get a snowstorm before the season is over...or we may not.

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The only solution is to move to an area which gets more snow. It's weather. Life goes on...

or no snow at all...south florida! then, you know it's not gonna snow. it's tough in this area. i've been living here for most of my life. it snows just enough to make you want it more.

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