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Now we know who pays our trolls


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Larry Hamilton may be familiar to all as the masterful statistician who graphs the demise of Arctic ice over at Neven's site. in real life he's published a paper


and made the authors draft available.


I'd been privy to it previously but had hesitated to quote extensively since it was paywalled. Among other things it shows that Democrats with secondary schooling or less were more cognizant of actual scientifically verifiable facts about global warming than Republicans who had achieved masters degrees. The paid propagandists have done their work extremely well, so well that a college educated Republican is more likely to answer incorrectly than a Republican with less education. Disinformation apparently can be statistically linked to political persuasion, but not so clearly to educational achievement.

The paper is well worth the read & may go far in explaining why otherwise reasonable people are incapable of noticing things that are so evident to the unindoctrinated.

For those right wingers who have managed to see through smoke and mirrors - congratulations. For the Independents, stay in school - your education will remove the blind spots. For Democrats, keep up the fight - the facts are on your side.


Terry, I was apart of an "up all night" think-tank from 11pm-5am with 9 other souls. 2 women, 7 men. 7 Mensa members, who invited 2 of us in for our scope and critical thinking ability.

It was a great discussion about how to get humanity to a level of no starvation, no hunger, no homelessness, no hopelessness, Universal High Level Healthcare, complete equal sharing of resources, high levels of education for all humans born.

Full and Universal Liberty from birth:

Free lifetime healthcare and medication

Free eduction on any level

Free shelter/Housing based on needs not greeds.

Free food/sustenance/water again based on needs but also a credit program for excess's like booze, and sugar foods.

Money is abolished and basics like Water, Cotton, Wheat, Corn, and so on things we need will be done by Farmers/Military trained peacekeepers and human basic needs soldiers.

Energy would also be done cleanly and oversight by governement. Things like solar panels on every car and other vehicles, homes, and so on. Smart solar roads as well as it comes on on-line.

Massive over-hauls to mass transit to make international/national travel easier and more green, also it's all free.

Higher education system to give options but disperse talent.

Incentive based programs for higher skilled needs filled like Medical jobs, science, things that help the greater good of humanity.

Basically everyone get's a home, food, water, energy, internet, television, gaming entertainment, movie entertainment and so on. The basic living needs for a educated and comfortable small life for those who want it. Which is a big part of the population.

People don't have to work, but if the workforce get's to low the youth like ages 18-50 will rotate in their region or local area between different jobs to help alleviate those needs. All work force workers will be compensated with extra things likes time share's to vacation spots, and other leisure activities.

We can trade time share credit for say dining out at a burger since it's free the owner would do it for fun, yeah, people would love to keep Aunt Betsy's famous Burger and Fries going on and on for free or time share credit sharing.

We will modernize as much as possible farming, cucultivating, agriculture world-wide to reduce farm land space and make sure it's reusable. We will make sure all humans have access to internet who want's it with free CPU upgrades every 10 years for everyone and replacements when they break down.

again many will offer their ttalents for time share's or for love of the craft.

Current Drug addicts and non-violent crime offenders will be offered much better medical and education training to become happier more productive citizens.

Non-violent criminals can work in needed industries to rapidly assimilate into the new world build up time share opportunity's and learn new skills while getting help for substance abuse.

Alcohol, Marijuana, some Semi-synthetic amphetamines, and some semi-synthetics opiates will be re-engineered for safer use by public consumption for citizens who use wisely and do not put others in danger and do not break the laws.

It will be encouraged to use these things at home, use harm prevention and mass transit if out.

police will be more for helping the public keep peace through more helpful means than chasing desperate people around.

Jails for non-heinous crimes IE Murder, Rape, sodomy, and so on will be turned to rehabilitation and training grounds.

Like if you get busted with a Meth lab you go to the center, get on a weaning semi-synthetic like adderall to get off the Meth while being weaned off adderall, then stay there a year or so to get higher education and adderall privileges(general amphetamines for whatever said time is allotted.

There was so much more but we had so many great idea's on how to not only end the current horrible world suffering but fix so many problems. Sadly in reality Greed is in the way.

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I'm very interested in your "all nighter" - Do you know if the results are being published somewhere. I'm involved in planning events for a Mensa Canada AG next May & could use some original ideas. Also fishing for anyone that would like to address a fairly large group of Canadian Mensans on Arctic ice loss. Event will be at Niagara Falls, first weekend in May. If anyone is interested please PM me.


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