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2012 Winter Banter Thread #3


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just some general thoughts:

I agree with most of what has been said and without limiting the discussion there really isn't a fix to some of the problems which are bothering a number of us. I can only use my own experience as an example, but when I first started posting here I literally thought I was better than anyone who didn't have a "red tag", I remember some of my greatest hits, such as "being a d-bag" to Ian about the DC split and the definition of heat wave, or just a couple of weeks being mean to zwyts over surface temperatures and precipitation type. It may have taken a bit but I realized that even with a "vast" knowledge of meteorology/atmospheric science (which doesn't translate into forecasting knowledge always), I had never really spent much time in the past 8 years forecasting, let along forecasting in this region. We have so much knowledge and talent here, from the mets on the board to people like Ian and zwyts, whose local knowledge and drive to learn about something that they didn't go to school to learn about is just staggering. I had a need to be "regarded" by the community for my knowledge, but I realized I was the problem because if I can't meaningfully explain to someone new to the field or a hobbyist why they may be going about it wrong, then I'm not doing any good. And while demeaning them made me feel knowledgeable (in my own head), it was mean spirited and selfish.

To all those bothered by some of the same things that bother me (the JMA, DGEX etc..), we have the most powerful filter, something a message board can't supply, our knowledge, I look at Ji posting the JMA and I enjoy it, because its comedy and I know to filter it out, extrapolating the NAM, it's crazy but I don't think anyone does it as a legitimate exercise, and even so I know its kinda crazy.

Finally, a suggestion to the board, seeing that we have such a depth of knowledge here, and we have people who are so eager to learn, why are we not doing something about it? I suggest something like a nightly map discussion thread (even just during high-impact events) performed by a met or an amateur who is well versed in forecasting, where that person provides a short overview of the short-term and long-term forecast and provides a means to teach these eager hobbyists (i'm sure we could find a good rotation so that the responsibility gets spread around, I'm sure most would enjoying put such an analysis together). In general, lets turn that frustration into something meaningful and I bet everyone comes out of it a bit better. What's a bit funny about this board, very few know each other on a personal level and that's too bad because most of us would be great friends given that we love weather enough to follow a terrible winter like this.

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just some general thoughts:

I agree with most of what has been said and without limiting the discussion there really isn't a fix to some of the problems which are bothering a number of us. I can only use my own experience as an example, but when I first started posting here I literally thought I was better than anyone who didn't have a "red tag", I remember some of my greatest hits, such as "being a d-bag" to Ian about the DC split and the definition of heat wave, or just a couple of weeks being mean to zwyts over surface temperatures and precipitation type. It may have taken a bit but I realized that even with a "vast" knowledge of meteorology/atmospheric science (which doesn't translate into forecasting knowledge always), I had never really spent much time in the past 8 years forecasting, let along forecasting in this region. We have so much knowledge and talent here, from the mets on the board to people like Ian and zwyts, whose local knowledge and drive to learn about something that they didn't go to school to learn about is just staggering. I had a need to be "regarded" by the community for my knowledge, but I realized I was the problem because if I can't meaningfully explain to someone new to the field or a hobbyist why they may be going about it wrong, then I'm not doing any good. And while demeaning them made me feel knowledgeable (in my own head), it was mean spirited and selfish.

To all those bothered by some of the same things that bother me (the JMA, DGEX etc..), we have the most powerful filter, something a message board can't supply, our knowledge, I look at Ji posting the JMA and I enjoy it, because its comedy and I know to filter it out, extrapolating the NAM, it's crazy but I don't think anyone does it as a legitimate exercise, and even so I know its kinda crazy.

Finally, a suggestion to the board, seeing that we have such a depth of knowledge here, and we have people who are so eager to learn, why are we not doing something about it? I suggest something like a nightly map discussion thread (even just during high-impact events) performed by a met or an amateur who is well versed in forecasting, where that person provides a short overview of the short-term and long-term forecast and provides a means to teach these eager hobbyists (i'm sure we could find a good rotation so that the responsibility gets spread around, I'm sure most would enjoying put such an analysis together). In general, lets turn that frustration into something meaningful and I bet everyone comes out of it a bit better. What's a bit funny about this board, very few know each other on a personal level and that's too bad because most of us would be great friends given that we love weather enough to follow a terrible winter like this.

This is a good post.

I realize we all are at different levels and years ago things I find annoying today I might have even been heavily involved in. It's all perhaps part of learning. Problem for someone like me is "doing my job" here I can't really filter people out at least using the filter tool. I'm sure I come off as a jerk to some people by cutting straight to the point that some things are total exercises in futility, but I say most things I say because I've learned from experience.

I don't get how we can't talk about surface temps at 100 hours out but we can talk about the NAM at the end of its run and beyond when time and time again we've seen that there is little point to it. They're easily as ludicrous as eachother if not moreso on the NAM stuff.

Part of my issue is how much I have learned from these boards. Some of the conversation goes so far off into a realm of wishcasting and/or bad science it's hard to even read. I don't want to have to go through that to catch a nugget in one of every 40 posts. I know some of the reaching is simply because we've been so screwed and everyone wants to get at least one good snow.

It might still be a good idea not to lump everything into one large thread. I know I've mentioned that in the past and it's partly my fault for not trying to implement it since. But I still think there is an argument ot have like a "model talk" thread and then a more general "forecasting/discussion" thread. There are plenty of us who don't need to read the thoughts of everyone every model run on every panel in the model. Not to mention the secondary and third string models.

And yes, I think he vast majority of us would get along splendidly in person -- as seen at conferences etc. Forecasting and the like is argumentative by nature as very few of us have the exact same thougts on a situation and we're usually wedded to them fairly strongly.

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Saturday Night

Overcast with a chance of snow and rain showers in the evening, then mostly cloudy with a chance of snow and rain showers. Low of 27F. Winds less than 5 mph. Chance of snow 70% with accumulations up to 9 in. possible.

Anyone know if this is a new product, this is the wunderground forecast for york, pa area. LOL.

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I was thinking about what chris87 said. It's funny when I look at the model runs I start wondering what Ji, Ian, mitchnick, WxUSAF, Wes and the rest of the cast are thinking. I can remember the days when DT used to post and then leave vowing never to post again after Ji made him angry only to return under a different name...stupid but entertaining... and there was a guy that used to say "how much for Philly".... Even Cosgrove used to post and get into it with DT

It is amazing how all these people I have never met are so in my brain

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Saturday Night

Overcast with a chance of snow and rain showers in the evening, then mostly cloudy with a chance of snow and rain showers. Low of 27F. Winds less than 5 mph. Chance of snow 70% with accumulations up to 9 in. possible.

Anyone know if this is a new product, this is the wunderground forecast for york, pa area. LOL.

I like that it gives me a pinpoint temperature for the sunday after this coming sunday

Clear. High of 54F. Winds less than 5 mph.

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I was thinking about what chris87 said. It's funny when I look at the model runs I start wondering what Ji, Ian, mitchnick, WxUSAF, Wes and the rest of the cast are thinking. I can remember the days when DT used to post and then leave vowing never to post again after Ji made him angry only to return under a different name...stupid but entertaining... and there was a guy that used to say "how much for Philly".... Even Cosgrove used to post and get into it with DT

It is amazing how all these people I have never met are so in my brain

They still do on his FB page.

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To expand on Ian's and Chris' dialogue, sometimes I think noobs get scared to ask and learn for fear of getting beat up a bit. I probably could have learned things alot faster if I stepped up and asked "stupid questions" more often. And I'm not saying stupid in the literal sense. Like the post last night where someone asked how to read the gfs 850 temp spaghetti map. Once you understand what your looking at it makes a huge difference learning other things.

I would like to have a running thread in the ma sub-forum where people can ask any weather model related question and get a real answer without fearing getting embarassed or made to look stupid for asking. I know the main forum has the met 101 thread but alot of us stay home so to speak because we're more comfortable here. Just a thought but I personally would like to be able to ask specific questions from time to time and I like helping and teaching others too. It's not like I have deep knowledge or anything but I know enough stuff to help new folks and there are some things I really want to understand better (like how to accurately read a sounding).

If enough people are interested, we should start a thread for general model or weather questions and see if it brings value to our subforum. If it doesn't work it can quietly dissappear into the dead threadyard.

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if they look at surface temps and thicknesses, there's a fair bit of rain in that qpf and if this season has taught anyone anything, it's don't discount the models when they show a warm BL

I don't know about Blizz's locale but if you're talking about mine the 18z GFS is a solid crushing, no rain. But, it's the 18z GFS, no reason to get apoplectic.

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looks moist

looking at the 5H maps in motion, I just don't know how the storm could come that far north with that kicker on the west coast coming east right on the heels of our system

maybe a met could explain it short of the kicker stopping


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looking at the 5H maps in motion, I just don't know how the storm could come that far north with that kicker on the west coast coming east right on the heels of our system

maybe a met could explain it short of the kicker stopping


i'd almost sooner look at sref than nam at this range but mainly because i sorta want a mean right now till the models lock in a bit more. would have to see indiv members tho to at least know how the camps line up. given early stream interaction it seems like the sref would want to fall more in the gfs camp.

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Our forum has been beat down. People are discouraged and afraid. It is hard to believe how dead it is given we have a shot (long shot) at our best storm of the year. :(

evening is quiet.. people eat dinner and stuff. plus there are no models to look at.

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i'd almost sooner look at sref than nam at this range but mainly because i sorta want a mean right now till the models lock in a bit more. would have to see indiv members tho to at least know how the camps line up. given early stream interaction it seems like the sref would want to fall more in the gfs camp.

i'd say you're right..w/o see individual members the mean suggests many of them are going to have more northern stream involvement like the gfs...

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i'd almost sooner look at sref than nam at this range but mainly because i sorta want a mean right now till the models lock in a bit more. would have to see indiv members tho to at least know how the camps line up. given early stream interaction it seems like the sref would want to fall more in the gfs camp.

The NAM and SREFs both end at the critical point when the low either gets shunted due east or keeps heading NE. Should be really interesting this time tomorrow. Tonight will still be chaos, I think.

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i'd say you're right..w/o see individual members the mean suggests many of them are going to have more northern stream involvement like the gfs...

Mitch might be right on this run but it seems it should try being further NW based on where the waves meet up etc. I wish the Euro was about to come out...

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Looking at the 500mb...although the mean seems to phase, at least partially (and looks close to a full phase), there's still a lot of height spread BEHIND the mean trough axis for the northern stream s/w. To me that implies that a number of members have the s/w's not phase. Not as much spread on the southern s/w...I think that one is going to be pretty well modeled going forward since it's already on-shore. The northern s/w is still up in northern Canada/Alaska I believe.

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