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January Banter Thread

Psalm 148:8

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With our luck, it may become terribly hot again for the summer :devilsmiley:...or it could always be cooler. Eh I'll play the funny guy and say that I blame the curse of 2012 for the horrible winter. That should answer everyone's question about the pattern. ;):whistle:

What if this was our last winter...and the world ended before it snowed again... :violin::cry:

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lol, they put them out with fear mongering to get surpless sales maybe. That's pathethic.


And OMG there is so munch banter talk from selects in the model/weather discussion threads consistently.. and nothing ever happens. I'm just gonna ignore all posts there but 20% of the board I guess. So If I'm asked a question by those ignored, sorry.

I used to be able to remove crap.... but no longer.

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Seriously? First of all....nobody is asking you any questions so apologizing in advance for ignoring them is a mute point. Second of all if you didn't have such a smart azz attitude your warning bar would have been removed by now. Third of all if you think that you are the only one that knows about the weather, how it works, how to read a map, how to understand what will happen not only in your back yard, but others as well, you are sadly mistaken. I'm not sure what crawled up your azz tonight, but it would be wise to keep it to yourself. ;)

You go girl!

Guess i know who one of the culprits were.

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lol, they put them out with fear mongering to get surpless sales maybe. That's pathethic.


And OMG there is so munch banter talk from selects in the model/weather discussion threads consistently.. and nothing ever happens. I'm just gonna ignore all posts there but 20% of the board I guess. So If I'm asked a question by those ignored, sorry.

Use the report feature. Trust me, we are aware there is a problem...;)

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I kinda understand what you all are saying but geez... there is nothing going on right now. Some occasional humor during the slow times can't hurt. I completely understand once things get cranking but I say cut us a little slack when it's slow. NOTICE... I said humor, not personal attacks.

And there are times the report button should be used but don't be a tattle-tale over insignificant things. You take all the fun out of it.


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I kinda understand what you all are saying but geez... there is nothing going on right now. Some occasional humor during the slow times can't hurt. I completely understand once things get cranking but I say cut us a little slack when it's slow. NOTICE... I said humor, not personal attacks.

And there are times the report button should be used but don't be a tattle-tale over insignificant things. You take all the fun out of it.


I just had to delete my whole response because I was naming names. So let me see if I can do this without naming names.

A certain poster on here, that post quite often, he is a huge problem and his one line comments never get deleted. He post in the mid/long range disco and all he does is write random comments about what 4 METS and 10 members just said in front of him. Have I ever once hit the report button? No. Why? Because report buttons are like running to tell the teacher that Johny pushed me on the playground.

BUT, if I say anything to this "member" about his Captain Obvious comments, he reports me and poof! My post gets deleted. Do they delete the non-sense, air brained comments in the mid/long range disco? No. Would it be appropriate here? Sure!

The wussification of America is unreal.

So I have decided that now when this poster puts on his Captain Obvious Underoos and belly's up to the keyboard I am going to have to have that report button ready to fire off, because quite frankly I am sick of trying to sift through things in the on topic disco when he continualy takes his banter to the on topic side of things.

I think I will just go find them now and report them all.

Geeze people. It's an internet message board, leave your feelings at home with mom.

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DT officially cancelled the rest of the winter...his writeup was very matter of fact, it was a like a consolation speech after losing a big election.

Just let the Euro have a cold run and he will have a write up on how he thinks we will turn cold! But I do like hearing and reading his opinion's. He's kinda like everybody else this winter just read the models, with every swing in models he swings also...

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DT officially cancelled the rest of the winter...his writeup was very matter of fact, it was a like a consolation speech after losing a big election.

Now that's funny......... Granted, I was wrong in believing that the pattern-change would take place back in Dec but I am still holding onto a better second half. No way i would cancel winter now. It's still January. We have 6 more weeks until I will write it off.

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Ok guys, i just wanted to take a moment to apologize to everyone. I should have known better than to drop a grand on a rocking weather station before winter. Doing this has undoubtedly screwed winter up for everyone and I just needed to say I am sorry.

Nope, after 2 rocking winters, I bought snow tires last winter. The winter immediately died and hasn't been back since then. So, I'm here to take that guilt off of your shoulders.

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