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Shredding the Climate Consensus... Over 1000 scientists, Former IPCC...Rebel. Only 52 scientists Participated in 2007 UN IPCC report! Pathetic


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let me see if I have this right

a theory/ paradigm that says the world is about to become dangerously warm... experience massive widespread prolong droughts and seas rising

is CONSERVATIVE in your views?

no, you are missing the concept that was expressed. relative to the discussion point of scientific conservatism when forming a theory, you are prematurely jumping to the outcome, and assigning lables such as "dangerous" and "massive"

CO2 as a forcing mechanism and global heating theory relative to core principles of physics and earth sciences has met the aforementioned bar of scientific skepticism for many in the the field. the proposition is that the smaller population contrarians, or "non believers" have the burden of disproving these core principles

one must take an agnostic view on the range of outcomes..."dangerous warming" and "massive droughts/sea levels" are simply potential and/or expected outcomes....it is not an assessment on the "conservative" nature of science, but rather a case of "it is what it is" if the science is sound, and if there are no unseen negative forcings on the horizon.


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I really don't give a damn what climate scientists do or say to marginalize a 'journal' publishing oil industry funded 'science' that contains blatant error and bias. I'm glad that they were pissed off about it and trying to find a way to marginalize it.

I'm sure you were for the Waxman-Markey bill? It didn't bother you that the oil money was pushing that? It didn't bother you that the original pioneering company behind carbon trading was Enron? I guess it also doesn't bother you that it was headquartered in Houston.

The #1 "lobby" behind the so-called "Cap & Trade" bill was an organization called USCAP....it stands for US Climate Action Partnership. They even have a website. You see, USCAP is a lobbying group made up of certain prominent multinationals and various NGOs. You might want to check them out.

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