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5.8 Earthquake Aug 23, 2011


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pictures from National Cathedral: http://www.nationalc...quake2011.shtml

Episcopal News Service reported that the bell tower isn't crooked, but there are cracks in the floor in the Cathedral and that it is closed until further notice. :(

one of my change ringing friends who is still active in the Washington Ringing Society said that of course practice was cancelled tonight and that they've been asked to "not make anything move" for a while.

it actually looks moderately bad in some of these shots:


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The only reason that I knew this was an earthquake pretty soon was that I experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan (11/14/1986). That earthquake woke me up and caused substantial, but scattered, damage across Taipei including some collapsed buildings. The shake from today's quake felt almost as strong and seemed longer than the Taiwan one.

It was definitely cool to experience this earthquake with someone else who could nerd about it at the same time. I was conducting an introductory meeting with an Earth Science teacher when it happened. I asked her as the shaking started "Does this happen often in your building?" thinking that there was a nearby passing train. Then, when the shaking continued and intensified, we both realized it was an earthquake and stood up to look around the room. That's when that jolt that we all experienced happened, with the split-second thought of "If this gets any stronger, the building will begin to collapse." After it was over, she was giddy and said that one of her "bucket list" items just got crossed off.

Yeah that jolting near the end was somewhat nerve wracking, I was definitely worried about my house for a few seconds. I am not confident my house is built well at all, certainly not built to withstand an earthquake, I've even had the random thought "what if an earthquake were to hit this area" pass through my head over the years.

My house is still standing, thats all that matters to me. The little things can be paid for by insurance (hopefully) :P

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I'm on the 10th floor and it felt pretty scary. I was writing up a knowledge base on Outlook, etc when I looked up and felt a small vibration at first then I looked around at everybody else looking around with a WTF look on their faces, lol. Then it got worse, I looked outside the windows and saw the windows in the surrounding buildings starting to shake and then the big shake, sort of sideways and my boss came hauling ass out of her office and everybody started running to the stairwell.

The last shake got me and my heart starting pounding. Like I said..to those in earthquake areas, I guess its not a big deal and it may seem like we're blowing this out of proportion..but you gotta realize..most here have NEVER felt that before.

Randy, at least you were smart and left your building. I watched my coworkers scream and run out of the office while I sat in my cube saying "awesome" :lol:

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The shaking of our well was bad enough to dredge up a lot of sediment and it fed it into our plumbing. Water is rusty. Changed the filter this morning, and already its nasty again. Will have to change the filter again in a few days. Probably won't be able to drink the water for the rest of this week.

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the "expected" west coast mocking:


i get it, sort of, but it's kind of silly with no comparison to building codes. also, i think some of the major media did us a disservice by running "joke" stories akin to those facebook etc images of a chair knocked over in the grass etc. much of the damage might be superficial but it's rather significant by our standards still.

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Ian I've heard stupid info on the news an aftershock is expected today due to it being 24 hours ago involving something in relation to the fault, any credibility to the news people?

An aftershock is possible I guess but certainly not an expected thing. I could be wrong, but that sounds a bit out there to me.

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Ian I've heard stupid info on the news an aftershock is expected today due to it being 24 hours ago involving something in relation to the fault, any credibility to the news people?

No. Not because it's 24 hrs later at least. I would think we could get a 4.5-5 or so tho still.

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No. Not because it's 24 hrs later at least. I would think we could get a 4.5-5 or so tho still.

5.0 might be pushing it. Especially since we've seen 4.2 as the highest thus far. I guess anything is possible. I was actually holding out for a 6.0. :devilsmiley:

Thats pretty significant, surprised we havent seen more aftershocks, thought there'd be a few more.

I think the profile might be a bit different than west coast quakes given the different fault configurations etc (I am by no means an expert though). Might have a more gradual aftershock profile - rather than a bunch quickly fizzling we might have one or two for the next few weeks (each week that is).

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Don't know if this has been posted, and I'm too anxious to start reading the hurricane threads to look, but has anyone else experienced well water issues. Mine, which before yesterday ran clear as crystal, now is cloudy. Anybody with similar experience or thoughts?

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5.0 might be pushing it. Especially since we've seen 4.2 as the highest thus far. I guess anything is possible. I was actually holding out for a 6.0. :devilsmiley:

i was just guessing but looks like i was right

Mike Blanpied, USGS associate coordinator for the earthquake hazards program, says there could be more aftershocks any magnitude up to 5. “Aftershocks could go on for days, weeks, or even months. They’re most likely to be felt under the next three or four days,” Blanpied said.


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Don't know if this has been posted, and I'm too anxious to start reading the hurricane threads to look, but has anyone else experienced well water issues. Mine, which before yesterday ran clear as crystal, now is cloudy. Anybody with similar experience or thoughts?

same page

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Don't know if this has been posted, and I'm too anxious to start reading the hurricane threads to look, but has anyone else experienced well water issues. Mine, which before yesterday ran clear as crystal, now is cloudy. Anybody with similar experience or thoughts?

Yeah, I posted about it earlier today in this thread. We had "rusty" water last night. Changed the inline filter this morning, but we're gonna wait a few days and probably change the filter again before we use the water for drinking/ cooking.

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the "expected" west coast mocking:


i get it, sort of, but it's kind of silly with no comparison to building codes. also, i think some of the major media did us a disservice by running "joke" stories akin to those facebook etc images of a chair knocked over in the grass etc. much of the damage might be superficial but it's rather significant by our standards still.

I laugh at West Coasters beating their chests over our quake. This coming from the same people (L.A.) that had a collective panic attack for part of a freeway shutting down over a weekend just a month ago. I also remember being in Seattle one January and it was top news that the low temp was to be 26F!! They gave tips to the public on how to survive and protect your homes.

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