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Official Chesterfield Glen

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WOW ! "It's obvious that life here on the east slope is FAR SUPERIOR to dwelling in the urbanized tracts of SNE". That may be the most condescending post you have ever made, which is quite an acheivement in itself.Just think a mere 28.4 miles to my northwest lies the town of West Chesterfield, Ma. aka Shangri-La. You have so piqued my curiosity about this magical place that it might be worth a Sunday drive to view firsthand what you have posted about it. At that point I can decide for myself what you modestly describe as "God's Country" really fits that description or should more aptly be described as some Godforesaken place in the middle of nowhere.

One word- Chicopee.


Vim Toot

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Vim Toot's posts usually have me scrambling for a dictionary... Well done with your verbosity. And scoob/MRG, why such bellicosity?


But please don't accuse me of verbosity again.

My stuff can best be described as pun-filled, alliterative and succinctly snippy.

I think the reason for Moobs bellicosity is clear.

Chicopee. There is really nothing else left to say.

Vim Toot!

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Vim Toot's posts usually have me scrambling for a dictionary... Well done with your verbosity. And scoob/MRG, why such bellicosity?

Just responding to a blatant personal attack. "Vacant existence", "childhood aspirations of growing up to be a crimefighting superhero". This gentleman sure has a way with "bellicosity" wouldn't you agree ?

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Just responding to a blatant personal attack. "Vacant existence", "childhood aspirations of growing up to be a crimefighting superhero". This gentleman sure has a way with "bellicosity" wouldn't you agree ?

You guys should get together for an iced tea. Pete is a crazy old hermit who lives in a yurt but only flings poop when it is flung at him

Next GTG we will assume both of you are going. You should form an alliance against the Oracle on Mt Tolland

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WOW ! "It's obvious that life here on the east slope is FAR SUPERIOR to dwelling in the urbanized tracts of SNE". That may be the most condescending post you have ever made, which is quite an acheivement in itself.Just think a mere 28.4 miles to my northwest lies the town of West Chesterfield, Ma. aka Shangri-La. You have so piqued my curiosity about this magical place that it might be worth a Sunday drive to view firsthand what you have posted about it. At that point I can decide for myself what you modestly describe as "God's Country" really fits that description or should more aptly be described as some Godforesaken place in the middle of nowhere.

Scoob, once again you have missed the subtle humor of my posts. Perhaps that is more my fault than yours though I'd rather believe it is a deficit on your part. I pretty much believe that living anywhere in the USA is a blessing. True, there are places like W.Chesterfield that are so beyond compare they vault to the top as most preferable but still Anywhere, USA is pretty good. I encourage you to visit W.Chesterfield tomorrow. Go to the Chesterfield Gorge, cool your blistered valley feet in the cold rushing waters (small, spring fed streams flowing into the Westfield are the coolest right now,) Report back if you find it to be anything less than beautiful. I'll warn you, we have no shopping malls, no Best Buy or Wal-Mart to distract you here, you'll have to be content to be entertained by the the pastoral setting.

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A squabble thread. My favorite kind.

Except this one is marred by an unprovoked, unpleasant and un-neccesary accusation against a stalwart fellow here who has no more reason to fib about his observations from the mountaintops of Central New England than does the blistered and charred cinder of Balmer, Blizzy- who doesn't fabricate from the low massifs of Southern New England.

Now don't read me wrong here. People may think that my comparison of the two most prolific posters here tars MSG as a prevaricator of the sort some here think Blizzy is.

MSG is no fabulist. He, like blizzy, is reporting as he best can. His observations are well accompanied by the taunts and harries the bog-settlers, macadam mansionists and tenemented miasmists of the heated plains well deserve.

So a chubby-cheeked sport-shaver of an internet detectdick is affronted by MSG's jeers from above, snaps in the his homely squalor, adjusts the sodden elasto-band of his computing uniform and pecks out a mulish gotcha while hot Russian milfs download in his other window. Buzz off, kid.

Now, about this "God's Country" meme that has taken form here due to constant repitition (edit- repetition) and, nothing else....

The Creator of Heaven and Earth, God, surely loves the heights of Central NE without limit. How could He not? He made it Himself! But then you ask- "Why then did God make such places as say, Hartford or Taunton???" What kind of God would do such a thing to his greatest achievement, Man?

Here is why the God who can create miracles in the Berkshires can also create Nashua- He is all-loving. God loves the Eagle as much as he does the louse. We lowly humans will just never be able to understand why.

This should bring comfort to the asphalt afflicted asthmatics of Abington. God loves you as much as he does MSG.

It's just that the way he shows it is un-knowable to us.

Vim Toot!

BTW- Yesterday Caribou's low temp was 62. High temp was 81. A bit warm.

Off to see a play, (children's theatre)lol. Would love to say more now but it will have to wait until later. Hope all is well with you TOOT!

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Toot! LMAO

So a chubby-cheeked sport-shaver of an internet detectdick is affronted by MSG's jeers from above, snaps in the his homely squalor, adjusts the sodden elasto-band of his computing uniform and pecks out a mulish gotcha while hot Russian milfs download in his other window. Buzz off, kid.

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Toot! LMAO

So a chubby-cheeked sport-shaver of an internet detectdick is affronted by MSG's jeers from above, snaps in the his homely squalor, adjusts the sodden elasto-band of his computing uniform and pecks out a mulish gotcha while hot Russian milfs download in his other window. Buzz off, kid.

Is TB having fun?

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Toot! LMAO

So a chubby-cheeked sport-shaver of an internet detectdick is affronted by MSG's jeers from above, snaps in the his homely squalor, adjusts the sodden elasto-band of his computing uniform and pecks out a mulish gotcha while hot Russian milfs download in his other window. Buzz off, kid.

Too much porgie fishing off Weekapaug Beach. Another personal attack from a crotchety old fart.

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Ginx, family had a cottage at Matunuck years ago (understand the beach is gone now) and often went surfcasting at Moonstone. I hear that beach at one point became a nudie but not sure that actually happened since we were long gone from there at the time.

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You guys should get together for an iced tea. Pete is a crazy old hermit who lives in a yurt.

Next GTG we will assume both of you are going. You should form an alliance against the Oracle on Mt Tolland

LOL at the second sentence of your first paragraph !

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Taking your cues from a teenager. Tsk tsk. It's one thing to object to my provincial proclivity but it's quite another to call into question my honesty. You have tried in vain to "catch" me falsely reporting temps. There is a good reason you have been unsuccessful, I don't lie. Furthermore, what a vacant existence one would have to join a weather forum only to alter obs. I'm not sure what the motivation would be. I mean, it's obvious that life here on the east slope is far superior to dwelling in the urbanized tracts of SNE so that's off the table. Perhaps your childhood aspirations of growing up to be a crime fighting super hero are manifesting themselves now in this bizarre fixation with my obs. Why no response to the Peru obs I posted as a retort to your challenge? Again, yesterday the high here at my house was 92 and 86 at 2k. Do you think this is false?


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This seemed to be linked to your envy of Pete and his stellar climate. :devilsmiley: Maybe if you drive up there and find lots of double wides and trailers etc. it will cure this. LOL


WOW ! "It's obvious that life here on the east slope is FAR SUPERIOR to dwelling in the urbanized tracts of SNE". That may be the most condescending post you have ever made, which is quite an acheivement in itself.Just think a mere 28.4 miles to my northwest lies the town of West Chesterfield, Ma. aka Shangri-La. You have so piqued my curiosity about this magical place that it might be worth a Sunday drive to view firsthand what you have posted about it. At that point I can decide for myself what you modestly describe as "God's Country" really fits that description or should more aptly be described as some Godforesaken place in the middle of nowhere.

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This seemed to be linked to your envy of Pete and his stellar climate. :devilsmiley: Maybe if you drive up there and find lots of double wides and trailers etc. it will cure this. LOL

Lol. Scoob challenges my obs and then ignores my evidence that shows he is grasping at straws. Intermission of the worst interpretation of the "Emperor's New Clothes" I have seen. Scoob's silliness is more entertaining, it's that bad.

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I can understand his bitterness somewhat. LOL

I used to live at 250 ft...in the shadow of 3000ft + areas just 10 miles west of me in Hunter.... It was bitter to wake each morning to brown ground and see white mountains out the front window. Or in the summer to roast in 98/72 while the mountaintop was a bearable low/mid 80's.

Lol. Scoob challenges my obs and then ignores my evidence that shows he is grasping at straws. Intermission of the worst interpretation of the "Emperor's New Clothes" I have seen. Scoob's silliness is more entertaining, it's that bad.

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Lol. Scoob challenges my obs and then ignores my evidence that shows he is grasping at straws. Intermission of the worst interpretation of the "Emperor's New Clothes" I have seen. Scoob's silliness is more entertaining, it's that bad.

Frankly your evidence would be perfect fodder for cross-examination. Would jump at the oppurtunity to conduct it.devilsmiley.gif

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Frankly your evidence would be perfect fodder for cross-examination. Would jump at the oppurtunity to conduct it.devilsmiley.gif

What do you think the high at 2k was? Do you reject the 87 recorded at 1800' in Peru? Not much to contest. Perhaps there is a cooling station near you. Obviously you are suffering from heat induced dimentia. Seek treatment.

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