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Making this thread to provide a one-stop reference following the progress, media and thoughts of our 2011 Chasecation that will take Jason, Ian and I all over the middle of the country in pursuit of tornadoes.

Day 0 is today as we pack the car (Jason's Subaru Legacy) and head out from MD to the Southeast to play the frontal boundary in the AR/MS/LA area tomorrow afternoon and evening. After that it looks like we'll have a bit of a break where we have a few plans of things to do in the Plains states.

We will be out there until at least the 13th when it will be time to head back home. There is the potential to stay a bit longer, but the current plan it to be back in MD on the 15th.

Some links:

Webcam with audio while we're streaming live: http://www.weatherwarrior.net/TV.html

Ian's blog: http://www.ianlivingston.com/

My blog, with daily updates following our Chasecation: http://madusweather.com/

Jason's blog: http://www.weatherwarrior.net/blog/

Twitter pages:

Ian - http://twitter.com/islivingston

Mark - http://twitter.com/maduswx

Jason - http://twitter.com/WeatherWarrior1

I post some updates here as we go along... not sure what Ian and Jason plan on doing while we're out there.

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Ian you have got one IMPRESSIVE blog. Your cameo movie is outstanding! Really excellent blog - You should get into social media, you'd make a lot of money

And Jason!!!!!!! Weather Warrior Media!!!! http://www.youtube.c...erwarriordotnet

I love your snowmageddon coverage in Washington DC around the National Cathedral!!! I was blasting Chicago's I've been searching so long and watching your snowmageddon coverage at 1080 i and had a major snowgasm!!! WOW man just keep up the good work!!!


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Ian you have got one IMPRESSIVE blog. Your cameo movie is outstanding! Really excellent blog - You should get into social media, you'd make a lot of money

Thanks. I just restarted it. See if I can stay interested this time.

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A dying MCS gave us a nice greeting in the early daylight hours heading through central Tennessee... some asperatus clouds appeared on the horizon:



Hopefully we can get some good storms to fire in Arkansas today so we can get the stream up and running.

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Free NWS radar is flaky this morning, but I think the supercell now in Tarrant County will cross the front and become surface based in a couple of hours, if it maintains. It seems to have some component of movement deviant to the right. It looked a little more like a classic supercell when it was in Parker County, and perhaps it will resume a more NE heading.

Maybe somewhere near Mineola, between the interstates. If the cell maintains.

If anyone is awake. But I'd be in a hotel around SHV and getting an early start on the day.


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SPC 10% TOR risk what?

(yes I am aware that the 5% from yesterday only has 1 TOR report at the moment).

Phineas is not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes. :lol:

Good luck to you guys!

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SW of Little Rock would be my hunch. Good Luck.

The relatively less forested terrain of Western Lafayette County in Arkansas would be my bet. The 17Z SHV sounding seemed to have helicity and instability.

US 82 runs a long ways, but forests and restricted visibility would seem to cut down on chaseable terrain.

East-West isn't too bad NE Texas/Arkansas, with 82, I-20 and I-30, but the North-South roads, not so good, at least the ones I've been on, like US 59, a lot of towns and traffic lights.

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We hit the Torn warned cell right before it was warned. Seemed outflow dominant.. Did tighten a bit later. Funnel reported right near us but didn't see anything.

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Here's a raw clip of the catch of the day (if the morning clouds were not). This was the first cell that got torn warned near memphis after it passed by us. We saw some rotation on radar prior and there was a funnel cloud report at our location though we're not sure about that one. Sort of run of the mill perhaps, but big for guys used to Mid-Atl storms. Some focus issues.. ;)

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