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NNE Spring Thread


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Maybe some flakes? :snowman: It snowed on Mount Washington last July 1

Not completely out of the realm of possibilities... I have tomorrow off. You know what that means, time to go hang out above 4,000ft for the day in 30s, gusty NW winds, upslope precipitation in the form of....?

At 4,000ft and higher this does have potential to deliver flakes or at least graupel, especially with an upslope signature causing some added localized cooling from forced ascent over the northern Greens. Larger-grid models not printing out much QPF but it has the tell-tale light measureable signature over the northern mountain areas (NW flow upslope zones).

NAM is *cold* for June 2nd... H85 0C line gets all the way to KBOS.

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Nice line of storms heading this way. The best of it looks to pass just south of Bangor but we are still in the warned area. According to the warning : HAIL UP TO AN INCH IN DIAMETER HAS BEEN REPORTED IN PALMYRA WITH THIS STORM.

That kind of hail I can do without.

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I am so frustrated watching this potential for the past few days and it is going to end up that I will not get a drop of rain. Nice cell just past to my north and lots of stuff will pass to my south but nothing to my WSW. Going to "shoot the gap" perfectly with absolutey nothing unless we get more development further west. Good luck to you guys!

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Storms should be coming through Portland just about the time I leave. I'd rather the hail fell when the family truckster is safely inside the parking garage.

Saw it was something like 82/70 at SFM. Gross.

Cells taking evasive action to avoid Portland, per usual. Looks like we're going to thread the needle between lines for the second time today. I need a new hobby. :axe:

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Just brutal out there in the sun... dew point is holding at 69-70F for the past few hours. I hate humidity with a passion, haha.

I was inside during the day, but saw your comment and was wondering what it was going to be like outside. When I finally headed out it was amazingly comfortable, so I wanted to figure out what was going on, and this evening here at the house we’ve been talking about how in the world the car thermometer could be reading in the 80s F when it felt nothing like that. I finally got a chance to check the house thermometer around 6:00 P.M. and saw that it was 82 F with 21% RH, which is 82/38 in the format that a lot of people here like to write it. Something definitely changed from earlier today, but everyone here at the house agrees that it is amazing out there this evening. Most of the online heat index calculators won't let me get a value because they only work down to 40% RH, but I found an Australian one that let me do it, and with those values it seems to knock a degree or two F from the air temperature. If you don't like humidity, that should be right up your alley Scott!

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Not a cloud in the sky. Front looks to be over by Lebanon.

Tomorrow sounds dreadful... low 60's are going to feel awful after all this nice warmth.

No rain for 9 days now and the grass is quickly starting to suffer.

That is amazing! In the last 9 days, all three of our main ASOS stations up here (BTV, MPV, MVL) have recorded rain on 7 of those 9 days... totaling between 4-7 inches of liquid.

All three stations have already had measureable so far this morning, too. Here in Stowe we've been seeing upslope rain showers on gusty WNW winds. Temperatures continue to fall this morning. It was 59F when I woke up and now at 10:30am its down to 52F. Mansfield at 4,000ft is down to 38F and still falling.

It is cold in northern VT for June 2nd... and I'm loving it. Upslope enhanced cooling in the mountains, too, with rain showers... but can we get some snow showers at 4,000 feet?

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Down to 52/39F now at 800ft.... slowly falling temps during the day on June 2nd. Up at Mountain Operations office at 1,500ft its 49F/37F.

4,000ft down to 37F/34F. Wind chill of 25F.

6,200ft MWN at 31F with a wind chill of 11F.

Going to have to bundle up today on my hike. Break out the hat and gloves again.

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Three nice opportunities yesterday produced two foul tips and a whiff.

The foul tips:

9-9:20 AM. Noisy TS with some nice CC/CG bolts, none close, after an hour of increasing rumbles. Radar showed about 50 miles of near solid line of 50+ dbz with one eentsy west-east shaft of 10 dbz. Only 0.01" IMBY, which shows who got the shaft.

8:30 PM. Several small TS popping up over Farmington area, some huge drops splashing. I've had some great svr experiences with overhead development, but not this time - maybe the instability was lessening. Another 0.01".

The whiff:

Departed Orono for home at 3:30, big black wall ahead as we left I-95 at Newport, slight lightening in the middle a few miles west (in Palmyra - saw no evidence of large hail but probably it wasn't along Rt 2), and hazy/80 sunshine in Skowhegan along with tornado warnings north (NWS investigating possible tor in Solon, 12 miles away) and south (no funnels but lots of wind/downpours/some hail 10-15 miles south), and dry roads all the way home. Rt 2 did a wonderful job of repelling the storms.

One of the potential tornados was near Chamberlain Lake, and I'm hoping it missed the 100'+ pines on the state's Indian Pond lot. A couple episodes of American Logger featured chainsaw felling of some of the lower quality big pines - too big for the mechanical equipment.

OT: A new and unexpected visitor to the birdfeeder (actually just a suet holder), a Cooper's hawk. It tried at least 3X to perch on the mesh cage swinging on a clothesline, resting in plain sight on nearby branches between attempts. Seemed to me that hiding in the branches and going after the suet's smaller customers would've been a better strategy.

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It is cold in northern VT for June 2nd... and I'm loving it. Upslope enhanced cooling in the mountains, too, with rain showers... but can we get some snow showers at 4,000 feet?

I'm going to say YES!

SPC Meso analysis has it -1c at 850mb over mansfield right now with light echos. R/R and RUC along with the HighRES WRF/ARW show precip overnight - esp. in the whites- with temps at -1 to -2 C.

I say snow showers for sure.

I mean why not...this has been an epic winter/spring so why not keep the insanity up.

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