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The infamous SNE lawn thread

Damage In Tolland

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Nothing like a freshky greened up LESCO lawn..I have 5 or 6 of the neighbors using it..After the results they saw last year..everyone said they wanted in.. FTW

You are truly an idiot, and a pathetic one at that. Getting people hooked on pesticides, just what our Earth needs thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif

Boston was warmer on Sunday.. got into the 60s so was Harford. 3 days +5-15. Whatever you want to call it .. it has really pushed the lawns and flowers along and seeds in my garden. I don't think things are dead for this time of year.. daffodils were out pretty early and the trees usually are just small buds at this point.

Yeah, I forgot that it was clear up there Sunday, sorry about that...we had gray skies and 50F for most of the day with an early afternoon spike to mid 50s before the darn sea breeze moved in. The grass has mostly greened up down here with still a few dead patches, and I have noted that some of the smaller flowering trees like magnolias and apples have blossomed with the warmer weather Monday and Tuesday....but I planted my garden a bit later than you so just seeing a few things germinating, nothing impressive yet. Also, I haven't noticed much change in the maples or beeches from the warm spell; they are still moving pretty slowly and shouldn't leaf out until late April at this rate. We're not as far behind as 2003 or 2007, but still seems like a grey, dead spring for the most part. Lack of sunshine and constant chilly sea breezes will accentuate that impression regardless of actual temperatures, and Central Park hasn't been very representative of my house this April with last Thursday and Friday being much cooler up here with 40s for highs.

Also, I think my impression of a late spring is colored by how warm the last two Aprils were...April 2010 was +5.4F at Central Park, and April 2009 was +2.0F at Central Park with a massive heat wave late in the month that baked me to a crisp. The extreme warmth the last two springs has colored my senses of what "normal" is...as you say, the main trees aren't supposed to be leafed out yet in our climate. The difference between this year and last is astounding, however; when I drove home April 15th last year for my mom's 60th birthday party, the maples and beeches in Dobbs Ferry were already completely leafed out with near fully grown leaves, our weeping cherry was blooming as were the neighborhood azaleas. Things that normally happen in May were taking place on April 15th! 2009 was also an early spring as the heat wave around April 25th came at the time to get things going fast...I remember walking around Vassar Farm (nature preserve) during that heat wave and noticing that most of the trees were leafed out well, a bit early for Poughkeepsie's colder climate, especially up in the hills surrounding the town as this place is. Certainly fascinating to watch the variation every year, although the tendency has been earlier for sure. It doesn't look like I am going to see any hard frosts this April, just amazing for here.

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Yeah I forgot about that.. last April was nuts with the leaf out. VT ended up getting lots of the trees damaged between 1000-3000 feet because of the early leaf out.

Yeah sorry I should have mentioned "in relation to past years" when I said it was a late spring. Middlebury was ahead in terms of leaf-out on 4/14/10 compared to where Dobbs is today on 4/14/11....that's pretty absurd considering it's over 200 miles north of here with no maritime influence to speak of. I had a window that faced a forest, and I remember how suddenly the green increased in the first week of April. It was also extremely warm in late March...I had a barbecue with some co-workers on campus right before spring break, probably around 3/20, and we were comfortable standing outside in 65F weather with sunshine.

The trees (especially maples at higher elevations) took a big hit in the 4/27 snowstorm and cold snap. 850s were around -7C as we finally got a trough to come through...these cold 850s allowed it to accumulate 3.5" of snow in the Champlain Valley during the day in late April; the sky was eerily bright for a snowstorm, and the leafed out trees and green grass made a weird backdrop, something I'd seen only when I witnessed the May 2002 storm in the Poconos. I went up to Appalachian Gap, a pass through the Green Mountains at 2,375' near Bristol, the next day....there was easily two feet of snow on the ground, temperatures were probably in the mid 20s with a raging North wind that was easily gusting to 40mph. Three days later, it was 80F as another one of the incessant heat waves of Summer 2010 hit, but the damage had already been done to the vegetation. The valley rebounded easily, but not so much the mountains.

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You are truly an idiot, and a pathetic one at that. Getting people hooked on pesticides, just what our Earth needs thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif

Take your liberal, hippie, geekish ways and stay the hell out of my thread. You are not welcome here..or in the SNE region at all. You don't live here..you live in the Hudson Valley.

Until you move out of your parents house, get a job, and get some worldly experience..you are worthless

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Take your liberal, hippie, geekish ways and stay the hell out of my thread. You are not welcome here..or in the SNE region at all. You don't live here..you live in the Hudson Valley.

Until you move out of your parents house, get a job, and get some worldly experience..you are worthless


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He's gotten to the point now where he's pissed off just about everyone with his liberal, obnoxious posts.

The mods are very close to suspending him from discussions with them..so this BS needs to cease. Nobody cares about his opinions here. If he wants to get political..there is a forum for that. And then to start calling people idiots ??

Hopefully he's suspended after his latest tantrum

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He's gotten to the point now where he's pissed off just about everyone with his liberal, obnoxious posts.

The mods are very close to suspending him from discussions with them..so this BS needs to cease. Nobody cares about his opinions here. If he wants to get political..there is a forum for that. And then to start calling people idiots ??

Hopefully he's suspended after his latest tantrum

LOL, well, it's not cool to call friends "idiot", but when you push peoples' buttons sometimes it works. You know as well as I do that Socks is a good kid. He's smart and has opinions he wants to put out there. Most of his posts are interesting and seem to come from a good place. He isn't an obnoxious troll like that "Phineas" character. There's someone who should be banished, I've never seen a worthwhile post from him. Socks should apologize to you for calling you an idiot when it's obvious you are just misguided when it comes to lawn poison.lol

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LOL, well, it's not cool to call friends "idiot", but when you push peoples' buttons sometimes it works. You know as well as I do that Socks is a good kid. He's smart and has opinions he wants to put out there. Most of his posts are interesting and seem to come from a good place. He isn't an obnoxious troll like that "Phineas" character. There's someone who should be banished, I've never seen a worthwhile post from him. Socks should apologize to you for calling you an idiot when it's obvious you are just misguided when it comes to lawn poison.lol

Kevin is obviously intending to be obnoxious and annoy Socks with his posts. It's funny how god forbid someone reacts and comes back at him...then he cries fowl. NZucker is smart and knows his stuff. We need some young liberals in the world to counterbalance the Kevins that don't give a **** about the environment. "To each their own" doesn't work with this stuff...the earth doesn't care where the **** is coming from.

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Kevin is obviously intending to be obnoxious and annoy Socks with his posts. It's funny how god forbid someone reacts and comes back at him...then he cries fowl. NZucker is smart and knows his stuff. We need some young liberals in the world to counterbalance the Kevins that don't give a **** about the environment. "To each their own" doesn't work with this stuff...the earth doesn't care where the **** is coming from. <BR>
<BR><BR>I do care about the environment. This obviously has gone way over your head.I never said he wasn't smart. My point is his opinion is not needed or wanted. He is entitled to do what he wants as am I. We don't need him preaching at us. It's obnoxious and annoying. If he wanted to state it once ..ok..I'll live with that..This incessant whining, and then taking it to the next level and calling people idiots is what is going to get him suspended. There is so much hypocrisy in some of these posts. Are you driving a car everyday? Do you use oil to heat your house? Are you using cellphones and laptops? <BR><BR><BR>You are polluting the environment<BR>
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I do care about the environment. This obviously has gone way over your head.

There is so much hypocrisy in some of these posts.

Are you driving a car everyday? Do you use oil to heat your house? Are you using cellphones and laptops?

Pot> Kettle>Black

lol comparing car use to dumping chemicals on a lawn to make it green is hilarious. One is a necessity....the other one isn't.

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I am not really passionate on this topic...I mean I care...but fertilizers aren't really something that I think about often. People have different opinions on this topic...and Kevin's response.."No one wants you on this forum...you've annoyed almost everyone"...please

Debate with someone about it instead of acting like you own the SNE subforum.

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lawn really coming to life now. fertilizer over the weekend + nice steady soaking rain several days later = win.

I've noticed that here too. Sunny side of lawns are a few inches tall now. Even those Norwegian helicopter maples starting to have those fuzzy green buds.

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that isn't the point...you can have a green lawn without hazardous chemicals. How many people can make it to work without driving? How many people need laptop and cell phones for their work?

I can have a weed infested , eyesore of a lawn filled with dandilions and other nasty things..or I can have an aesthetic,well manicured lawn that looks like the Masters, brings up the property value, and shows that i care and take pride in where I live.

Not a tough decision

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lol comparing car use to dumping chemicals on a lawn to make it green is hilarious. One is a necessity....the other one isn't.

The Amish would disagree with you on the necessity of autos. :whistle: Of course, your point is taken (Amish et al excluded) and I understand what you're saying. Where we diverge is on the degree of use. I like a well-kept yard, and to me that includes healthy lawn area. And yes, I use chemicals to get the results I'd like. But I don't "Dump chemicals on the lawn". In fact, if I did the lawn would suffer. There's a middle ground (pun intended) - controlling the rate of application, as well as the timing, has alot to do with how much of the chemical application is absorbed and confined to the grass plants' use vs. shed off into the surrounding environment. How the grass itself is maintained (watering schedule; mowing frequency/height; variety planted; etc) can have an enormous impact on how much / how little chemicals are needed for maintaining the health of the lawn. So even though my program includes fertilizers/nutrients, crabgrass control, and grub control, and not the 'organic' variety, I have a thriving population of earthworms, chipmunks, squirrels, field mice, and snakes and insects coexisting in and on my 'chemical dumping ground' lawn. Plus it looks nice and feels great to walk on barefoot.

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The Amish would disagree with you on the necessity of autos. :whistle: Of course, your point is taken (Amish et al excluded) and I understand what you're saying. Where we diverge is on the degree of use. I like a well-kept yard, and to me that includes healthy lawn area. And yes, I use chemicals to get the results I'd like. But I don't "Dump chemicals on the lawn". In fact, if I did the lawn would suffer. There's a middle ground (pun intended) - controlling the rate of application, as well as the timing, has alot to do with how much of the chemical application is absorbed and confined to the grass plants' use vs. shed off into the surrounding environment. How the grass itself is maintained (watering schedule; mowing frequency/height; variety planted; etc) can have an enormous impact on how much / how little chemicals are needed for maintaining the health of the lawn. So even though my program includes fertilizers/nutrients, crabgrass control, and grub control, and not the 'organic' variety, I have a thriving population of earthworms, chipmunks, squirrels, field mice, and snakes and insects coexisting in and on my 'chemical dumping ground' lawn. Plus it looks nice and feels great to walk on barefoot.

Very very good post. In fact one of the best I've ever seen on here.

Good point..I have armies of chipmunks tunneling into the lawn and living there..so obviously it';s not affecting them. the amount of earthworms that come out everytime it rains(like yesterday) always amazes me.

I have snakes, Robins, squirrels, Cicada killers, and the last 2 yrs ahve had a family of rabbits living in one of the flowerbeds.

As long as it's controlled, and maintained propelry..it hurts nothing,and should be recommended to anyone and everyone

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You're missing the point.....those that are crying pollution are polluting the environemnt themselves.

End of story

No I think you're missing the point. Nobody cares about the content of this particular squabble you are having. Collectively people are tired of you badgering someone for hours or days and then crying when you finally get the response all of your posts were designed to initiate. You get your jollies out of deliberately aggravating people.

Worse you then run around soliciting your friends in positions of moderation to banish those that you spent days or weeks instigating. It reduces the threads to the equivalent nature of the kid that always ran to the teacher to tattle on the others.

I like nzuckers posts. He just hasn't figured out he doesn't need to repeat things 100 times because your intent was never to have a debate it was too aggravate. I know you're mostly joking but a lot of others don't.

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No I think you're missing the point. Nobody cares about the content of this particular squabble you are having. Collectively people are tired of you badgering someone for hours or days and then crying when you finally get the response all of your posts were designed to initiate. You get your jollies out of deliberately aggravating people. Worse you then run around soliciting your friends in positions of moderation to banish those that you spent days or weeks instigating. It reduces the threads to the equivalent nature of the kid that always ran to the teacher to tattle on the others. I like nzuckers posts. He just hasn't figured out he doesn't need to repeat things 100 times because your intent was never to have a debate it was too aggravate. I know you're mostly joking but a lot of others don't.
As long as you are aggravated I am happy.
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This is where environmentalists just look silly.. Going after a guy for fertilizing his lawn? You can spend your whole life doing this and you will have 0 meaningful impact on "saving" the planet. Pick and choose your battles and remember that looking petty and ineffective hurts your agenda.

No matter what you post around someone will come along and start a debate.. Bunch of childish know-it-alls

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This is where environmentalists just look silly.. Going after a guy for fertilizing his lawn? You can spend your whole life doing this and you will have 0 meaningful impact on "saving" the planet. Pick and choose your battles and remember that looking petty and ineffective hurts your agenda.

No matter what you post around someone will come along and start a debate.. Bunch of childish know-it-alls

Kevin was going on and on about his LESCO lawn...because he knows it will aggravate others so spare me the Kevin is a victim nonsense.

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Kevin was going on and on about his LESCO lawn...because he knows it will aggravate others so spare me the Kevin is a victim nonsense.

No that is NOT what I was doing. i only started sticking up for myself when the Green Team started attacking me.

This was and is supposed to be a lawn thread..where people can talk about things they do to their lawns/ ideas for folks / and to answer any questions people may have on general lawn care..It's for lawn enthusiasts that enjoy their property

That is how it was last year..and what I intended it for this year.

I share things that I like to do around my house outside ..and others do too.

Over the past week it has turned into 3 or 4 people going on incessant , childlike rants about me polluting the environment/ calling me names etc. There's 2 or 3 posters who have turned this fun thread into a political forum for their own personal agenda..which again..noone cares about.

If you don't want to talk about lawn care/maintenance/ ideas/ recommendations...then it' s simple.


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might do a dual step 1 application this year.

kevin, ever had a dead battery on the riding mower? any fix?

Yeah 2 yrs ago..my John Deere battery was dead in the spring when i tried to fire it up.

I called my local garage that services our cars..and they sell the tractor batteries. Just bring the dead one down there and they can test it for you..and then recommend what to replace it with if it needs to be replaced.

Or you can jump it with your car..I wasn't sure you could..but made some phone calls..and it does work..if it simply needs a jump start

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