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Feb 5-6 2010 - Snowmageddon


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Oh and I should add - in the top picture, the car to the far right in the front row that is practically buried, didn't move all week. It sat there through both storms, the plows and the shoveling of others and was never touched. We didn't see the owner of the car come out to investigate until that following Saturday.

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Major props to the beer variety! I am sure they were quite tasty!drunk.gif

The Gordon Biersch weren't mine! The bombers I'm guessing were some pumpkin beers, Southern Tier and Heavy Seas. That 120min was amaaazing. I have one that's aged about a year so far. And I met my current girl during this storm session too.

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34 inches in Crofton which was the closest snowfall report to my location in Odenton, truly epic and amazing.

My funny story to share is my husband and I going to the grocery store Thursday night. We didn't need the basics (we had gone earlier in the week before the news got serious about the threat) but we did want junk food and booze for the weekend. So here we are with our little cart filling up on cookies, chips/dip, fatty breakfast sandwhiches, ice cream, frozen pizza and appitizer meals while everyone else is clearing out the store of bread, milk, TP, eggs, fruits/veggies and meat. We are standing in line, our cart just a little over half full looking around at people with overflowing carts or even multiple carts just FILLED with endless amounts of the basics, like the world was coming to an end. We were given dirty looks, people were even making comments under their breath about how we were not going to survive the weekend on just junk food. It was incredible.

The woman who rang us up at the register smiled and thanked us for not going crazy and giving her a small break from the endless amounts of purchases she had been ringing up for hours. We smiled and laughed as we walked out with our 60$ purchase of junk food while everyone else fought over the last gallon of milk. Cracks me up to this day how insane people got due to the storm. Only to see people back out again on Tuesday buying MORE food for Wednesdays storm. :lol:

You were smarter than we were. We had the basics early on also, but didn't buy any junk food. By Tuesday we were desperate for a bag of Doritos or something. Fairfax Co. contracts out the snow removal in my neighborhood and they tried to send a pickup with a blade to clear our street Tuesday morning. It failed about a half block away. The picture below is of a bunch of us clearing out a path in the street. My wife and I made a Safeway and Home Depot run quick before the blizzard started, but couldn't get back up the hill to our house. So, we had to dig out a parking spot in the adjoining street, put the car there, and walk our junk back to the house. The car would stay there until Friday morning after the blizzard, which meant that our street wasn't fully plowed for an entire week.


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Got nothing from this storm up by nyc, but it was just so sick to track and watch on radar...Does anyone have any sweet radar loops? i remember on eastern alot of you posted some from wunderground ect. Would really appreciate it, you guys got smoked.

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This was my favorite image from Snowmageddon. I had been hyping this storm to my Facebook Profile for 4 days prior to the storm. I was going BIG the whole way (thanks to this Board - well, I mean the predecessor Board, but same folks). 36 hours before Snowmageddon started, I posted "2.8 - 3.2 QPF !!!!!" on Facebook. Of course nobody knew what that meant, so my post read "If this storm verifies, it will be the largest storm in history to ever hit Baltimore (it wasn't - that was "officially" February 15-18, 2003) (see footnote 1 below). When people asked me what that meant, I said "28 to 32 inches". Many gave me a "like" button, some said "Bring it", etc., but all the other posters made comments such as "nobody else on tv is/are calling for that" (remember that was 36 hours prior to start). When it verified, I was a local hero to my Facebook friends. And when I hit again on last weeks storm when TV was at "low qpf and rain", I became their official winter met (again thanks to all you).

Look at that thing (carefully) !!!! Do you see that? It is touching CANADA and COSTA RICA at the same time!!!! My comment when I posted to Facebook was simply "Here she comes!"

And look behind that storm back in the Pac NW. You know what that was, right? That was Snowmageddon II.

Such an AWESOME winter last year.


Footnote 1: First, it must be remembered that Snowmageddon was an event, not a storm. There were two storms within, more or less, 3 days. I will call them "Snowmageddon I" and "Snowmageddon II". But was "Snowmageddon I" the recordbreaker at BWI? You see, when it comes to measuring snow, the people at BWI, well, they "did it wrong". See http://baltimore.cbs...t-bwi-marshall/ Snowmageddon (the event) apparently also caused this controversy: http://weblogs.maryl..._all_ranke.html Unless I am mistaken, to-date we do not have an "official" calculation for Snowmageddon I at BWI.


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The thread said "whatever else" so...

I'm sorry, but "snowmageddon" and "snowpocalypse" are the two cheesiest names ever.

Superstorm, Blizzard of 96, PDII, all great, but these two.....

If it's good enough for Obama, it is good enough for us. Half a century from now I'll be telling my grandchildren about a blizzard so huge that they called it Snowmageddon.

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The thread said "whatever else" so...

I'm sorry, but "snowmageddon" and "snowpocalypse" are the two cheesiest names ever.

Superstorm, Blizzard of 96, PDII, all great, but these two.....

i agree generally. tying big storms to dates is preferable by far. we think we invented snowmageddon too but it was used prior. that said, in these cases i can let it fly. but i see plenty more stupid names in the future given that the media and general public loves naming storms.

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does anyone have the actual GFS/NAM model runs from 12-36 hours before the storm?

i have a few but im saving them till it's officially a yr later. tho i've posted at least one or two before so im sure others have them.have the 0z nam/gfs runs from 1 yr ago tonight i can post in a while.

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