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Guest stormchaser

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You would be surprised how far a strong amplified low can go. It has happened before and it will happen again.

I would wait until tonight's runs to say that . I wouldn't be shocked to see this storm trend colder, especially if there is a strong high to the north.

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Guest stormchaser

NYC is snow through 51 hrs as per soundings. So, 2-3 inches of snow before the changeover.

And through 54 hours it is this


But i do not know exactly how much of that happens between hours 51-54 when it is no longer snow. Seems to me it would be about 1-3" of snow

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And through 54 hours it is this


But i do not know exactly how much of that happens between hours 51-54 when it is no longer snow. Seems to me it would be about 1-3" of snow

NCEP experimental has 3 hour increments.

This is what's fallen thru hour 51.

.25"-.50" from NYC on west...


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Guest stormchaser

I would wait until tonight's runs to say that . I wouldn't be shocked to see this storm trend colder, especially if there is a strong high to the north.

Oh i fully agree. Just looking at this objectively that's all. By the way werent the 12z runs today supposed to have recon data in them does anyone remember???

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12Z NAM soundings for NYC:

Forecast Hours:    0hr    6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr   30hr   36hr   42hr   48hr   54hr   60hr   66hr   72hr   78hr   84hr   
Sfc Prs(mb):    1012.1 1013.3 1016.1 1020.7 1023.2 1025.8 1025.7 1024.8 1023.3 1019.1 1017.1 1016.9 1011.6  998.6  996.5   
Mean SLP (mb):  1017.9 1019.5 1022.1 1026.9 1029.6 1032.3 1032.0 1031.2 1029.6 1025.5 1023.7 1023.5 1017.9 1004.4 1002.4   
2m agl Tmp (F):   21.2   31.6   27.7   20.3   15.3   24.4   21.1   23.1   24.5   29.3   27.6   26.3   28.4   34.6   32.1   
2m agl Dewpt(F):  20.0   27.6   24.5   14.9   10.4   16.4   17.4   19.2   22.6   27.4   25.7   24.2   26.7   34.0   31.5   
2m agl RH (%):      95     85     88     79     81     71     85     85     92     93     92     92     93     97     98   
10m agl Dir:       300    279    292    328    343     14     47     76     71     56     47     55     85    109    359   
10m agl Spd(kt):     4      7      8      9      8      6      5      6     11     11     13      9     12     10      5   
6hr Precip (in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.07   0.37   0.05   0.02   0.11   0.67   0.29   
AccumPrecip(in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.07   0.44   0.49   0.51   0.62   1.29   1.58   
Sfc CAPE (J/kg):   0.0    0.0   13.6    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    1.1    0.0    0.0    1.1    0.0    0.0    0.0   
Sfc CINH (J/kg):   0.0   -0.7   -5.3   -0.4   -0.2    0.0    0.0    0.0   -1.8    0.0    0.0    0.0   -1.0   -0.9    0.0   
0-3km Hel(J/kg):  55.3  160.3   80.2  253.5  132.5  105.7  231.2  354.0  543.5  947.5  429.8  292.1  569.1 1626.6   99.5   
Precip H20 (in):  0.30   0.30   0.20   0.13   0.12   0.16   0.21   0.45   0.59   0.71   0.69   0.67   0.82   0.99   0.57   
Lifted Index(C):  14.6   13.3   16.5   19.4   20.2   21.7   21.8   16.9   10.5    6.0    5.0    5.5    9.1    1.6    4.9   
700mb VV(-ub/s):  -2.2   -3.8   -1.2   -0.4   -0.5    0.3    1.5    2.1    5.0    4.8    1.0    1.2    4.2   13.4    7.2   
Thk1000-500mb(m)5298.6 5274.3 5279.2 5270.4 5290.8 5296.6 5315.6 5326.6 5357.6 5398.4 5434.4 5432.5 5436.6 5512.1 5393.4   
Thk1000-850mb(m)1275.9 1277.7 1271.6 1259.1 1257.8 1258.6 1263.3 1262.4 1277.4 1294.4 1299.8 1295.1 1297.8 1323.3 1314.5   
Thk850-700mb(m):1506.7 1499.3 1507.3 1500.9 1508.4 1509.1 1511.4 1519.7 1533.0 1543.5 1555.5 1553.5 1549.6 1576.5 1539.9   
SWEAT Index:      95.4  125.2  138.9  117.6  114.3   86.7   76.4  204.8  223.7  254.1  124.9  170.2  274.6  350.7  202.8   
Total Totals Idx  33.5   36.4   25.6   17.0   11.4    2.9    4.6   30.7   40.8   45.4   46.3   44.7   37.5   45.2   45.6   
Frz Hgt(ft amsl)   154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154   9138   5621   
0WetBlbHgt(amsl) -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000   5595   7070   6907   6209   9138   5235   
Equil Prs (mb):   1012   1013   1016   1021   1023   1026   1026   1025   1023   1019   1017   1017   1012    999    996   
Equil Hgt(amsl):   154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154    154   
Hail Size(in):    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   
Conv Wind Gust:   11.7   13.2   14.6   13.8   12.2    9.5    8.7   10.1   11.3   12.2   49.3    9.5   14.4   54.0   42.1   
Showalter Index:  15.1   13.6   17.6   19.8   20.2   21.6   21.5   16.5   10.1    6.2    4.6    5.3    9.2    3.6    5.4   
Cap Strength(C):-999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9   
Storm Dir (deg):   310    311    315    319    325    311    296    287    283    269    289    273    255    253    275   
Storm Spd (kts):    27     32     35     32     29     23     20     23     27     28     22     22     33     46     40   
2m HeatIndex(F):    21     32     28     20     15     24     21     23     24     29     28     26     28     35     32   
2m WindChill(F):    15     25     19      9      4     16     14     15     13     19     16     16     17     26     27   

1000mb GPH (m):     140    153    173    208    226    249    246    241    229    199    184    182    140     36     19   

950mb GPH (m):     546    561    580    608    623    647    646    640    631    605    589    586    546    451    431   
950mb Temp (C):   -3.7   -3.5   -4.5   -8.4   -9.1   -9.5   -8.5   -8.7   -7.3   -3.9   -3.1   -4.7   -4.0    3.0    1.1   
950mb Dewpt(C):   -7.6   -7.0   -7.3  -12.6  -18.2  -16.5  -17.8  -13.4   -7.8   -4.3   -3.2   -4.9   -4.0    3.0    0.9   
950mb RH (%):       74     76     80     72     48     57     47     69     96     97     99     98    100    100     99   
950mb Dir:         307    290    314    345    360     19     66    116    105    104     81     92    113    158    282   
950mb Speed(kt):     6     14     20     19     18      7      6     11     19     20     17     17     25     24      7   

900mb GPH (m):     971    986   1002   1025   1041   1065   1065   1059   1054   1034   1022   1015    976    891    869   
900mb Temp (C):   -6.4   -6.1   -8.1   -9.8   -9.1   -9.0   -8.1   -8.6   -3.9   -0.4    1.4    0.3    0.8    4.9    4.2   
900mb Dewpt(C):   -9.1   -8.8  -11.6  -17.0  -23.8  -28.2  -29.4  -14.9   -3.9   -0.5    1.2    0.3    0.8    4.7    3.9   
900mb RH (%):       81     81     76     56     30     20     17     60    100     99     98    100    100     98     98   
900mb Dir:         304    300    324    337    339    349    218    187    184    177    224    214    181    185    256   
900mb Speed(kt):    11     16     21     15     17      7      3     11     19     30     15      9     26     45     35   

850mb GPH (m):    1416   1431   1445   1467   1484   1508   1510   1503   1507   1494   1484   1478   1438   1359   1334   
850mb Temp (C):   -7.6   -7.9   -8.4   -8.1   -7.6   -7.9   -6.5   -6.6   -2.7    0.8    3.3    3.3    2.8    6.1    2.8   
850mb Dewpt(C):  -11.3  -11.7  -18.1  -24.1  -29.3  -36.1  -33.3   -8.4   -2.7    0.8    2.5    3.2    2.6    6.0    1.2   
850mb RH (%):       75     75     46     27     16      9     10     87    100    100     95     99     99     99     90   
850mb Dir:         291    288    313    298    310    307    237    226    229    215    252    241    212    207    259   
850mb Speed(kt):    16     22     25     20     23     11     11     19     31     44     25     22     38     65     44   

800mb GPH (m):    1886   1901   1917   1938   1956   1979   1983   1978   1986   1979   1975   1968   1926   1856   1822   
800mb Temp (C):   -8.8   -9.2   -6.4   -7.7   -7.1   -6.9   -5.9   -5.6   -3.8   -1.0    1.5    0.8   -0.2    5.0   -0.8   
800mb Dewpt(C):  -16.0  -12.8  -25.0  -28.9  -37.0  -42.4  -24.3   -5.8   -3.8   -1.0    0.7    0.8   -0.2    5.0   -2.7   
800mb RH (%):       56     75     22     17      8      4     22     98    100    100     94    100    100    100     87   
800mb Dir:         294    280    292    288    297    292    250    244    240    234    253    246    215    220    249   
800mb Speed(kt):    23     31     38     33     33     20     20     29     38     45     30     28     41     75     43   

750mb GPH (m):    2388   2400   2420   2438   2457   2482   2487   2484   2497   2493   2492   2484   2442   2381   2334   
750mb Temp (C):   -7.1   -9.5   -7.8   -9.4   -8.0   -7.5   -7.6   -6.0   -3.6   -3.0   -1.3   -1.8   -2.1    2.3   -4.2   
750mb Dewpt(C):  -20.7  -14.9  -29.5  -31.9  -40.5  -38.2  -18.9   -6.0   -3.6   -3.0   -3.0   -2.9   -2.1    2.3   -6.5   
750mb RH (%):       33     65     16     15      6      7     40    100    100    100     88     92    100    100     84   
750mb Dir:         288    281    284    283    296    283    258    249    247    244    252    247    219    229    240   
750mb Speed(kt):    41     43     46     43     38     28     28     36     39     42     34     30     42     75     43   

700mb GPH (m):    2923   2930   2952   2968   2992   3017   3021   3023   3040   3037   3040   3031   2988   2936   2874   
700mb Temp (C):  -10.0  -11.6  -11.2  -12.0   -8.5   -9.0   -9.8   -8.2   -6.3   -5.5   -3.8   -3.9   -4.7   -0.8   -8.1   
700mb Dewpt(C):  -20.1  -20.5  -30.7  -33.7  -38.9  -32.6  -17.8   -8.2   -6.7   -5.7   -7.9   -8.4   -5.1   -0.8  -12.3   
700mb RH (%):       44     48     19     15      7     13     52    100     97     98     73     71     97    100     72   
700mb Dir:         281    281    279    281    290    276    260    257    256    249    253    242    224    233    241   
700mb Speed(kt):    52     50     52     51     47     37     35     40     36     41     35     33     46     71     49   

You're all snow through 48 definitely, and you're probably eeking snow out of 54 as well, depending on how thick the warm nose at 850mb actually is. From 60-78 you're getting ZR, then plain rain. Verbatim on the NAM, I see 2-3" of wet snow, followed by 0.20" of ZR/IP/mess, then about 1" of plain rain. Not my idea of a good time.

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NAM for the NEPA folk...KAVP soundings.

Forecast Hours:    0hr    6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr   30hr   36hr   42hr   48hr   54hr   60hr   66hr   72hr   78hr   84hr   
Sfc Prs(mb): 	981.6  984.0  986.7  990.6  992.6  994.7  993.9  992.6  991.2  988.6  986.9  985.6  978.5  969.1  967.3   
Mean SLP (mb):  1018.9 1020.9 1024.0 1028.6 1031.2 1032.9 1032.0 1030.8 1029.2 1026.1 1024.3 1023.1 1015.6 1005.4 1003.7   
2m agl Tmp (F):   21.0   29.5   21.9   15.3    8.9   20.1   17.7   18.4   18.3   24.0   24.0   22.8   23.6   28.0   29.3   
2m agl Dewpt(F):  20.2   25.3   16.7   10.0    4.4   14.4   15.2   16.1   16.0   21.9   22.2   21.0   21.7   26.6   28.2   
2m agl RH (%):      97 	84 	80 	79 	82 	78 	90 	90 	91 	91 	93 	93 	92 	95 	96   
10m agl Dir:   	276    274    316    318    330      1 	72    120    103 	95 	74    105    106 	93    249   
10m agl Spd(kt): 	3      8      9      7      6      4      3      5      6      6      6      5 	12      7      5   
6hr Precip (in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.01   0.08   0.14   0.06   0.04   0.22   0.63   0.02   
AccumPrecip(in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.01   0.09   0.23   0.29   0.33   0.54   1.18   1.20 

H85 temps top 0*C at hr60.

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Guest stormchaser

Sounds like watches are in order with the afternoon package especially north and west of 95

I would think its still too early in the game for this yet

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I pretty much guarantee that is exactly what will happen.

thing to watch is if the high continues to strengthen in southeast canada and doesn't try to escape east - then thats a sign the low will try and redevelop and take the path of least resistance - plus climatology and the current set up favors this ....

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I am getting pretty concerned about a rare freezing rain event in the city from this storm.

If the track shown ultimately happens I think they will go to rain since there could be southerly surface winds...I'd me more wary of either very big snows Tuesday or possibly significant freezing rain tuesday night if the initial WAA wave lasts a long time, long enough for the mid layers to really warm enough for ZR.

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ABE's sounding is right around 32 degrees toward the end of heavier portion of the 2nd event. It typically runs warm, so my guess is a "wicked" ice storm for the Lehigh Valley. Nothing like adding 3-5 inches Tuesday on top of the existing snowpack, then 0.5" of ice to encrust everything.

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If the track shown ultimately happens I think they will go to rain since there could be southerly surface winds...I'd me more wary of either very big snows Tuesday or possibly significant freezing rain tuesday night if the initial WAA wave lasts a long time, long enough for the mid layers to really warm enough for ZR.

If the high escapes to the east then I agree but I am not sure that happens yet. We could be looking at an ageostropic north wind down the hudson which is what we saw in the sleet storm of 07.

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Down here in phl area. The NAM has better front end snow compared to previous runs and still warms it enough to avoid a big ice storm

Soundings for Lancaster, PA from 12Z NAM:

Forecast Hours:    0hr    6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr   30hr   36hr   42hr   48hr   54hr   60hr   66hr   72hr   78hr   84hr   
Sfc Prs(mb):    1003.9 1006.4 1008.6 1012.7 1014.5 1016.3 1014.9 1013.2 1011.6 1008.6 1007.1 1006.3  997.2  988.5  989.7   
Mean SLP (mb):  1019.5 1022.2 1024.2 1028.6 1030.8 1032.6 1030.9 1029.4 1027.7 1024.7 1023.0 1022.3 1012.8 1003.7 1005.1   
2m agl Tmp (F):   20.7   32.3   26.0   18.8   14.6   24.4   22.9   23.6   23.8   28.7   28.6   27.2   30.2   33.8   33.7   
2m agl Dewpt(F):  20.0   28.4   21.7   13.9    9.9   17.6   20.5   22.0   22.1   26.9   27.8   26.2   29.0   33.5   32.1   
2m agl RH (%):      97     85     83     81     81     75     90     94     93     93     97     96     95     99     94   
10m agl Dir:       294    285    317    343    350     46     87     91     82     74     71    101    104     55    287   
10m agl Spd(kt):     3      8      6      6      5      5      4      7      7      5      5      7     13      2     12   
6hr Precip (in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.05   0.17   0.19   0.01   0.01   0.24   0.62   0.03   
AccumPrecip(in):  0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.05   0.22   0.42   0.43   0.44   0.68   1.30   1.32   
Sfc CAPE (J/kg):   0.0    9.4    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   
Sfc CINH (J/kg):   0.0   -0.7   -1.3   -0.6   -0.2    0.0    0.0    0.0   -1.8    0.0    0.0    0.0   -1.0   -0.9    0.0   
0-3km Hel(J/kg): 170.9  151.2  107.9  210.2  116.1  154.1  348.0  525.2  670.8  459.6  237.7  265.0  935.6  378.6  180.2   
Precip H20 (in):  0.33   0.34   0.26   0.16   0.14   0.20   0.42   0.54   0.66   0.72   0.69   0.72   0.95   0.70   0.39   
Lifted Index(C):  15.2   13.8   15.6   16.7   19.5   19.7   15.0   11.8    8.1    5.0    4.0    5.5    7.5    2.9   14.0   
700mb VV(-ub/s):  -1.0   -2.4   -0.1   -2.2    0.2    1.6    2.0    2.8    6.1   -0.5    2.1   -0.1    5.7    3.2    2.1   
Thk1000-500mb(m)5325.5 5298.6 5312.6 5305.8 5319.9 5324.3 5344.3 5360.1 5391.0 5418.5 5447.8 5439.0 5486.3 5480.3 5358.3   
Thk1000-850mb(m)1279.0 1279.3 1272.4 1263.6 1260.6 1262.4 1266.2 1270.4 1285.0 1299.0 1305.9 1300.8 1311.3 1325.5 1298.5   
Thk850-700mb(m):1518.3 1511.4 1518.4 1514.4 1520.9 1517.9 1524.4 1534.4 1544.5 1552.1 1558.2 1553.0 1558.9 1565.7 1512.9   
SWEAT Index:     124.9  144.4  134.9  109.6   88.7   54.8  215.5  222.0  223.0  218.2  187.9  168.3  365.0  265.5  180.3   
Total Totals Idx  29.2   32.6   23.7   22.3   12.1   11.6   30.2   34.6   41.2   45.0   47.8   44.7   39.3   47.1   30.8   
Frz Hgt(ft amsl)   404    467    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404   7730   2035   
0WetBlbHgt(amsl) -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000  -1000   7188   7110   6969   7345   7100   1601   
Equil Prs (mb):   1004   1006   1009   1013   1014   1016   1015   1013   1012   1009   1007   1006    997    988    990   
Equil Hgt(amsl):   404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404    404   
Hail Size(in):    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   
Conv Wind Gust:   13.8   14.7   13.9   11.6    8.7    7.4    9.6   10.6   10.8   44.1   46.8   49.9   53.8   48.0   37.5   
Showalter Index:  16.0   15.3   17.5   17.4   19.8   20.2   16.2   14.0    9.3    5.9    3.4    5.0    7.0    2.8   15.7   
Cap Strength(C):-999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9   14.4 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9 -999.9   
Storm Dir (deg):   313    313    315    324    321    295    287    280    271    277    280    251    255    261    280   
Storm Spd (kts):    33     36     33     27     21     17     22     25     25     24     19     23     41     42     44   
2m HeatIndex(F):    21     32     26     19     15     24     23     24     24     29     29     27     30     34     34   
2m WindChill(F):    21     25     18     10      6     17     16     14     15     22     23     19     19     34     24   

1000mb GPH (m):     152    175    190    221    235    252    240    228    216    194    181    174    102     29     40   

950mb GPH (m):     558    583    596    621    631    651    640    629    618    600    587    579    510    444    452   
950mb Temp (C):   -2.8   -3.6   -5.1   -8.6  -10.2   -9.4   -8.6   -7.3   -5.6   -2.5   -3.0   -4.4   -2.0    2.3    0.7   
950mb Dewpt(C):   -5.3   -6.0   -8.4  -12.7  -17.4  -15.2  -11.7   -8.3   -6.0   -2.5   -3.0   -4.4   -2.0    2.3   -0.4   
950mb RH (%):       83     83     78     73     56     63     78     92     97    100    100    100    100    100     92   
950mb Dir:         323    298    328    350     23     74    113    126    121    146    121    130    124    203    279   
950mb Speed(kt):    12     17     19     19     15      7     11     19     24     15      9     17     28     15     29   

900mb GPH (m):     984   1008   1017   1038   1048   1069   1059   1051   1045   1032   1020   1010    945    884    885   
900mb Temp (C):   -6.0   -6.2   -8.2   -9.2   -7.6   -8.1   -7.6   -6.6   -1.9    0.7    3.2    2.1    4.6    6.2   -1.2   
900mb Dewpt(C):   -6.6   -9.5  -11.9  -18.0  -23.1  -25.3  -14.9   -6.6   -1.9    0.7    2.5    1.5    4.6    6.0   -3.0   
900mb RH (%):       95     77     75     49     28     24     56    100    100    100     96     95    100     98     87   
900mb Dir:         307    302    328    337    356    119    172    188    186    210    243    203    175    224    276   
900mb Speed(kt):    16     22     22     17      9      5     12     24     30     28     14     17     42     44     44   

850mb GPH (m):    1431   1454   1462   1485   1496   1514   1506   1499   1501   1492   1486   1475   1413   1354   1339   
850mb Temp (C):   -6.1   -6.8   -4.9   -4.7   -4.8   -5.5   -4.9   -4.8   -1.3    1.8    4.4    4.3    5.2    6.5   -4.1   
850mb Dewpt(C):  -14.6  -10.7  -17.6  -20.2  -27.3  -27.4   -8.5   -4.8   -1.4    1.7    3.6    3.4    5.2    5.1   -6.5   
850mb RH (%):       51     74     37     29     16     16     76    100     99     99     94     94    100     90     84   
850mb Dir:         283    289    309    294    310    249    216    220    220    235    245    222    195    241    264   
850mb Speed(kt):    23     28     28     23     16      4     19     28     35     32     22     28     53     54     43   

800mb GPH (m):    1906   1928   1940   1961   1973   1990   1984   1979   1985   1982   1978   1967   1906   1850   1815   
800mb Temp (C):   -4.7   -6.4   -4.5   -5.4   -4.6   -5.0   -4.0   -2.1   -0.7    1.2    1.8    1.2    1.9    3.4   -6.2   
800mb Dewpt(C):  -20.8  -10.0  -17.0  -23.1  -32.6  -22.7   -5.1   -2.1   -0.7    1.1    0.6    0.8    1.9    1.7   -9.0   
800mb RH (%):       28     76     37     24     10     24     92    100    100    100     92     97    100     88     81   
800mb Dir:         290    288    287    287    292    261    237    238    231    245    244    228    204    247    246   
800mb Speed(kt):    34     40     35     31     23     14     25     34     34     33     28     29     56     52     43   

750mb GPH (m):    2413   2432   2446   2465   2479   2496   2492   2491   2500   2499   2496   2483   2423   2370   2318   
750mb Temp (C):   -6.0   -7.2   -6.7   -7.4   -5.7   -6.5   -5.7   -3.6   -2.1   -1.6   -0.7   -2.1   -1.0   -0.1   -8.2   
750mb Dewpt(C):  -16.8  -13.5  -19.6  -28.0  -37.0  -19.7   -6.3   -3.9   -2.1   -1.7   -3.7   -2.6   -1.0   -3.3  -12.9   
750mb RH (%):       42     61     35     18      7     35     95     98    100     99     80     97    100     79     69   
750mb Dir:         286    287    279    285    284    260    248    252    244    248    245    231    211    242    237   
750mb Speed(kt):    45     47     40     36     26     23     32     34     33     36     29     30     60     48     49   

700mb GPH (m):    2949   2966   2981   2999   3017   3032   3030   3033   3045   3045   3045   3028   2972   2920   2852   
700mb Temp (C):   -9.1  -10.7   -9.8   -9.6   -7.6   -8.3   -8.1   -6.7   -5.2   -5.0   -3.2   -4.9   -3.2   -2.4   -9.5   
700mb Dewpt(C):  -14.8  -17.9  -21.8  -32.4  -36.6  -22.0  -11.5   -7.4   -5.5   -6.1   -8.3   -7.2   -3.4   -8.6  -17.5   
700mb RH (%):       64     56     37     14      8     33     77     95     98     92     68     84     99     62     53   
700mb Dir:         281    284    275    287    278    258    254    261    250    250    249    229    222    229    240   
700mb Speed(kt):    52     53     47     42     29     29     37     35     33     38     29     32     66     51     57   

Pretty much similar to the way NYC unfolds, according to the NAM, 2-3" snow up front, some light ZR/IP, then rain with the primary. 1.32" QPF through 84, 0.22" QPF as snow.

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