Once again rain entered the forecast for Sunday and for a few days models were showing decent forecasted amounts, then once it got to 2-3 days out it got significantly walked back. This has been the trend since last summer, a threat shows up long range, in the days leading up to it there's widespread modeling of an inch or more, only to then suddenly and epically get walked back to about 5-25% of what was forecasted.
Numerous rain events have failed over that period of time, wether it be westward traveling Ohio valley thunderstorms getting killed by down sloping or more steady systems from the south running into an anti rain force field somewhere around Richmond a good portion of our rainfall has either entirely fizzled out by the time it gets to us or gets so degraded that what was supposed to be an inch turns out to be 0.1 inches.
Ever since winter 2022-23 it seems like something changed with our rainfall patterns, there appears to be more suppression keeping the moisture locked in the deep south. Even tropical remnants have trouble making their way up here now.