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About ILoveWinter

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  1. Was the GFS and EAI more accurate because it handled that lobe in the west and the confluence better or was it for other reasons? Wondering if they did better by pure luck or not.
  2. Not a biggie or anything but verbatim would be the biggest event of the season for the immediate metro (sad but true). Hopefully this trends further!
  3. I’m generally not thrown off by the movement of op runs 4 or 5+ days out but the agreement with many of the ensembles at 12z was a bit concerning. Plenty of time though, and no reason to panic.
  4. Agreed, had hoped it was a fluke ops run thing that would be countered by the EPS mean.
  5. Let’s just wait for the ensembles/EPS, op runs are prone to volatility this far out
  6. Verbatim that ICON run was a borderline BECS (to me 30+ puts us within the range in our area). That’s why it’s highly unlikely (but not impossible!)
  7. Yea mostly earlier in the day, still was well below expectations
  8. Honestly tho it’s not even a sure thing even as the storm is upon us…Jan 2015 still gives me nightmares! That being said this has some tremendous potential and will admit I’m excited.
  9. Hearing from NE sub that the EPS mean shifted west and it’s a few very far east members that are skewing it. Good news.
  10. Op runs this far out will always be more volatile. Ensemble means are the way.
  11. Patterns tend to be sticky, it’ll snow where it’s been snowing
  12. Won't venture to guess what we will end up with but I wouldn't call it light in the UWS right now
  13. Is it a similar confluence set up from earlier in Jan that’s preventing the northward movement?
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