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About ILoveWinter

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  1. No official report, I’m close to the park and I’m eyeing around 1.5 but haven’t had a chance to go outside yet.
  2. Weren’t you adding weenies to anyone posting there’s a chance of snow in the immediate metro as recently as yesterday?
  3. Really? I guess this one is prob the first that is even close to being within the realm of reality (not betting on it of course)
  4. lol, always fun to see the first clown map of the year!
  5. Yea pretty strong here in the UWS. Shades of June '23.
  6. We aren't in some sort of crisis drought situation, I'd rather have a dry and enjoyable weekend.
  7. Nonstop lightning in the UWS, impressive
  8. Much less frustrating vs. this happening a month ago. Now we are talking about beautiful upper 70s to low 80s rather than upper 60s.
  9. Are there comparable stats for Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs? I'd guess that if you looked at any of those two combos, you'd see almost no days with precipitation, lol
  10. Yea agree, I made a similar comment a while back that the climate here is becoming less appealing. Winters too warm for snow and Spring is just cool, wet and gloomy for weeks on end as we are often on the wrong side of BCDFs (at least DC and to a lesser extent Philly salvage more warm and sunnier days during this period). And what makes it worse is how the weekends often are ending up wet - terrible for us with kids!
  11. As we get towards the end of May, even with an onshore flow the temps wouldn't be overly cool so at least we have that going for us. The frequent rain events though...I've had enough! Just an awful pattern this spring.
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