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Everything posted by brooklynwx99

  1. the GEFS and EPS aren't even fundamentally different, they just have different degrees of phasing. it's not a massive leap from one to the other. I would still expect a smaller event but it's not like it's that far off. all guidance this afternoon has also improved the northern stream
  2. the GEFS and EPS aren't even fundamentally different, they just have different degrees of phasing. it's not a massive leap from one to the other. I would still expect a smaller event here but it's not like it's that far off. all guidance this afternoon has also improved the northern stream
  3. euro, CMC, UKMET all made favorable shifts. nice to see
  4. yeah, if you see another bump like that, you could pass the inflection point where things become a lot more amped. but this could easily be an off-hour burp, we'll see
  5. the last thing i would worry about right now is coastal p-type. let’s get a storm first please
  6. yeah, I would agree the GEFS has more support than the EPS
  7. how else is one to show a trend without posting 12 consecutive images haha
  8. this is pretty solid across all ensembles
  9. it’s a significant improvement. there are multiple sub 990 members close to the coast
  10. i would ask what your thoughts on this are but i think i have an idea
  11. EPS is better. hangs less crap back
  12. lol there’s even a big difference at initialization. what the hell
  13. if the ECMWF isn’t going to play ball whatsoever i’m just gonna assume the GFS is on crack
  14. the discrepancy 4 days out is laughable
  15. holy crap GEFS. way more phasing
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