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About brooklynwx99

  • Birthday 06/18/1999

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Morristown, NJ

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  1. the Southeast and southern MA is loving climate change right now
  2. the heights over British Columbia are higher again
  3. simple, the GFS is tallest with the ridge out west and allows the NS to have better momentum
  4. the CMC and UKMET are also much better looking out west. I am definitely taking the GFS with a grain of salt but it's not that far off, and the PNA has been trending better for a while now
  5. FWIW the CMC did make some nice shifts synoptically
  6. the trend with the PNA over the last model cycle has been pretty nice. went from a trough to a full latitude ridge on the GEFS over BC
  7. agreed, though the trend for more -NAO probably does limit the extent of the warmth
  8. dude that was two weeks ago, damn
  9. it's an operational model at 10 days out. it will do that, as will any other OP at this range
  10. all ensembles maintain a signal for the 9-10th, just a matter of phasing. worth keeping an eye on
  11. GEFS has quite a signal with lots of strong coastals
  12. the transient 50/50 and -EPO do help this threat. the synoptics are there, it just needs to deliver with a phase
  13. next shot at something more substantial is probably the 9-10th as the cutter drops the TPV down and a wave tries to amp into the colder airmass with the transient PNA spike. after that, it's likely curtains outside of NNE with some warm weather on the way
  14. the AIFS humping is going to be unbearable for a while. past 5 days it isn't as good as any other model, really
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