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Everything posted by tim123

  1. Nam waffles alot at longer range. Looks like it wants to chase convection again with low. Not overly worried about nam
  2. Nws in buffalo did mention this trend of winter and not to let guard down a couple days ago.
  3. Still got 2 days of model watching Dave. Ride the coaster hopefully we can continue trend of winter to our benifit for once
  4. Just a word about lake snow we just had roc got 6 total from event. With .14 liquid. Thats 44 to 1 ratios. Goes to show ya don't need much qpf for decent snow. Thursday night screwed us would of have doubled if got a better lake response.
  5. Looking at plumes the area with the highest average with the biggest upside is pen yan ithica Elmira. Some of those outliers have 35 inches with average of about 15
  6. Wonder if there will be a inverted trough from jersey to lake ontario. Starting to get that look.
  7. Was just gonna say sref plumes have a mean of 7 in roc but the spread is nothing to 22 inches. Lol
  8. All depends on snow growth. Ccb snow is usually higher than 10 to 1. 12 to 1 even up to 18 to 1 if you have intense lift. But 12 to 1 is probally safe
  9. Seeing those members makes me think there is room for this to come a bit more nw. And ofcoure could be se. But trending more nw
  10. Think some of those other members are still on idea of suppression. But its more 50 50 split now with the member. Yesterday there where only a few showing a more nw idea.
  11. Up to .5 for a mean in roc. I am liking this trend. Up from .37 from last run.
  12. Not A classic look for lake enhanced precip 850 look a bit to warm
  13. So what causing these bumps nw. Is it because evolution is slower allowing high to move out to east and blocking storm on coast
  14. Seen storms like this where only areas that do not get atleast advisory snows are erie and niagara counties.
  15. Euro would be a 4 to 8 inch for monre County and 8 to 12 for wayne
  16. Ensembles should be nice to see. Always love those to see real trends.
  17. Monroe county hamlin.1 inch gpf Fairport. .7 lol
  18. Think west of syracuse Elmira line we are lucky to get 2 to 4 inches. If we do i consider it a win in this year.
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