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Everything posted by tim123

  1. Nam isn't there yet. Figured it wouldn't be. But it is throwing precip west now.
  2. Would not jump the bridge if nam sucks. Cmc and euro then yeah would not be good.
  3. Oh you got those kinda bookmarks. Easy access.
  4. Missed a party. Lol. The storm for early next week has been trending more nw
  5. Dude I needed that laugh. Is this what Dave's fantasy is when he see euro give rochester 1 to 2 feet.
  6. Sref mean up to 9 for roc. Still a huge spread. From. 0 to 22 inches. But a nice cluster from 5 to 10
  7. Look at 500 mb on rgem. Wow. Talk about a capture.
  8. Dave you need a companion other than mother nature
  9. Think it bumped up roc from .48 to.56 precip on the mean
  10. But then again if you have a seeder overhead and a north wind with upslope component yeah maybe
  11. 850s seem marginal for lake enhanced. Looked earlier and when ccb is over us its like 10 11 below c.
  12. Seen it time and again models pick up on a idea then loose it in mid range only to come back
  13. Gets snow to roc. Still think it having feed back issues jumping low around instead of being tucked.
  14. Rgem looks tucked and stronger through the 42 with coastal
  15. I have noticed for some reason the nam does play catch up to globals in its longer range. Say after 60 hours. But always on the table for a whiff.
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