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Everything posted by tim123

  1. Those 3 models all have a clean capture. Gfs and icon are sloppy with the competing lows.
  2. https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/cmdn/pcpn_type/pcpn_type_gem_reg.html. here dave 06z canadian
  3. Icon gfs do a dumbell with 2 lows on coast. Cmc rgem euro keep first low tucked near NYC with another low forming in altlantic and drive into maine
  4. Whats left of it does go across pa on rgem. Is rgem considered a mesoscale model?
  5. Do you know if there's 06z cmc run. Could of swore there are of hour runs
  6. Rochester gets down sloped on a west sw wind from wrap around snow from lows that cut west
  7. It could be that the deform band moves west of you quickly. But sure looks like down slop from tug
  8. https://www.lakechamplaincommittee.org/learn/news/item/lake-effect-snow#navmain. Here is a interesting article about lake snow on lake Champlain.
  9. I have asked myself this. Think its like 20 miles long. I don't see why its couldn't. Probally not long enough fetch.
  10. Your reaching. Lol. But a good question. I know its very shallow isnt it. All my years around here never heard of it.
  11. The max in ne ny looks to be upslop from Adirondack from Saint Lawrence valley.
  12. Got to be east winds coming down off of greens and berks
  13. Its got to be orographic. You can clearly see mowhawk valley
  14. That hole near Albany is brutal. Been there on all model runs.
  15. Even at 10 to 1 its a foot. So guessing its showing 15 to 1 here. Not to unbelievable.
  16. Through 42 euro looks super tucked and stronger near jersey
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