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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. GEFS has a respectable mean. Like 66% of this falls within 24 hours - but just to be inclusive of the whole period it's the best run so far for the 50th percentile map in a 24 hour window - more likely then not it does "something" is how I like to read these
  2. if it's an ensemble map (GEPS, GEFS, EPS), it's usually a mean or median. If it's coming from the parent (the CMC, the GFS, the EURO), it is verbatim showing what the model outputted. Different types of maps may result in slightly different outputs, as they use different formulas to decide how much snow has fallen (or stuck, in some cases) sometimes i or others post percentile maps - those are also only for ensembles. These are like the confidence maps I don't think it's that easy but I'm the wrong guy. I think they try and knock out these biases in subsequent updates but the best forecasters almost like to know the biases so they know how to correct or mentally adjust. YMMV - idk which biases are real these days I think most of us would consider EURO king but GFS has it's days (yesterday). NAM did well yesterday too... some storms seem to work out better for the American suite of models then others. the GEM/CMC and UKIE are supposedly good models but maybe not for our specific purposes.
  3. Maybe I just pulled them too soon… being told it snowed more past those hours. You prob nailed it
  4. Might be including a little bit of snow this Saturday in those maps?
  5. Totals: Union Station, D.C.: 14.25" NW Arlington: 16.25"
  6. Drizzling/melting this morning. Not sure I see any convincing reasons to bump my totals past 6”.
  7. Radar looks more like our typical storms right now, lol. Hope ya’ll cash in overnight.
  8. No practical difference between my 11 and 12 o’clock measurements. Gonna roll with 6” in DC and N Arlington for now and let the spotter reports/ya’ll help me tweak it in the morning, if needed. good storm!
  9. Realize we’ve got bigger fish to maybe fry but no love for the GFS at 90? Close enough to watch.
  10. Right at 6” at 11:00pm… maybe managing .33”/hr. Could plausibly get to 7”.
  11. I know this is rich given my relative wealth today but it’s been annoying seeing the yellows and dark greens get stuck in the same spot just south for the past 2 hours or so. Maybe making a little progress now
  12. hey, that’s 3 blocks away! Gonna borrow that ob. measured 5.3” around 9:20. 6” seems like a lock.
  13. That’s pretty sad! But nice that it happened. snowing at a decent clip but not impressive as the 5-8pm timeframe. Plows have won back the main roads. Assuming I’ll claw my way to 6” but everything is compacting so I’ll have to rely on spotters.
  14. Have nowhere super good to measure on my small deck but I’ve got 4.5”, roughly. Not super heavy right now.
  15. Somewhere around 3”? Good walk
  16. ... is this saying you got 6"/hr?
  17. Little over 1" - 5:05pm. Jebwalk around 5:30.
  18. GFS with some very light snow Saturday before ice.
  19. Little over 0.5” near Union Station
  20. Only meant that with optimism - might not have come off that way. What I tried to say was I think we're gonna get rocked for 6 hours
  21. trying to decide if there is any reason we can't maintain these rates for the next 6"? Think we'll be happy
  22. Rippage... down to 31.5 just like that.
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