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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. I think it’s unlikely the follow up storm ends up anything but suppressed this run. Join me on the Jan. 5-6 dark side. It’s fun for everyone!
  2. Will’s map doesn’t tell the full story - goes HECS N MD and north. Close to a banger for everyone.
  3. I'm just looking at 24hr snow means/medians but thought the 6th was neutral and ya'll improved for the 8th.
  4. it's very good - honestly. It's no babygirl, though.
  5. Gets a little suppressed and can’t quite finish the pummeling. But better!
  6. GFS looking real good for the 6th. Almost sent a Jaws but worried it could fizzle/suppress
  7. I think it will work, that’s why I’m so grumpy! I don’t need to go into the theoretical discussion over the benefits of mean vs. median again, the median is fairly strong too — around 3” for the whole period. I was excited to see the Jan 6. event appear on the 24hr median - first time the EPS has had something like this at range all year. It’s quite modest, as any 24hr median will be at range, but I view median as “this is the bar.” My bar for Jan. 6 is increasingly that winter weather will happen.
  8. EPS really quite surprised for the 8th-10th shot. Won’t speak to the H5 but it’s a notable step back from 00z. Maybe a hair better for the 5th-6th
  9. GEFS looks better for the 7th-8th then precious runs, btw. I’d still be worrying about suppression but the signal is much better.
  10. pretty much - i think it's gonna suppress the 9th/10th into the GoM. Isn't even that cold locally either, dc gets to 32 some of the days
  11. idk - this looks like a nice spot to be in. Need a little colder
  12. storm after the storm after the storm, see you Jan. 15
  13. It’s really close on Dec. 7… in the range you just said you wanted it to be on the GFS!
  14. NYD looks fine - maybe some snow TV in the PA/OH part of the journey? Won’t pretend I can look at a map of Wyoming and predict mountain snow but the drive mostly looks chilly with some snow showers plausible
  15. the SC/NC/GA mets have been very excited about this pattern. Would love this to work for all parties!
  16. idk if that bodes well for the 8-9th either - don’t you sorta need the 5-6 storm to cut?
  17. I know very few people are interested in this period given the potential shown elsewhere but GEPS received the Jan. 4 threat last night and even the OPs have been showing something on that date on recent runs. Idk how this impacts downstream for the later, more HECS-y opportunities.
  18. Kuchera always lies but given that is falling when temps are like 10F you could probably 1.5x those results too.
  19. Yeah, I don’t think enough was made of that run last night. During the daytime that would’ve have garnered enough posts to shut this forum down. Ultimate cold smoke blizzard run just happened overnight.
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