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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. We’ve got literally nothing else to look at or do. We’re sickos. Heck, @clskinsfanjust admitted he checked out the 48th hour of the 00z HRRR just for kicks for flurries nobody is even tracking. If we didn’t check the models and post them every 6 hours we’d have nothing to talk about. All that would be left is sports banter and beer pictures. Maybe that would be better…
  2. It’s closer on Jan. 8 though, at least. Some solace for a weary group.
  3. I like to redirect people to the article published by the ECMWF - I'm sure there is also more in-depth literature published somewhere for the real nerds.
  4. AI Euro is a respectable snowstorm - this should be all snow Fredericksburg and north.
  5. I think we say this every year and never do but we really should consider taking the CMC just as seriously as the GFS if not more
  6. This is true - but will warn that the EPS is increasingly looking the same way. Week(s) to go - but be aware!
  7. modest, emphasis on modest, improvement on 12z EURO. Dusting for SE MD and the Tidewater.
  8. EURO is crawling this morning. Must be loading the double HECS
  9. We'll see what the EURO/EPS does... I've liked what we've done this year and made threads about 2 days out for the dusting-2" events. If discussion gets too clogged between our shots on the 4th/6th/10th(?) it makes sense.
  10. Speaking of not giving up until the shorter-range, I'll keep beating the Jan. 4 drum. ICON ens (as I understand it, a fork of the EPS) took about a ~200m jump to the NE. Still got 5 days.
  11. historically things go well when I'm gone so you want me gone. When I was a student at UVA and tried to guess whether Cville or Arlington would do better, I always got it wrong. Think I'm stuck in the DC area for several years but you should all be crowdfunding my exit
  12. 06z AIFS is a 1-2" baby thump followed by rain/sleet for the 6th. No follow up storms after that.
  13. was gonna fly out Tuesday - now looking at flying out Sunday to maybe dodge this mess lol. I'm a mess and this storm is equally a mess.
  14. light snow at 7:00am Monday, but think sleet is quickly on the doorstep
  15. It's a little closer on Jan. 4. Still have time to trend that into a light event, at least for the beaches.
  16. Family is now threatening to fly out for our vacation on Sunday instead of Tuesday. May have to stand my ground lol if the 5th/6th window works out
  17. I feel like this post should be memorialized somewhere
  18. Front end thump is solid enough, but the northern parts of the forum last longer AND get hit by the CCB. Just need it a few hairs more south. Lots of time
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