18z EURO went south. I’d take it with the assumption this trends north as things tend to do, unless you think the EURO/GFS have finally found the exact compromise spot at Day 5.
That was before the event got too mainstream and changed my plans. All my voodoo is going towards Friday/Saturday now… though I’m trying to be nice about it in the main LR thread
The mean ended up the same between 00z and 12z but I do want to help maybe level-set some folks (including myself) and just really hammer home that the OP EURO is an outlier on its members. Only a 10-20% chance - and it's closer to 10%, of >6in 10:1.
For those looking beyond this period (cough, me) the EURO and the GFS both have an interesting setup for Jan 14/15. Waaaay at the end of the run, but if things fizzle out into suppression hell after the 6th, that might be the next opportunity.
There is obviously more to it than timing (maybe @CAPE's jet stream lift?) but the CMC and EURO really look the same in a lot of ways... just depends on the thumpiness of the thump and EURO being ~12 hours quicker. EURO still collapses/shreds when it gets closer to the coast.