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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. The coastal does a great deal for the subforum - would love to see that feature continue to improve
  2. I deleted a norther post since ya'll are disagreeing - I think it may just be the dual precip maxima starting to show. But it is drier. Less thumpy.
  3. that the ICON sucks or that it can't snow in DC anymore?
  4. No one is hiding it because they were bad - they were good!
  5. ok - yes the icon sucks, but TT only shows rain/snow. Pivotal has the rain/snow/ice/sleet maps. There are good and bad reasons to trash a model.
  6. Prices only going up everywhere... not unrelated to that remote work convo some of us had earlier. If I could work remote anywhere in the U.S., would be close to where you are at. Hard to beat that snow w/ proximity to family/an area to which I'm attached.
  7. I look at Zillow every day out there... much cheaper than buying a house out here around D.C.. Idk if I want to ruin any first-time homebuyer credit on that endeavor, though
  8. ya know what we say, "our best events are when LWX is playing catchup..." it is funny that perhaps the best meteorological agency in the world comes in and says something totally reasonable and we say "meh" lol. I honestly read that as very much in line with the 6" NBM... just probably not gonna hit 10"+.
  9. It would be an ugly a$$ chase but I'd run down a Snow Squall Warning (safely) if I could. That's kinda unique. Speaking of another event I missed, I was out of town for the 2014 Super Squall
  10. I'm probably not gonna do it but I'm debating chasing this lol. I still haven't seen "snow" this year. Seen a couple snow flakes. Wish the timing would slow down a bit.
  11. Correct - it’ll be 3 years out in May. So it’s a product of COVID, really. We mirror our client, went from full remote, to 2-day, to “3”-day hybrid. Dunno what the next years will bring.
  12. My entire professional career has been hybrid... feel like the rug is gonna get pulled out from me soon, though (government-adjacent work)
  13. where were you when Giants legend Danny Dimes took the Vikings out of the playoffs?
  14. Honestly you can't go wrong anywhere near/along the National Mall. I'd get off at the Smithsonian stuff and just walk around. Tidal basin if you want water in your photos, Lincoln/Washington/Capitol Building if you want something imposing. Some of the gardens/sneakier spots near the Capitol would be cool to photograph. Some more subtle monuments and views you'd see just circling the building.
  15. You'll get your WSW-criteria snowfall on Monday and you'll like it!
  16. yes!! Come get some snowy pictures of the Capitol. I've been waiting for 2 years. Only place more beautiful than UVA in the snow might be DC.
  17. A couple smart degreed mets I'm in chats with are throwing out a yellow flag that the AI modeling is lighter on precip than the globals... their take on the AI is that they are essentially really fancy analogs, since they work by referencing the dataset of previous storms and then guessing the outcome from there. Food for thought, I guess, don't mean to deb.
  18. DCA was really unimpressive during last years' 3-5"ers. I think folks will have trouble coming in and out of DCA on Monday and Tuesday... with the way plane delays and cancellations roll over it could be tricky. I got my family to push our flight out of DCA from Tuesday morning -> Sunday morning instead, as much as it pained the weenie in me. The good news about DCA (or IAD, if that's your destination) is that the metro hooks right up to the airports. It operates close to normal in up to 4-6", and they'll be clearing it throughout the day. If you land, you can get to downtown proper and hopefully close to your hotel.
  19. Not to shill for DCA - but they were on point during the storms last year. No suspicious activity. They even recorded .1" this year during that morning sleet a week or two ago. Think they've found a generous slant-sticker to conduct the measurements.
  20. Idk if it went norther as much as it got drier/mixy/rainer souther. Think the dry slot is becoming better modeled
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