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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Think it was a legit .25”. Pics too big to upload but great stuff so far. See if band 2 does anything.
  2. Absolute rippage. Huge flakes. Gonna be over .1”
  3. Also I’ve banned myself from posting in the 1/5-6 thread. @mods if I post anything but obs from my girlfriend or a margarita, ban me for 4 days.
  4. Not taking any chances. Chasing this into VA.
  5. If those yellows make it to D.C. and it's all rain I may shut down the thread
  6. where you at? I'm on PTO... I'm not gonna be here for this weekend's storm, if I haven't made that abundantly clear
  7. Hoping the “first round” of snow showers cools down DC enough for these to spit out some flakes.
  8. It’s a teeny tiny bit norther but largely a hold
  9. I prefer to view my posting as fair and balanced
  10. I think I love my family more than snow, sadly. Should snow again in my lifetime. im also saving the ditch vacation idea for the HECS next weekend instead of this MECS
  11. It’s getting tough when everything looks so good
  12. Okay… starting to get antsy about this vacation again. Considering if I can make it out of town Tuesday. Probably not, unfortunately. Grrrrr
  13. WxBell flips DCA at 7am and doesn’t have it coming back to “pure” snow til at least after 4pm… verbatim on the ptype maps. im actually in the office today so cant check the soundings to see if its legit
  14. I think when it’s showing something in the range of reasonable guidance you can look at it. RGEM and it’d HRDPS cousin do have a documented cold/wet (overdoing banding) bias, though.
  15. You can call it a trend at this point, but works for lots of folks here.
  16. WxBell's p-type guesser says DCA has flipped by 75 - but worth digging into the soundings.
  17. Not sure the EPS is any more dispersive from its parent than the GEFS, especially at this range.
  18. Never really thought this one was gonna result in accumulations, would just like my snow shower to be a snow shower and not a rain shower. Tough ask in Downtown DC
  19. The January storms shifted south the whole way; they were Philly storms only 48-72 hours before Dec. 2018 actually shifted notably north in even the last 12-24 hours, which is typical and why I wouldn’t mind this south shift personally
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