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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Valid - wasn't sure from people's "sky is falling" takes if the relax was actually temporary. Thanks!
  2. Between Wednesday and a little Thursday… EURO gets DCA to a Kuchera inch.
  3. The NAMs nailed the Jan. 2016 storm impacting NYC at like 48hrs out when nothing else had it. Consider this that but on a much more modest impact level
  4. It gets the Kuchera 1” line closer to DC. Not by much, but mood flakes could be on the table.
  5. Maybe they were headed south? I doubt VA Beach has too many plows on hand
  6. UKIE literally just said what storm? Like zero precipitation anywhere on the east coast Edit: okay some for obx
  7. GFS has something in the area on the 25th. Just throwing it out there… not expecting it to stick
  8. Yeah, his scale is just higher than mine. I’d knock everything down 4” and agree with the map enough. Too aggressive
  9. I see that - still think it’s possible which is why I was defending that map as not insane. If I was making a map right now I’d have DC in the 1-2” range with RIC 4-8”… some iso 8-12” on the VA/delmarva beaches
  10. Hope ya’ll cash in… mentally toying with the idea of a roadtrip. If anyone isn’t a murderer and has an open basement, feel free to DM me
  11. It’s the GFS/EURO with a 50mi NW jump. I don’t think it’s insane. I was looking at the GFS and thinking that in a normal winter I’d be okay with where it’s at 3 days out. With the strengthening confluence and seasonal trend tho I imagine we’re toasted tho think 2-4” is salvageable for dc metro
  12. @psuhoffmanis that your your alter ego in the comments?
  13. Any chance it does a loop-de-loop?
  14. @psuhoffmangenuinely, massive respect for going down with an apparently sinking ship. Appreciate your commitment to the meteorology and “modelogy” and trying to make sense of it.
  15. Confluence is one of those things that could plausibly weaken toward game time… we’ve lost storms north that way. Obviously not that helpful to see things trending the other way though
  16. I’m banned from this thread - not a believer. Good luck!
  17. in this thread, is it illegal to say that they went further SE?
  18. Considered never done it - I’d get a hotel just because I feel like they are more responsible for shoveling out their parking. If you have a better car for the snow, may not matter.
  19. At least it’s gonna be really cold
  20. This is the model outcome psu endorsed
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