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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. Would not have guessed that was an EF3 from the radar signatures or the debris, really. Guess the picture of the lifted bus was pretty impressive, when I think about it. edit: woah, 159mph EF3. Close to an EF4. I want more damage pics!
  2. Looks pretty solid... hard to tell because of the proximity to KLWX Looking like an embedded supercell.
  3. Storm coming up into CHO seems to have decent rotation, but tough to tell given the radar hole.
  4. Never got any sun in Charlottesville. Not sure how interesting the line will be here.
  5. Storm that just got SVR warned by RIC has a little rotation with it.
  6. Little surprised the storm by Fredericksburg isn't TW'd. Tightened up on the last scan.
  7. Maybe confirmed TORR? Can’t tell if this local radio station just doesn’t know what a tornado warning means.
  8. TDS or not, surprised they haven’t extended the warning yet. This storm is racing NE.
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